Notes of the meeting held on the

23RD APRIL 2015



Nathan Meager(Chair)

Irene Bleasdale

Jeanette Carter (Member of Nursing & Midwifery Committee)

Pat Sokol

Tim Evans

David Holt(Member of the Patient Experience Review Group)

Debbie Marriner(Member of Safeguarding Committee)

Tim Vickery(Member of the Quality and Governance Committee)

In attendance:

Gillian Hoskins (notes) AD Governance & Patient Experience


Maggie Blackmore (Deputy Chair & Member of the Patient Experience Review Group)
Sally Thatcher (Member of Clinical Audit Committee)
Chris Bliss
Jocelyn Holder
Ann Harley
Sue Packham
Att / Item / Lead / Time
1 / - / Welcome and introductions
New member Tim Evans was welcomed.Tim asked for clarification regarding the difference between the formal and informal Council meetings. NM confirmed that the formal meetings are minuted and informal ones are not.
Chair’s opening remarks
NM has met with CEO and circulated the notes from that meeting. NW had confirmed that no services and been cut - & that it was not within the powers of the Trust to do so without the CCG leadership and proper public consultation.
Ongoing concerns were expressed regarding the potential risk to services at the Trust.
NM is seeking a meeting with the CEO of the CCG (Kathy Heddon) to discuss this.
Members were asked to refer to the previously distributed notes of the meeting with the CEO –particularly with regards to the plans to seek a meeting with a representative of the Governors at Taunton NHS Foundation Trust. / Chair / 6pm
2 / Consent Agenda / 6.05pm
2a / 1 / Notes of the meeting held on 19th February 2015 and Action Table
Previous meetings minutes were accepted as correct. / Chair
2b / Matters Arising
Ongoing frustration with the quality of the Councils’ site on the website was raised again. The Head of Communications is to attend to provide an update at the next meeting.
40 words to JF for website. TE to submit.
Linking with other user groups. It was agreed that at this stage, energies would be focussed on the transaction with Taunton NHS Foundation Trust. Agreed closed.
PALS/complaints.PS to continue to work with PALs team at ‘front end’ to build up a relationship with the Team.TV to review output reports with the Head of Governance. GH to speak to SK.
JF to confirm Tiff Earle to attend next informal meeting. / All
3 / For Information and update on actions required by Council / 6.15pm
2 / Reports from Key Committees:
  1. Trust Board
Written update provided by MB.
  1. Quality & Governance Committee
Written update provided by TV. Clarification is to be confirmed regarding the proportion of training that is scheduled in staff’s own time. TV expressed concerns regarding the proportion of DNAs. Was agreed that in the first instance any concerns that weren’t raised at the committee would be raised via email to JF/GH
  1. Patient Experience Review Group
No report provided by MB or AH
  1. Safeguarding Committee
Written update provided by DM.
  1. Nursing & Midwifery Committee
Written update provided by JC. No questions.
  1. Infection Control Committee
No report provided.
  1. Dignity Group
Dignity Group Chair to be asked to clarify MB comments regarding pain relief. / Chair
Tim Vickery
Maggie Blackmore, David Holt and
Ann Harley
Debbie Marriner
Jeanette Carter
Sue Packham
Maggie Blackmore
4 / Patient Experience / 6.45pm
4c / 3
5 /
  • Q4Quality of Interaction Observations Report
The Chair welcomed the report. The visit to Steepholm was discussed – where it was noted that staff failed to introduce themselves. It was accepted that it was a busy time for the ward.
JC reported that in this quarter she had had a visit cancelled due to norovirus in the quarter. JF to be asked to review data. JC to forward email of cancellation. Reasons for cancellation of fully booked sessions to be included in future.
The capacity to run the programme during January had been adversely affected by the pressures in the hospital. Members expressed a desire to increase the numbers of observations.
  • Ward sister QuIO satisfaction survey
DM to resend agreed survey to GH.
  • Revised complaints satisfaction survey
New survey was accepted for onward use. / All
Debbie Marriner
5 / Discussion and Decision / 7.15pm
5b / 6
7 /
  • Q4 Draft Report to Board
Attendance at informal meetings was confirmed. Reyna has now resigned from the Council. TE began to attend from March, QuIO cancellations information to be removed
  • 2014.15 Draft Quality Account
Members asked to forward comments in support of the stakeholder statement to NM by 1st May. Quarterly update on patient experience metrics to be monitored by the Council.
  • CQC May 2015 –verbal update
CQC currently not requesting to meet with the Council. NM and MB had met previously at the public event run by them in January. / GH
6 / Any Other Urgent Business / 7.50pm
  • Mayors reception for Charity volunteers – attended by JC & CB

Date of Next Meeting: 21st May 2015, 6pm, Executive Boardroom(Informal Meeting)