NT522: Elementary Greek II Holly Beers

Summer 2010

Intensive: July 19-23 Cell phone: 612-226-2414

Elementary Greek II

Course Description:

Presentation of fundamentals pertaining to Greek verb, noun, and clause with respect to forms and simple relationships (syntax). Reading and understanding of materials with elementary vocabulary. (from Bethel catalog)

Course Learning Objectives:

Acquisition of basic skills and knowledge in the following areas:

(1) Fundamentals (such as alphabet, pronunciation, grammar)

(2) Frequently used NT vocabulary (those occurring 50 times or more)

(3) Ability to read a variety of New Testament texts with a basic level of

proficiency and confidence

(4) Linguistic theory as it pertains to basic translation

(5) An understanding of the value of a growing knowledge of Koine Greek for

New Testament interpretation

Required Textbooks and Materials:

Aland, Barbara, et al., eds.The Greek New Testament, 4th rev. ed. Stuttgart: United

BibleSocieties, 2001. ISBN for Greek NTwith dictionary: 3-438-05113-3.(This is available in other ISBN numbers. I have provided the number for the version containing a Greek-English dictionary. You may get a different version, but be certain that yours is the 4th edition of the UBS [United Bible Societies] Greek New Testament.)

Mounce, William D. Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar.2d Ed. Grand Rapids:

Zondervan, 2003. ISBN: 978-0-310-25087-6.

Mounce, William D. Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook. 2d Ed. Grand Rapids:

Zondervan, 2003. ISBN: 978-0-310-25086-9.

Mounce, William D. Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards. Grand Rapids:

Zondervan, 2004. ISBN: 978-0-310-25987-9. (You may substitute other vocab cards if you wish.)


Workbook Exercises/Conference Call Participation (15%): Though workbook exercises will not be submitted for grading, the student's readiness for weekly phone conference calls will be assessed and factored into the overall course grade, as will also be the case with class participation during the intensive week.

Grammar Quizzes (50%): Taken during weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and twice during the intensive, these quizzes will focus upon the new grammar material from that week. Quizzes generally will include both parsing and translation. The lowest scoring quiz will be dropped at the end of the quarter.

Vocabulary Quiz (10%): Taken sometime during weeks 6-8, this quiz will contain 30 vocabulary words from chs. 20-31 of Mounce. *** DUE August 15th ***

Final Exam (23%): Taken during week 10, this exam will cover vocabulary, parsing, and translation of all material covered in Mounce (chs 1-35). A study guide for the exam will be provided under Course Documents approximately one week prior to taking it.

Course Evaluation (2%): Taken between August 23 and September 3, the evaluation will be under the “Assignment” tab in Blackboard. An announcement will remind you to complete the evaluation on August 23. All results are confidential and anonymous.

Announcements/E-Mails/Short Videos from Professor (not graded): The professor will post an occasional announcement or send an e-mail with course information. Also, students are expected to watch several (probably 3-4) short videos/media segments from the professor throughout the course. These will be approximately 5-10 minutes long and will occur every other week or so. The purpose of these is for the prof to give study hints, encouragement, devotional aspects related to our study, etc. The normal day for these videos to be posted will be Monday (though the prof reserves the right to post one on a different day if needed), and an e-mail will be sent to the class as a notification/reminder when one is available.

Discussion Board (optional, not graded): Discussion forums will be available on Blackboard for students to interact on questions related to Greek, as well as for sharing ideas (e.g. memorization tips), success stories and personal/transformational insights.

Late Work Policy:

Work submitted late without prior approval from the instructor will be penalized 10% for each day late. Please do not ask for due date extensions unless the circumstances are extreme.

Grading Scale:

94-100 A / 85-89 B / 77-80 C / 67-70 D
92-93 A- / 83-84 B- / 74-76 C- / 65-66 D-
90-91 B+ / 81-82 C+ / 71-73 D+ / Below 65 F

NT522: Elementary Greek II Schedule

Week 1: June 21-27

·  Vocabulary: Memorize vocabulary words from chs. 20-21

·  Read Chapters 20-21 in conjunction with Week 1 audio/slides

·  Handouts:

o  Contract and Liquid Verbs

o  Imperfect Indicative

·  Memorize:

o  + Imperfect active and middle/passive paradigms (pp. 183-84)

o  + Imperfect of eimi (p. 189)

·  Workbook:

o  Exercise 20 - Parsing: All; Warm-Up: 1-3; Translation: 1-9, odds

o  Exercise 21 - Parsing: All; Warm-Up: 1-3; Translation: 1-9, odds

·  1 John: intro (video); translate 1 John 1:1-4

·  Phone conference with coach and team (pre-set time: Thurs-Fri).

·  Take grammar quiz (available Thurs 12 a.m. - Sun at midnight)

Week 2: June 28-July 4

·  Vocabulary: Memorize vocabulary words from chs. 23-24

·  Read Chapters 23 and 24 in conjunction with Week 2 audio/slides

·  Handouts:

o  Aorist Tense

o  Future Indicative Verbs

·  Memorize:

o  + First aorist active, middle, and passive paradigms (pp. 204, 207, 214)

o  + Future passive paradigm (p. 217)

·  Workbook:

o  Exercise 23 - Parsing: All; Warm-Up: 1-3; Translation: 1, 3, 5, 9

o  Exercise 24 - Parsing: All; Warm-Up: 1-3 Translation: 1, 2, 7, 9

·  1 John: translate 1:5-10

·  Phone conference with coach and team (Thurs-Fri)

·  No Conference Call This Week (Independence Day Holiday)

·  Take grammar quiz (available Thurs 12 a.m. - Monday, July 5 at midnight [not Sunday!]).

