Los Tres Reyes Magos: Realia

YouTube videoclips

Go to the following website links, then answer the questions about the video clips.

A)Lucy’s First Three Kings Day (1:33)

1. Why do the shoes have straw in them?

2. What does Lucy hope for from the Kings?

3. What connection can you make with the

straw tradition and a US one?

B) Epcot Center (1:15)

(Start at the 2:50 mark and end at the 4:05 mark)

1. How long did the kings follow the Bethlehem star?

2. What are oro, insienso, mirra?

3. What date is el díade los tres reyes magos?

4. What do Mexican children leave on their

doorsteps for the Kings?

5. Where do the kings leave presents for the


6. Make a connection between the travel days of

the kings, with an English Christmas carol.


C)Cabalgatas mas originales (1:16)

Where does each 3 Kings appearance occur?

1. _____ traditional parade in streets

2. _____ climbing ladders with packages to pass out

3. _____ speeding in on a police boat

4. _____ debarking from sailboat

5. _____ arriving in a giant catamaran

6. _____ skiing down a mountain

7. _____ riding camels along the shore

8. _____ throwing candy to homes from giant floats

  1. Valencia
  2. Sonsoles Villanueva
  3. Sierra Nevadas
  4. Sevilla
  5. San Sebastián
  6. Gijón
  7. Barcelona
  8. Alcoy

D)At home(1:33)

1. What American gifts does the boy ask for?

2. What American gift does the girl ask of the Three Kings?

3. What gift does Gaspar bear for the baby Jesus?

4. And what does Melchor bring?

5. And Baltasar?

6. ¿De dónde es Baltasar?

E)Pontevedra (5:40)

1. What are the names of the 3 Kings?

2. What are some things they are doing in this

clip that we don’t see Santa Claus do?

3. How long does the video clip go, before you

finally see the kings giving out presents?

4. What seems to be the kings’ mission in this clip

in Pontevedra?

5. Imagine yourself a reporter: write a short

news blurb, describing the details of the story

in this clip.

6. Whether you agree/believe/practice 3 Kings or not, what caught your attention most in this video?

Note: Once again, you are being taught an integral part of Hispanic culture/religion. These cannot be separated from language learning, because you need to know the people with whom you’re communicating. You don’t have to agree, believe, like, or practice it. No one’s telling you what to believe.


F)Hospital (3:21)

1. How does this video clip begin?

2. What does “noticias” mean?

3. What are the 3 Kings’ names?

4. What tune is being played by the musicians?

5. Who are accompanying the kings?

6. What seems to be the mission of the kings, in

this video clip?

G)In the classroom (3:27)

1. What’s the name of the first king mentioned?

2. Who is the second king?

3. And the third?

4. What are the students placing in the box?

5. What are some things the king says when the

boy asks about the “camellos”?

6. The kings visit this public school in Spain.

Contrast that with American schools. Give

your opinion about that difference. Back it up.

Los 3 Reyes Magos: Anuncios

YouTube videoclips

Go to the following websites links, then answer the questions about the video clips.

H) Parade-Commercial, Florida (3:37)

1. Who is the sponsor of this Three Kings Day Parade and Festival?

2. Why does the Miami mayor think it’s important to have a parade and festival?

3. How long has this event been taking place?

4. How many spectators come to this event?

5. Who is part of the pre- and post- event parties?

6. Univisión neglects to name an organization that they work with, to give away toys and gifts to disadvantaged youth. Name it.

7. What is the mission of this promotional?

8. Spanish books and dictionaries give the trans-lation of the English word “parade”, as “desfile.” Theorize why this Floridian promotional uses the word “parade.”

9. Evaluate: How would you make this video better (“I would do nothing” is not acceptable)


I)Shop Latino TV (1:00)

1. What is the line of questioning in the first and second sets of the little girl’s questions?

2. And the third and fourth?

3. What does the second girl explain to the first?

4. Why use Shop Latino TV?

5. What do you feel the advantages are of

Christmas shopping by phone or on-line?

6.What do you feel the advantages are of Christmas

shopping at actual stores?

J) Ultima Hora

Clip 1

1. Explain what “el diario ‘Ultima Hora’ ” is.

2. What does this clip seem to be advertising?

3. What do the three ovals above the kings represent?

Clip 2 (0:21)

1. When is the first coupon for this game available?

Clip 3 (0:28)

1. Why is there a decimal point in 6.000?

Los 3 Reyes Magos: Canciones

YouTube videoclips

K) Los Reyes Magos-Tatiana (3:17)

1. Un buen día todo comenzó

La historia lo describe así

Llegaron los Reyes Magos

A saludarte a ti

2. Muchos juguetes han traído

Con alegría y felicidad

Tu premio por ser tan bueno

Bueno con tus Papás


El es Melchor, el es Gaspar y el otro Baltazar

El es Melchor, el es Gaspar y el otro va saltar


3. Quiero un trenecito

Que me diga así Pu pu

Y también una muñeca ideal

Que siempre me diga así Mamá


-repite # 1

-repite # 2

-(estribillo x 2)

-repite # 3

-(estribillo x 2)

L) Spanish Harlem (1:23)

El dia de Reyes es el 6 de enero

Yo queiro cantarle a Jesús primero

La estrella de Venús, brilla todos los días

Si tú miras el cielo

Cuenta te darás

Que en la Navidad, es cuando más brilla

Porque ya indicaba que Jesús venía

Porque ya indicaba que Jesús venía

What Puerto Rican instrument is the man playing?

M) Cuando los reyes vieron al Niño (3:14)

Cuando los reyes vieron al Niño,
En un portal cerquita de Belén;
Se confirmó, la tradición más fiel
Que habla de su gloria, hasta la eternidad.
Cuando los reyes vieron al Niño,
En un portal cerquita de Belén;
Sin vacilar, el mundo va de fiesta,
Y cada corazón musita esta oración.
Dios del cielo, que hiciste la mañana;
Y también, que brille más el sol.
Dios del cielo, bendice nuestras almas,
Tú que traes el amor.
Cuando los reyes vieron al Niño,
En un portal cerquita de Belén...
Eres la fuente, la luz resplandeciente,
Señor omnipotente, la gloria eres tú.
Dan don, dan din don
Ya las campanas tocan la fiesta,
Porque ha nacido Dios el Salvador;
El sol le dio, de rayos su fulgor,
Para loar de gloria toda una eternidad.
Dios del cielo, Señor del universo,
Que a la tierra nos muestra el camino.
Dios del cielo, venimos a adorarte,
El que ofrenda el alma mía

Music sheet for piano and guitar:

Note: Once again, you are being taught an integral part of Hispanic culture/religion. These cannot be separated from language learning, because you need to know the people with whom you’re communicating. You don’t have to agree, believe, like, or practice it. No one’s telling you what to believe.
