USGC Gulfstream Program 700_GS_509_13
The Dow Chemical Company Page 1 of 41
Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL
Scope / 1.1 This procedure covers the general safety requirements for the setup and operation of equipment and instrumentation necessary to perform a hydrostatic test on newly constructed, completely isolated piping systems in close proximity to operating systems – no connection to process or utility systems in Construction OSBL Areas.Parts of this procedure follows under the Gulfstream EH&S variance.
1.2 This practice is to be used in conjunction with G4S-6421-02 [Class C, Hydrostatic Testing], G4S-6421-03 [Class G – Hydrostatic Testing], G4S-6423-01 [Class F – Fire Water Systems Testing], G4S- 6428-01 [Class M – Thermoplastic Piping: Hydrostatic Testing], G8S-4001-60 [Specification for Water Quality Used For Hydrostatic Testing], G8S-5034-03 [Hydrostatic Leak Testing] and G4S- 6421-04 [Hydrostatic Testing Equipment Procedure].
Contractor specific practices must be evaluated for agreement with Dow Hydrostatic Testing practices and where differences are identified, agreement between the contractor and Dow Engineering practices must be established.
This procedure must be attached and completed as part of the contractor’s specific requirements and documentation for the overall hydrostatic testing process.
L&EOs covered by this procedure / This procedure is used for the following LEO tasks:
· Opening vent and drains
· Line breaks on analyzers & instruments (e.g. blowing leads)
· Removing/replacing of caps, plugs, blind flanges, and pressure gauges,
· Removing/replacing safety valves.
· Removing/replacing small bore piping or tubing (insert location, e.g. P-101 Discharge)
· Changing gaskets,
· Connecting Hydro Testing equipment to piping systems
· Slip blind installation/removal
Categories and attributes / Categories
Critical / Emergency / Operating / Other
Routine / Non-routine
Equipment Status / The status of equipment covered under this LEO procedure is:
In Service Cleared Isolated New & Isolated
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Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL, Continued
Additional Hazard Analysis / Based on a review of section 4.2 of the Global L&EO Standard, the additional Hazard Analysis is NOT required for this procedure. No combustible, flammable, toxic, water reactive or unstable materials have being contained or will be introduced into the piping system that is being hydrostatically tested – new construction, new piping systems.Hazards and precautions / The table below lists job hazards and the precautions that should be taken when using this procedure. For specific chemical hazards and the precautions needed to prevent exposure, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the chemicals involved.
Hazards and precautions / Abrasions / Back Strain / Burns (>60C/140F) / Chemical Exposure
Cuts / Driving / Dust / Electrical (>50V)
Environmental / Ergonomics / Falls (>=6 ft) / Fire
Flammable (L3) / Fumes / Lighting / Low Oxygen
Noise (>85db) / Pinch Points / Pressure (>30 psig) / Radioactive (L4)
Rotating Equip / Slip Hazard / Stairs / Temperature
Thermal Stress / Toxic / Weather / Excessive force
Long duration task / Repetition / Heavy lifting / Bending torso
Twisting torso / Environmental / Arms extended / Arms out of neutral
Hands/ Wrist out of neutral / Vibrations / Other
Hazard / Precaution
Chemicals Involved:
High Pressure Water / Requirements on what PPE and when it must be used (by task and/or chemical) can be found in the PPE section below.
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Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL, Continued
Hazards and precautions (continued) / The table below lists job hazards and the precautions that should be taken when using this procedure. For specific chemical hazards and the precautions needed to prevent exposure, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the chemicals involved.Hazard / Precaution
Personnel not involved in the LEO / Clear the area of non-essential personnel. Area where the hydrostatic testing is to be performed must be cleared of non-essential personnel at least 6.7 ft (2 Meters) from the system being tested. The safe distance must be specified by the group performing the hydrostatic testing.
Use “RED BARRICADE and TAGS” to prevent non-essential personnel from entering.
· For Hydrostatic Testing <1000 PSIG, the area around the testing rig will be barricaded. Non-essential personnel working around flanges of the system under pressure must be informed of the hazard by the Hydro Testing Crew Foreman. Depending on the assessed potential hazard, HSE personnel may elect to barricade the area further around the flanges.
· For Hydrostatic Testing at ≥ 1000 PSIG, the sections of the line where the large percentage of the flanges are located (i.e., control valve stations, pipe section drop downs where there is a high potential to personnel exposure to flanges of the line under pressure, etc) will be Red Barricaded in addition to the area around the test rig. Depending on the assessed potential hazard, HSE personnel may elect to barricade the area further around the flanges.
Test Stand Safe Distance must be clearly established for Pneumatic Testing.
Reference: G4D-6422-01 for guidance.
Follow the respective Pneumatic Testing LEO Procedure.
Flammables / If working in proximity to equipment / lines containing combustible or flammable chemicals or within the 35 FT effected area of a flammable area, monitor area with LEL meter for potential flammables present, surrounding work area.
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Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL, Continued
Hazards and precautions (continued) / The table below lists job hazards and the precautions that should be taken when using this procedure. For specific chemical hazards and the precautions needed to prevent exposure, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the chemicals involved.Hazard / Precaution
Radioactive Sources / If applicable, close and isolate radiation device per IOES standard and local agency requirements.
Follow proper procedure for isolating radiation source and confirming it is isolated.
Environmental Considerations / If required, use containers, absorbent materials and spill containment, provide instructions for properly disposal of removed insulation, drained material and washing.
Water used to perform hydrostatic testing must be collected and disposed in accordance with environmental guidelines. Consult Dow environmental coordinator for specific questions.
Emergency Response ProcedureEmergency Procedure / Locate and test the nearest safety showers
Ensure a clear escape path is kept open as well as identify alternate access/egress routes.
Use the buddy system or two way radio communication to contact IR personnel or emergency personnel.
Inadvertent Pressure Release / De-pressure equipment by slowly opening specifically identified vents and drains. Break flanges away from the body. Do not stand in the line of fire.
Line Of Fire / Ensure that no part of the body is positioned in the line of fire while executing the required tasks.
Examples: Inspecting flanges for leaks while the line is pressurized, approaching flanges while the line is being pressurized or under pressure, etc.
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Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL, Continued
Hazards and precautions (continued) / The table below lists job hazards and the precautions that should be taken when using this procedure. For specific chemical hazards and the precautions needed to prevent exposure, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the chemicals involved.Hazard / Precaution
Energy Sources / Equipment / Piping System must not be connected to any process or utility systems. The Hydrostatic Testing Crew Foreman and the Dow Safe Work Permit Writer must verify that the system is not connected to any Dow process or utility systems.
Ensure that all the energy sources are effectively controlled or isolated for the duration of the L&EO. Verify that systems that are being Hydrostatically Tested are isolated from systems that could have construction personnel exposed to the high pressure of the test.
If the equipment / piping system being tested is connected to other new systems that are under construction (i.e., branch connections, etc) and that are not part of the system being tested, the equipment / piping system must be isolated following a LOTO process as follows in order of preference:
– The contractor specific LOTO process that meets Dow requirements.
– If contractor does not have a LOTO process, the Gulfstream Construction LOTO Process (F0278 Tagout Authorization Form, F0281 Danger – Do Not Operate Tag, F0279 Tagout Index, etc.) must be followed for new piping systems.
– For OSBL existing processes that are being modified or when specifically requested, the Dow Red Tag Master System must be followed.
If necessary, the “700_GS_509_02 List of Temporary Blinds for Pressure Test” must be filled out documenting the specifications and location of all split blinds utilized for isolation of the system.
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Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL, Continued
Hazards and precautions (continued) / The table below lists job hazards and the precautions that should be taken when using this procedure. For specific chemical hazards and the precautions needed to prevent exposure, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the chemicals involved.Hazard / Precaution
Energy Sources
(Continue) / The isolation of energy sources will be verified by the Hydrostatic Testing Crew Foreman and documented on the attached form “700_GS_ 509_03 F75201 Pressure Test Report”.
NOTE: If the system is connected to any Dow process or utility system, the system must be under the control of a Dow Operational Group, the Dow IOES (RTM system)and Return To Operation (RTO) processes must be followed and implemented by Dow Trained and Approved Operations Personnel.
