The Locker Room University

Made For Coaches By Coaches

Group Coaching Session #: 22

CONCEPT: “Your Network = Your Net Worth, Leveraging Facebook”

Time Frame: 1 hour

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:To demonstrate the importance of agents utilizing social media outlets effectively, with a special concentration on Facebook for today’s topic. We will show them how to properly use social media to connect with their SOI and not be that “annoying realtor”. Through simple strategies and understanding how social media works, agents will become more verse on the usage of Facebook.

STANDARDS:Agents are open minded to using Facebook even if they claim they don’t know how to use it or don’t like it. It’s low hanging fruit and an easy way to generate business… if you’re not in the game, you’re missing out.

MATERIALS:Outline / Talking Points with Social Media PPT associated with lesson plan showing “How To” and screenshots.

STRATEGY: Set up the day’s topic by discussing social media and how it correlates with our business. We’re in the relationship based industry, we preach database and our networks, so what better way to reach them than social networking. The intro will be laying out Facebook statistics on traffic, users, peak times, etc. This will then transition into how to effectively use in your business with specific strategies and screenshots to show the agents. At the end, challenge each agent to share what strategy they’ll select and implement by when.


ANTICIPATORY SET: – Introduction and Cover Todays Topic and Expectations of Participation. Ask, how many of them feel they currently use social media effectively? How many of them have ever been bombarded by someone’s newsfeed or private message knowing they just wanted to sell them something? Okay so it’s it makes sense for us to learn how to use social media the RIGHT way so we don’t become like those annoying people… this will overcome many people’s fears of how they don’t want to be that friend who is slimey or salesy. You don’t have to be – there is a right way and wrong way to use social media and today is to help you with that.

HOOK:Share the following Facebook statistics and ask for feedback of what jumped out to them:

1)Worldwide, there are over 2.07 billion monthly active Facebook users for Q3 2017 which is a 16 percent increase year over year.What this means for you: In case you had any lingering doubts, statistically, Facebook is too big to ignore.

2)There are 1.15 billion mobile daily active users for December 2017, an increase of 23 percent year-over-year. This is hugely significant and shows the dramatic growth of mobile traffic on Facebook.

3)1.37 billion people on average log onto Facebook daily and are considered daily active users for September 2017, which represents a 16 percent increase year over year. A huge and vastly growing number of Facebook users are active and consistent in their visits to the site, making them a promising audience for your marketing efforts.

4)Age 25 to 34, at 29.7% of users, is the most common age demographic. What this means for you: This is the prime target demographic for many businesses’ marketing efforts, and you have the chance to engage these key consumers on Facebook. Create clients for LIFE.

5)Five new profiles are created every second. The Implication: Your potential audience on Facebook is growing exponentially.

6)Highest traffic occurs mid-week between 1 to 3 pm. On another note, a Facebook post at 7pm will result in more clicks on average than posting at 8pm (Source: Forbes).How this can help you: You have the potential to reach more consumers and drive higher traffic to your site during peak usage times, but people may be more likely to be more engaged in the evenings. This statistic may be a factor when you are planning social communication scheduling.

7)On Thursdays and Fridays, engagement is 18% higher. The Implication: Again, use this information to determine when to post in order to optimize your social media marketing efforts.

8)Photo uploads total 300 million per day. The Implication: Again, this is an indication of engaged users; also, it is an indication that there are a lot of photos, as well as other information, competing for users’ attention, so target your efforts strategically.

9)Average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes. What this means for you: You could have a short time period to make your impression, so use it wisely with relevant, interesting and unique posts and offers in order to get the most return on your efforts.

PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW:Before we begin: ask who has had success earning business through social media? Now ask, who here has a limiting belief around social media? What is it and why? Discuss.

Keep in mind what business we’re in. At the end of the day we’re in the relationship business. One of the ways we build relationships is through networking. Well what business is Facebook in? Social networking. So its logical to build relationships with people AND intersect with growing a business that we are in the game of social media, specifically Facebook.

*** Reference the PPT at this moment to dive into specific strategies (with some screenshots) and walk agents through how to effectively use social media to build relationships while being branded as an expert for real estate. ***

TRANSITION:Once the PPT is finished with participation in each segment, turn it around on the agents. Ask them to spend a couple minutes thinking through each strategy we outlined and select ONE they are committed to implementing this week. Who do they give permission to hold accountable to make sure it got done?

EVALUATION OF LESSON:Ask for agents to share what they came up with. What aha moments did they have?