Montgomery Development Education Centre

79 Queen Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1AN

Our entrance can be found on Shoe Lane, opposite the side door of the Lemon Tree Arts Centre.

Please ring the bell on the left hand side to gain access.

T: 01224 620111 E: W:


Learning for Sustainability is learning to live within the environmental limits of our planet and to build a just, equitable and peaceful society... UNESCO 2013

Courtesy of the General Teaching Council Scotland website

It is concerned with every level and type of learning and the provision of quality education for all.

Learning for Sustainability is embedded in the new GTC Scotland Standards

It is a requirement for all teachers to embrace the associated values of LfS and demonstrate thesein their practice.

All learners have an entitlement to LfS.

Every school should have a whole-school approach to LfS that is robust, demonstrable, evaluated, and supported at all levels.

Learning for Sustainability in the Curriculum for Excellence

LfS weaves together and builds upon the CfE themes of:

Sustainable development education

Global citizenship

Outdoor learning

Health and well-being

Learning for Sustainability in School

LfS in school requires

‘A whole school approach that enables the school and wider community to build the values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and confidence needed to develop practices and take decisions which are compatible with a sustainable and equitable world’.

The report of the One Planet Schools Group 2012

Learning for Sustainability as a teacher

From the General Teaching Council for Scotland’s Learning for Sustainability standards:

Professional Values and
Personal Commitment / Embracing locally and globally the educational and social values of sustainability, equality and justice and recognising the rights and responsibilities of future as wellas current generations.

You will find more at

Scroll down the page to what does it mean for me and click on all teachers for useful reflective points.

The Montgomery Development Education Centre is the education section of the Third World Centre SCIO, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered as a Charity in Scotland (Scottish Charity Number SC014585).