Energy Sources – Pneumatic Testing / Warning:
Pneumatic Testing should be used as the last alternative. Carefully planned, approved and supervised procedures must be followed.
EMTL DE-G4D-6422-01 must be followed. Pressure testing conducted utilizing pneumatic testing must be approved by Dow Engineering and the Dow Construction Manager.
Test Stand Safe Distance must be clearly established for Pneumatic Testing.
Reference: G4D-6422-01 for guidance.
Follow the 700_GS_509_12 Pneumatic Testing LEO Procedure instead of this procedure.
Improperly calibrated testing equipment or insufficient personnel training / All hydrostatic testing equipment; pressure gages, relief valves, regulators, etc, must be calibrated and certified prior to be used on any hydrostatic testing.
Personnel performing hydrostatic testing must be trained on the specific requirements.
If any physical contact or exposure occurs, report and seek medical treatment immediately!
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Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL, Continued
PPE / Requirements on what PPE and when it must be used (by task and/or chemical) can be found in the reference table below.The following PPE must be worn:
LEO Task / Chemicals/Agents Involved / Required PPE and when it can be relaxed
Opening vent and drains / High Pressure Water / Hard Hat, Face Shield, Safety Glasses, High Visibility vest/shirt, Leather Gloves, Long Sleeves, Hearing Protection – may require double hearing protection based on noise level, Safety Steel Toe Shoes.
Single Hearing Protection required at ≥ 85 db up to 105 db. Double Hearing Protection required at ≥105db.
Face Shield and Double hearing protection can be relaxed once the system is de-pressured and the person is outside 105db limits.
L&EO activity (installing slip blinds, correcting leaks on the system being tested, etc.) / High Pressure Water / See above!
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Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL, Continued
Tools and equipment / The tools and equipment listed below are needed to do this job.Box End Wrench / Bung Wrench / Channel Locks
Come Along / Dial Indicator / Fall Protection
Flange Separator / Hammer / Laser Alignment
Pry Bar / Radios / Rope
Screw Driver / Stands / Supplied Air Bottles
Torque Wrench / O2/LEL meter / Barricade Tape & Tags
Tools and/or Equipment / Use (if explanation is needed)
Barricade ribbon/tape and warning signs / Used to warn others of potential hazards and to maintain a safe zone away from the hazard.
O2/LEL Meter / If required, to ensure safe atmosphere.
Hazard Monitoring / The table below lists required monitoring to do this LEO job.
Type of monitoring / Limits / Where and When
Oxygen % (in the working atmosphere) / >19.5% - <23.0% / If performing LEO in areas that could create an Oxygen deficient atmosphere.
LEL % / 0% in case the break involves work within a flammable area. / If performing LEO in areas that contains flammable chemicals.
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Hydrostatic Testing New Equipment / Piping Systems in Construction Areas In Proximity to Operating Systems Procedure - OSBL, Continued
Identification of LEO Locations / The methods used for identification of line break locations are specified below:This procedure will be used by non-operations personnel (e.g., construction, maintenance, etc).
Acceptable options for identification of line break locations include:
o The Hydrostatic Testing Crew Foreman (a trained construction representative) will be responsible to physically indentify in the field the exact location of every break at the time that each break is initiated, then document as such in “700_GS_ 509_03 F75201 Pressure Test Report” and on the LEO Safe Work Permit.
NOTE: This option is not recommended for OSBL – obtain approval from Dow Gulfstream EH&S Leader.
o Use the L&EO identification tags/labels. The L&EO identification tags must have the same information as the L&EO Identification tag on the example on Attachment No.1 (i.e., Yellow Tag) at the end of this procedure. Each tag/label is unique andnon-perishable.
Each L&EO Identification Tag (i.e., Yellow Tag) hung in the field to identify a L&EO must be numbered and listed on the LEO (Break-Bleed-Vent) Tag Location List. A copy of the LEO (Break-Bleed-Vent) Tag Location List can be found on Attachment No.2 at the end of this procedure or in the Gulfstream Safety Manual under the 52_GS_3320 Line and Equipment Opening Standard.