Parish Council of Dacre

Chairman: Dr Alan J Rich

Clerk: Becx Carter, 40 Windebrowe Avenue, Keswick, CA12 4JA

Tel: 07786678283 Email:

Minutes for the Parish Council Meeting

Monday7th September 2015at 19:00 in NewbigginVillage Hall.


Cllr A J Rich, Cllr J Derbyshire, Cllr B Price, Cllr J Cameron, Cllr D Brass, Ms B Carter (Clerk)

88/15 Apologies for absence

Cllr C Bolton, CC/Cllr G Strong

89/15 Requests for dispensations and declaration of interests

  1. Request for dispensations

None received

  1. Declarations of Interest

None received

90/15 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd August 2015 had been received and read by all councillors. Resolved that the minutes were approved by all present. The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record by Cllr A Rich.

Action: Clerk to upload the minutes to the Dacre Parish Council Website.

80/15 Public Participation

No matters were raised

E/DC Cllr J Derbyshire provided an update on a number of issues that may be of interest to the council

-Omega Proteins- There is a group of District Councillors working on this issue, Cllr J Derbyshire is going to include an article in the forthcoming newsletter regarding this matter, and providing contacts for any interested parties.

-Housing Market Assessment- This is out as part of the Eden DC Local Plan, E/DC Cllr J Derbyshire encouraged councillors to have a look at this document.

-Newsletter- J Derbyshire informed the meeting that she was keen that the community newsletter remained independent and would be keen to welcome others to get involved in the production of this document. Resolved that Cllr B Price speak to the school to see if they would be willing to write an article

-Mapping & Street Names- E/DC Cllr J Derbyshire informed the meeting that a parishioner had raised concern that there areas in the parish that had no street name, which was causing difficulties with online shopping. Advice was given that most websites would accept the name of the village as a street address.

-Syrian Refugee Crisis- It was resolved that this be added to a future agenda for consideration to be given on if the community can do anything to help support any refugees in the local area.

Action: Clerk to look into what the process would be of applying for new street names.

91/15 Applications for co-option

No applications have been resolved. It was noted that there had been no call for an election following the resignation of Mr H Harrison, this vacancy is open for co-option. There are currently 5 vacancies for co-option.

Action: All councillors to spread the word regarding the vacancies.

Cllr A Rich informed the meeting that a parishioner had expressed an interest in applying for co-option.

Action: Clerk to invite the resident in question to the forthcoming parish council meeting, and to pass his contact details to Cllr A J Rich.

92/15 Reports on Matters Arising/Clerks Report

All councillors had received a copy of the Clerks report and its contents were noted, the clerk highlighted a couple of items to the councillors:


Hoghouse Hill- An article regarding this footpath is included in the forthcoming newsletter requesting people to come forward to provide evidence of continued usage. Cllr A J Rich informed the meeting that he had spoken to a number of residents who would be willing to state they had used it regularly since the 1990s.

Action: Clerk to send relevant paperwork to Cllr A J Rich for distribution and completion

Dalemain- The council felt it would be beneficial to have a map of the permitted footpaths on the Dalemain Estate this information could then be shared in the Newsletter.

Action: Cllr J Derbyshire to contact Suzy Hankin to ask if it is possible to have a map of this area.

Parish & Common Land Registration

The Clerk informed the meeting that Eden District Councils have now produced the draft Commons Management Scheme for the 6 areas of Common Land in Dacre (CL356, CL237, CL242 (both parts), CL347 & CL357). This draft scheme will be taken to the Eden District Council Committee on the 17th September 2015.

Resolved by all present that Dacre Parish Council would like to proceed with this scheme and accept the cost of £500 plus VAT.

Action: Clerk to communicate this decision to Eden DC, and also to confirm that Dacre PC would like to not only be able to undertake grass cutting but also to improve the land in question.

Action: Clerk to check on the expiry date of the Commons Management Scheme for Sunbeam Well in Newbiggin

Action: Cllr A J Rich to research if there is any possibility for grant from either FLD or Cumbria Waste Management Trust for the restoration/improvement of some of these parcels of land.

The meeting noted that following the parish lands walk around in August, work needs to be undertaking to register land that is currently unregistered. In addition another walk around needs to be scheduled to look at the remaining areas.

Action: Clerk to send round a doodle poll with some possible dates.

Broadband Update

Cllr B Price informed the meeting that the map has disappeared from the website, however he will keep working on this for a future newsletter.

Action: Cllr B Price to continue trying to prepare a map showing current and planned broadband coverage for the parish.

Cllr B Price provided an update on the most recent hub-co-ordinators meeting which was noted by all present.

Resolved that where possible Dacre Parish Council need to support and encourage digital inclusion events like the ones at Stainton Church.

Action: Cllr B Price to provide information on newsletter dates to Mr P Rushton so that digital inclusion information can be included in future newsletters.

Action: Cllr A J Rich to speak with Lonsdale Net about the possibility of Newbiggin VH becoming enabled so digital inclusion events could take place at it.

Highways Update

It was noted that the junction between the A592 and B5320 is the responsibility for CCC in terms of grass cutting.

Resolved that no further progress seems to have been made on the Traffic Census thru Newbiggin, or the Survey of the A66 junction and that these issues need to be chased up.

Action: Clerk to contact C/Cllr G Strong to raise these issues.

