Notice of Meeting of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Avening Parish Council which will be held in Avening Memorial Hall on Thursday,20 August 2015 at 8.00pm (FOLLOWING THE TRAINING SESSION) for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.
Dated this 10 August 2015
Caroline Braidwood
Caroline Braidwood, Clerk to Avening Parish Council
The Meeting will start at the later time of 8 pm
Business to be transacted
1. / Public Question Time2. / Police- To Receive Monthly Crime And Anti Social Behaviour Report
3. / Apologies And Reasons For Absence
4. / Code of Conduct
4.1 / To Receive Declarations Of Interest in Items on the Agenda
4.2 / To Receive Updates to Members Register Interested (if appropriate)
5. / To Approve And Sign the Minutesof the Parish Council Meeting held on 16 July 2015
PLEASE NOTE: This is to Approve the Accuracy of the Minutes Only and not for Further Discussion on Items included – STANDING ORDERS 12
6. / To Consider Co-Option to Fill the Vacancy
7. / Community Issues & Projects
7.1 / Traffic and Highways
- Highways Update
7.2 / Community Issues
- To Consider Management Arrangements for the Memorial Hall
- Updates from Project Manager
8. / Finance
8.1 / To Approve the Bank Reconciliation and Budget Status up to 31 July 2015
8.2 / To Approve Bills For Payment (as detailed on Schedule)
8.3 / Victim Support – Request for Grant
8.4 / To Receive Closure of the Audit for the Year 2014 – 2015 and the External Auditor’s Report
9. / Planning
9.1 / To Consider Response to New Planning Applications
15/02091/FUL 25 Tetbury Hill Avening Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8LT
Replacement of existing side extension with two storey extension to north-west elevation, erection of porch to south-east elevation, installation of dormer windows and landscaping works
15/01878/FUL 25 Tetbury Hill Avening Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8LT
Erection of a dwelling
9.2 / To Note Applications Responded to Since Last Meeting
9.3 / To Receive Decision Notices
15/01343/FULOwl House 19 West End Avening Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8NE
Retrospective planning application to extend the residential curtilage of the dwelling house
Permitted 29 July 2015
9.4 / To Consider Planning Correspondence
- Stroud District Local Plan
9.5 / To Receive Tree Works Notifications
9.6 / To Consider Any Other Urgent Planning Applications or Correspondence Received Since Publication of the Agenda
10. / Correspondence
- GCC – Armed Forces Covenant
- GRCC – Right to Buy
- Healthwatch Gloucestershire
- Gloucestershire Constabulary – Changes to Police Service
To Consider Any Correspondence Received Since Publication of the Agenda
11. / The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Thursday, 17 SEPTEMBER 2015 in Avening Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm.
All Are Welcome