Week 3: July 5-11

·  Vocabulary: Memorize vocabulary words from ch. 22

·  Read Chapter 22 in conjunction with Week 3 audio/slides

·  Handouts:

o  Aorist Tense

·  Worksheet (optional):

o  Indicative Verbs (for practice)

·  Memorize:

o  + Second aorist active and middle paradigms (pp. 195, 197)

·  Workbook:

o  Exercise 22: All parsing and warm-up; Translation: 1-10

·  1 John: translate 1 John 2:1-6

·  Phone conference with coach and team (pre-set time: Thurs-Fri).

·  Take grammar quiz (available Thurs 12 a.m. - Sun at midnight)

Week 4: July 12-18

·  Vocabulary: Memorize vocabulary words from ch. 25

·  Read chapter 25 in conjunction with Week 4 audio/slides

·  Handouts:

·  Perfect Tense

·  Greek Middle Voice

·  Identifying Greek Verbs

·  Memorize:

·  + Perfect active and middle/passive paradigms (pp. 226-27)

·  Workbook:

·  Exercise 25: All parsing and warm-up; Translation: 1-10

·  1 John: translate 1 John 2:7-14

·  Phone conference with coach and team (Thurs-Fri)

·  Take grammar quiz (available Thurs 12 a.m. - Sun at midnight)

Week 5: ON CAMPUS - July 19-23 (Mon-Fri)

·  Chapters 26-31

·  1 John 2:15-4:1

·  2 quizzes during intensive week

Week 6: July 26-August 1

·  Review chapter 31 in conjunction with in-class notes from Friday of intensive week.

·  Vocabulary: Memorize vocabulary words from ch. 31.

·  Workbook: Exercise 31 - All parsing and warm-up; Translation: 1-10

·  1 John: translate 1 John 4:2-9

·  Optional Phone conference with coach and team (Thurs.-Fri.)

·  Take Vocabulary Quiz (sometime during weeks 6-8). There is not a grammar quiz this week, there is only this vocab quiz. You have until the end of week 8 to take it, but during weeks 7 and 8 there is a grammar quiz, so week 6 is the best week to take the vocab quiz. J Quiz will consist of 30 Greek words, for each of which you are to provide one English definition. Words will be selected from chs. 20-31 of Mounce. * Vocab quiz is available Thursday, July 29-Sunday, August 15th.

Week 7: August 2-8

·  Vocabulary: Memorize vocabulary words from ch. 32

·  Read: Chapter 32 in conjunction with Week 7 audio/slides

·  Handouts:

o  Infinitives

·  Memorize:

o  + Infinitive paradigms (p. 301)

o  + Infinitive form of eimi (1 form: 301, bottom of page)

·  Workbook:

o  Exercise 32 - All parsing and warm-up; Translation: 1-10

·  1 John: translate 1 John 4:10-17

·  Phone conference with coach and team (Thurs-Fri)

·  Take grammar quiz (available Thurs 12 a.m. - Sun at midnight)

Week 8: August 9-15

·  Vocabulary: Memorize vocabulary words from ch. 33

·  Read: Chapter 33 in conjunction with Week 8 audio/slides

·  Handout: Imperative Mood

·  Memorize:

o  + Imperative paradigms (pp. 313)

o  + Imperative of eimi (p. 314)

·  Workbook:

o  Exercise 33 - All parsing and warm-up; Translation: 1-10

·  1 John: translate 1 John 4:18-5:4

·  Phone conference with coach and team (Thurs-Fri)

·  Take grammar quiz (available Thurs 12 a.m. - Sun at midnight)

·  Vocabulary quiz due by Sunday, August 15!!

Week 9: August 16-22

·  Vocabulary: Memorize vocabulary words from ch. 34-35

·  Read: Chapters 34 and 35 in conjunction with Week 9 audio/slides

·  Handouts:

o  mi verbs

·  Memorize:

o  5 rules for mi verbs (pp. 321-24)

·  Workbook:

o  Exercise 34 - Parsing: 1-3; Warm-Up: All; Translation: 1-9 (odds)

o  Exercise 35 - Parsing: 1-3; Warm-Up: All; Translation: 1-9 (odds)

·  1 John: translate 1 John 5:5-12

·  Phone conference with coach and team (Thurs-Fri)

·  Take grammar quiz (available Thurs 12 a.m. - Sun at midnight)

Week 10: August 23-27 (Mon-Fri)

·  Review: Material from chs. 1-35 (esp. chs. 20-35)

·  Workbook:

o  Review #5 (pp. 101ff.) - Parsing: Odds; Translation: John 9:18-19

o  Review #6 (pp. 121ff.) - Parsing: Odds; Translation: Mark 1:9-11

o  Review #7 (pp. 147ff.) - Parsing: Odds; Translation: Matt 13:1-2

·  1 John: translate 1 John 5:13-21

·  Phone conference with coach and team (Thurs-Fri)

·  Take Final Exam with a proctor (available Thurs 12 a.m. – MONDAY AUGUST 30 at midnight).