Grass Verges

Grass Verge between Keld Held & The Bungalows- The Clerk informed the meeting that this is a CCC Grass Verge and that it will be cut once a year in line with their grass cutting precedence.

Neighbourhood Plans Vs Parish Plans

The Clerk informed the meeting that the difference between the two types of plans are that a Parish Plan is a voluntary document, where as a neighbourhood plan is a document that is formally consulted on and adopted and specifically related to the development and growth (planning) of an area.

Report back on meeting with the solicitor

The Clerk informed the meeting that the scheduled appointment with the solicitor was cancelled at the last minute by the solicitor.

Action: Clerk to continue working on these issues and report back at a future meeting.

Planning Training

Resolved that this will take place on Tuesday 29th September at 14:00 in the Newbiggin Village Hall (Sunbeam Room)

Action: Clerk to invite neighbouring parishes

Street Lighting

EDC are preparing a quote for the cost of installing a light at Pennine View.

Dacre Village Hall- Resolved that a letter be sent to the Chairman of the Dacre VH committee to ask for a meeting regarding this matter.

Action: Clerk to write a letter.


An article asking for nominations for the three awards will be included in the forthcoming newsletter.

Action: Clerk to agenda this matter for the next meeting.

Stainton Village Hall Recycling Bins

Cllr J Derbyshire provided a summary of the background to this issue.

Resolved that a letter be sent to Eden District Council stating that Dacre PC were happy for EDC to take over the continued management of the site. Dacre Parish Council will provide 1 months notice if necessary that the site is removed, in addition Dacre PC would request that the site is monitored and kept clean and tidy.

Action: Clerk to send the above letter.

93/15 Correspondence

Unless otherwise noted the correspondence is noted as received and no response was required..

iv) Reduction in CTRS Grant- Resolved that this reduction be noted and the Clerk take this information into account when preparing the budget for 16/17 financial year.

Action: Clerk to prepare this budget for the October Meeting.

94/15 Planning Applications for consideration

Planning Application No. 15/0371

Proposal: Single Storey rear and side extension

Address: Westside Cottage, Stainton, Penrith, CA11 0ET

Applicant: Mr D Elliot

Resolved that that the council had no objectionsin relation to this application but have a comment that the parking provision is not sufficient, as per the Dacre Parish Plan each home needs at least 3 parking spaces, and this application doesn’t appear to have this number.

Action: Clerk to submit these comments.

Planning Application No. 15/0719

Full application

Proposal: Outline application for proposed dwelling with approval sought for access

Address: Inglenook, Staintion, Penrith

Applicant: GR Architects

Resolved that the council object to this application on the grounds of lack of parking and concerns over access and the additional traffic on an already very narrow road, which will also preclude any on-road parking. As per the Dacre Parish Plan each new property should have parking for at least 3 cars with the curtilage of the property.

Action: Clerk to submit these comments

Planning Application No. 3/15/9007

Consultation on a Waste County Matter Application for a Planning Process

Proposal: S.73 application to vary Condition 2 of Planning Permission 3/05/9003 to allow continued operation of the Household Waste Recycling Centre until 31st December 2031

Address: HWRC Flusco, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0JB

Resolved that the council had specific concerns regarding the signage and lighting at this site.

Action: Cllr A J Rich to prepare a response to the application and send it to the Clerk for submission

Action: Clerk to submit these comments.

95/15 Planning Decisions.

Resolved that the Council noted the following decisions:

Notification from the Planning Inspectorate that S.38 Commons Act 2006 consent for access over the Tymparon Hall Watering Place has been refused.

Number / Location / Applicant / Proposal / Decision
7/2015/3075 / Eusemere Lodge, Pooley Bridge / Atkinsons Building Conractors / Replace retaining structure at edge of Lake Ullswater / Approve with Conditions
15/0543 / Land Adjacent to Stayne Garth, Stainton / Atric Ltd / Approval of all reserved matters relating to outline planning permission 12/0234 / Consented subject to conditions
15/0533 / 8 The Pavillion, Stainton, Penrith / Mr M Dentice / Proposed extension to dwelling and erection of new garage within curtilage / Approved with Conditions
15/0520 / Red Barn Farm, Greytsoke, Penrith / Messrs Griffiths / Proposed alterations and extensions / Approve subject to conditions

96/15 Finance & Accounts


Resolved that the balances of the Dacre Parish Council accounts were noted as:

Current Account£20,480.88

Tracker Account£12,643.82

(For Info- Wells Project Balance is £437 of the above)


ii)Receipts (since 3rd August 2015)


iii)Invoices for Approval

The following invoices were approved for payment.

Resolved that the below accounts be paid. The accounts were signed by Cllr J Cameron & Cllr AJ Rich

Payee / Reason / Amount
Becx Carter / Expenses / £59.82

Action: Clerk to pay the above accounts

iv)Bank Mandate for Completion

Resolved that this matter be deferred until the October meeting

97/15 Councillor Matters

The issue of the condition of the noticeboards at Stainton VH was raised. It was agreed that the clerk would obtain a quote for a new style of noticeboard and then this matter would be re-agenda’d for a meeting once the works at Stainton VH had commenced.

Action: Clerk to proceed with the above.

98/15 Date of next meeting

Monday 26th October at 19:00 Blencow Village Hall

Meeting closed 20:18
