Zartashea Mahmood
P2- Outline the main tissue types of the body and the role these play in two named organs of the body.
Tissues are groups of cells that lie together to achieve a common function. There are four main types of tissues: epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous. All of these tissues are found in our bodies, but epithelial tissue has a special function which is that it must cover all the surfaces of the body. Therefore it is found in our skin, and it is also found covering all the surfaces of the openings within our bodies.
Epithelial Tissue: epithelial tissue is located on the very outside of an organ, out side the skin. Epithelial tissue always has a free surface it has no contact with another cell. The characteristics of the epithelial are that it lies on a basement membrane. This means that the underlying the cells are the cellular component of the epithelial tissue. This basement membrane can be mentioned as a sticky layer to keep the epithelial cells attached to whatever underlies them. The functions of the epithelial tissue are protection, as the outer part of our body and inner spaces of our bodies. Secretion, when our bodies need to release material, like hormones into the blood, the tissues allows for such material to pass through. Absorption, epithelial tissue has to be very good at our digestive system in order to absorb nutrients for us to get what we need from what we eat.
Connective Tissue: connective tissue is a tissue which is responsible for providing structural support for the tissues and organs of the body. For example it is the material inside your body that supports many of its parts. It is the cellular glue that gives the tissues inside a human body to stay on their shape and helps them keep strong. For example cartilage and fat are connective tissues. The main function of the connective tissue is to fill empty spaces among other body tissues.
Muscle Tissue: there are three different types of muscle tissues they all have different roles and functions:
· Skeletal muscle tissue: is often called a striated because of the way it looks and of the light and dark bands. A single skeletal muscle cell is a long cylinder shape with many nuclei located at the edges of the cell. The function of the skeletal muscle tissue includes the movement of the Skelton. For example including movement of limbs, fingers, toes, neck. Along with that it is also the movement of tissues of facial expressions such as smiling and frowning.
· Cardiac muscle tissue: Cardiac muscle tissues are y shaped and have a single central nucleus. These are fibres which are attached together at their ends to adjoining fibres by thick plasma membranes. The function of the cardiac muscle tissue is to pump blood through the heart.
· Smooth muscle tissue: Smooth muscle tissues are different to skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle because smooth muscle tissue has not got the light and dark bands which are referred as striated. Smooth muscle fibres are small with the ends reducing in size. Each smooth muscle fibre has a single located nucleus. The function of the smooth muscle is to help move the food as well as breaking the food down further.
Nervous tissue: nervous tissue is what makes up the body nervous system. Central nervous tissue can be found in the brain and the spinal chord. The main functions that the nervous system is responsible for is the body activities and processes, including memory, reasoning and emotions. Signals from the nervous tissue can cause muscle contractions.
Heart comes under the muscle tissue its function ate to pump blood around the body. The right-hand side of the heart receives de-oxygenated blood from the body tissues and the left hand side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. Along with that part of the nervous tissue is the brain, its function is to take control of everything you do.