Mrs. Rahill - Algebra II Common Core
Description: Students will study a variety of functions, including those that are linear, quadratic,
polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric. Algebra II also includes the study of sequences and series, probability and data analysis. The course will conclude with the New York State Algebra II Common Core Regents Exam.
Materials:2” Binder (NOT a spiral notebook)
Loose Leaf Lined Paper
Pencils / Pens
TI-83 or TI-84 Graphing Calculator (TI-nspire calculator acceptable as well)
Grading Policy:Tests 50%
Quizzes 30%
Tests & Quizzes:Assessments throughout the year will be cumulative to encourage maintenance of knowledge
and skills. Their level of difficulty is designed to be on par with the Regents Exam. Much like
the Regents exam, assessments are often scaled accordingly. However, each student’s score is
initially scaled under the assumption that assigned corrections are completed both accurately
and on time. In the event that corrections are not completed accurately or on time, the scaled points will be removed accordingly. At least 48 hours will be given for the completion of
corrections to ensure students have the opportunity to seek extra help as needed.
Homework: While homework is turned in and checked daily for completion and accuracy, the majority of
the homework grade will be calculated based on daily homework assessments. These will
consist of 1-2 questions taken directly from the homework assigned during the previous class
and must accompany appropriate work and/or explanation. Answers to nightly homework are made available to students in order to check the accuracy of their work and to help them gauge their need to seek extra help.
Miscellaneous:Every new class brings a new set of needs. For some, it is a focus on organization. For
others, it is a focus on basic vocabulary, facts, or memorization of critical formulas. I reserve
this category for any assignments or assessments I may add throughout the year in order to
meet the needs of the class.
Participation & Effort: It is crucial that each student contributes positively to the classroom environment by being an active and engaged learner both in the classroom and out. Asking questions, offering potential answers, being respectful of others trying to learn and seeking extra help will be held in high regard.
"Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible."
Extra-Help: Extra help will routinely be available with Mrs. Rahill both before and after school beginning at 7AM and ending no earlier than 3PM. Please make an appointment to ensure availability. In addition, the TLC is staffed with a math teacher available for extra help prior to school every day beginning at 7AM and during most periods throughout the day. Students are encouraged to use this resource during their study halls as needed.
Absence Policy: Videos of notes and classroom instruction are made available on my website on a daily
basis. In the event of an absence, students are expected to watch and take notes from these
videos to make-up the missed class as soon as they are able, preferably prior to his/her return to
school. Students should contact me via email or the Remind App to request the corresponding homework in the event that it is not posted on the website alongside the video.
If a student misses a test or quiz, he or she must make arrangements to take the test on the day of return, either before school, after school, or during a free period. If this is not done, assessment grades may be penalized. Prompt feedback is proven to be more effective and assessments cannot be handed back until all students have taken the exam. Please be considerate of your peers and makeup your exams ASAP.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me as soon as possible. Please sign below to confirm you have read and will adhere to the policies listed above.
Student Name ______Student Signature ______
Grade______Last Year’s Math Teacher ______Counselor ______
Primary Guardian Name ______Guardian Signature ______
Primary Guardian E-Mail ______Primary Guardian Phone ______
“Struggling in mathematics is not the enemy, any more than sweating is the enemy in basketball; it is part of the process, and a clear sign of being in the game.”