Research Project Presentations

Due: 12/06/10

Students will be responsible for putting together a 2-3 minute presentation for the water animal they recently researched. These presentations must involve computer technology using glogster, xtranormal, a powerpoint slideshow, or another program of their choice (must be approved by Miss Costigan). Most of the presentation preparation will need to be done at home. However, students will be given some class time to experiment with these internet programs to become more familiar with them. Please let Miss Costigan know ASAP if internet access is not available for this project. The following are brief instructions on how to use the internet programs available for the students’ presentations. Thank you 

This website will turn typed words into a mini movie/ comic strip. Students should create a character that will inform the audience about his/ her water animal.

  • Students must sign up in the upper right hand corner in order to save their movie and present it to the class at a later date. Sign up is free!
  • In order to make a movie, once signed in, you will need to choose “make movie” in upper left hand corner.
  • From there, you are given many different choices such as how many actors, setting, etc…
  • Where it says, “write the script,” this is where students will type the actor’s lines. They can also have the actor make facial expressions or move around using the column furthest to the left. The screen on the right previews what has been made so far.
  • Click “action” to preview the movie or “it’s a wrap” to publish and save the movie.

This is an online poster making program. Students can take pictures right of the internet to add to their online poster. Additionally, they can add music to accompany their poster.

  • Register where it says “register” in upper right hand corner. It is free! However, it does ask for users to be age 13. Students… make sure you get your parents permission FIRST!!
  • Scroll to middle where it says “your glogs” and click on the first pink square.
  • Once to the screen where you create your poster, students can use the link button to take us to informative websites with pictures. Also, students can save pictures of their water animal to their computer and then use the upload button to then upload these pictures onto their poster. If pictures are saved to computer and then uploaded, they will be found under the “images” rectangle.
  • Click on screen to delete images that already appear on poster
  • You will need to click on images to rotate them, move/ drag them if they appear on top of one another, or to make bigger/ smaller
  • Don’t forget to press save and publish

Student Notes Section:

Parent signature acknowledging understanding of the above presentation due 12/06/2010:
