21st May 2015

The Chantry

9:00 pm

In attendance: Craig Carscadden (Chair), Nigel Hale, Hugh McPherson, Ros Rowland, Emma Barnes, Steve Dimond, Mark Williams, Gemma Morgan.

Apologies: Rob Watkins, Ross Turnbull, Mark Grimsey, Selina Slater, John Watt, Rebecca Dunsford

Approval of previous meeting minutes: The minutes were approved as an accurate record

Matters arising from previous meeting (16th April 2015)

Publicity Officer

Judy Mills continues to act as Publicity Officer, placing regular items in The Gazette. Craig will check with Judy that she is willing to be our Publicity officer.

Action: Craig to discuss Publicity Officer role with Judy Mills.

Use of footpath through the paddock above the leisure centre.

A Club run has been held across this land with no problems encountered.

Installation of MS Excel onto race laptops.

Nothing has been heard from Mark Grimsey whether MS Excel has been installed.

Treasurer’s Report

No major expenditure has been made since the last meeting. There will be some out-goings coming up shortly for the Thornbury 10K. Craig agreed to make up a spreadsheet for Thornbury 10K income and expenditure so that Ros and Emma can concentrate on race organisation and not have to worry about the financial side. Spending on race equipment will be split three ways between each of our races. Gemma pointed out that she will have two trophies to buy for the Thornbury 10K.

The current account balanceis £9,143.04. Deposit account balance is now £5228.25. Cash in hand is £152.07. Surplus of income over expenditure for the current year is £(247.58).

Action: Craig to draw up a spreadsheet for Thornbury 10K income and out-goings.

Secretary’s Report

Membership total is 118, which includes 13 new members. England Athletics membership stands at 24 individual members.

Craig pointed out that if we have ten people who are new EA members we are entitled to a training session from an EA coach. At present we only have 2 new EA members, the remainder being renewals.

Club Championship.

It was agreed that the rules for last year will apply again this year. John will give details to Steve to put on the web site.

Action: John to liaise with Steve on placing details of Club Championship on the web site.

Non-payers of Club subscription.

From the membership data presented by the Secretary two members were identified who continue, albeit only occasionally, to run with the Club but who have not yet paid the 2015 subs. Craig volunteered to remind them of this oversight.

Action: Craig to remind non-payers to pay their 2015 subs.

Club development.

It was agreed that the criterion of being able to run 5 miles is putting people off from coming along to try out the Club. Craig volunteered to re-word this part of the web site, also including a mention of the walking group. The possibility of a beginner’s course in January (to attract people with New Year fitness resolutions) was considered although some thought would have to go into devising a well-lit and safe location. Club development will be kept on the agenda for further discussion.

Action: Craig discuss rewording of the web site with Steve

Action: Secretary to include this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

Helen Ralphs Trophy.

This trophy is for new(ish) members who have made a notable contribution. A couple of names were suggested but no final choice made.

Action: Committee members to continue this discussion via e-mail.

Summer Social

It was agreed that it would be nice to hold another BBQ at The Anchor, Oldbury on either 11th or 18th July. Craig said that he would ask Selina if she would be interested in contacting The Anchor.

Action: Craig to discuss a summer social at The Anchor with Selina.

Any Other Business

·  Footpath maintenance.

Steve reported that he still has not heard anything back on this

·  Race banners

Ros asked about putting up banners to publicise races. It was established that this is OK if the banners are not put on private land or property without permission and did not act as a distraction to motorists. It was thought that Berkeley Vale Motors might be agreeable to our placing a banner outside their premises. It was agreed that they would need to be modifiable (i.e. change the date information). Steve commented that he may know of a suitable supplier and that he could supply any wood for DIY banners. Gemma thought that Ross may be willing to produce laminated signs.

It was agreed to put this on the agenda for publicising the Oldbury 10.

Action: Secretary to add publicity banners to the agenda for the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 10:15.

Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 16th July.

Nigel Hale, Secretary