It is important for the Cantor/Commentator to have (and refer to) the PEW CARD so that s/he may recite the proper responses throughout the entire liturgy. Such responses should be declared clearly and with appropriate cadence so that the rest of the Faithful may join together in declarations/responses.

CWelcome to the Church of St. Mary on this 4thSunday of Ordinary Time. We encourage you to switch off your cellphones, to sing all of the music and speak all of the prayers this morning with great energy and volume, for then we will be worshiping and praising God well.

Announcements to be made by the Commentator are inserted here:

Save us, O Lord our God! And gather us from the nations, to give thanks to your holy name, and make it our glory to praise you.

Let us call to mind our personal intentions and prepare to worship God in this liturgy.


Additional special Instructions by the Commentator to the Faithful throughout the Liturgy, only if needed:

Immediately after washing hands/lavabo:Please stand.

Immediately after the sanctus:Please kneel.

Immediately after the Great Amen:Please stand.

At the conclusion of the agnusdei and

before the Priest consumes the Host:Please remain standing until allof the faithful

haveparticipated in Holy Communion, after which you may kneel.

Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME

Introduction to the Prayer by the Priest Celebrant

†St. Paul tells us to expect distractions and anxieties as we strive for a life pleasing God while tending to the needs of others and the things of this world.

Let us pray to our loving Father for his help and theseour needs.

[Petitions of prayer are proclaimed by the Lector]

Concluding Prayer by the Priest Celebrant

†Almighty Father, you raised mighty prophets and gave us your only Son as Teacher, Savior and King.

Hear the prayers of the peopleyou have gathered at this altar,

andhave made one in faith, hope and love.

Through Christ our Lord.


Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME

For Francis our Pope, and Edward our Bishop, may they continue to guide the Church with courage, love and eloquence of the prophets and Christ, the great teacher…We pray to the Lord.

That elected Christians leaders will bestrengthened their Faith’s guiding principles as they deal with the many crisis’s of this turbulent and faithless world…We pray to the Lord.

That we will teach our childrennot to rely on earthly things, but totrust in God and the example of Jesus his son, the rock of our salvation, who never fails us… We pray to the Lord.

Thatthis Community of Faith will respond with its talent and time to ministries to which all are called, and will generously tend to the needs of the poor and the sick, the aged and the lonely, and the oppressed and those formed in the womb.…We pray to the Lord.

11am:For Madison Jean Muhs, our newest member: with the help of parents, godparents and our entire parish family, may she grow daily in the desire to live in God…We pray to the Lord.

For our catechumen, Hina,may she remain strong in her desire to follow Jesus, no matter what criticism she may receive…We pray to the Lord.

For the caregivers and the suffering, especiallyDeacon Greg’s brother Howard and Jovie Pangilinan, may they receive love, comfort, healing and strength…We pray to the Lord.

Finally, for those who have died, especially…

8:30amKenneth Davitt, Bill Doran, Gerald A. Fontaine, Msgr. Felipe Panglinan, and John Vroom

11:00amRalph Pinto, Michael & Marie Russo

May they see God face to face… We pray to the Lord.