Protocol and decisions
Nr 2011-02
12:00- 17:00
Place of the meeting:
Salacgriva, Latvia
Estonia :
Head of BMAmototrial commission:Toomas Gutmann
As quests - representative of Estonian Mototrial Commission: Raul Ebber, Tõnis Ross
President of LaMSF Egils Agarskis, also with mandate from Kaspars Kulikovs.
President of LaMSF Egils Agarskis, with mandate fromPaulius Albertavicius.
- 2012Calendar of Baltic Championship, discipline moto- and biketrial
- Amendment of clubs ranking calculation for season 2012
- Regulations of Baltic Trial Championship for year 2012
- Closing ceremony 2012
- Requirements for racing event organizers, general issues
- Adopted 2011 season contest calendar (see appendix no 2)
- Organize special one time competition for Club teams by which results will be clarified best club teams of EEBMA in year 2012.Every team consist of 3 racers and the stages will be constructed with grade class C. Racers of the club team should be members of this club. One club can present more then one team , but it will treat as separate team.
The competition will take place July 14-s Zagare, Latvia. Organizer Agarskis Club
3.The national ranking is calculated by summary statement of individual racers with annual license. Calculation principle will be clarified in Regulation of Baltic individual Championship of Trial 2012 .
In 2012 the national ranking of countries will be calculated only by results of Mototrial.
The highest group in 2012 will be group B. Winner of group B will be the Baltic Champion of 2012
Racer`s score in racing event is not calculated if the sum of penalty points exceeds 70% of maksimum.
If the competitor who achieved a podium place will leave the event before awarding ceremony without permission of the head judge , the organizer can fine competitors club with penalty of 50 EUR.
Group D-Mini , D-Beginner and Free will be awarded by diplomas. Season 2012 total result of the competitor will be calculated only if participated in 2/3 of racing events.
Participating in Group D beginners is only aloud for racers without trial racing experience in classes D or higher and for two racing seasons only.
Application for competition must be submitted in writing by fax or e-mail, according of the Statute to race organizer but not later than one week before the race. Organizer has the right to increase 100% of the starting fee for delayed registrations.
Refuelling is permitted only in the pit area and the bike must be on the homologated special oil-resistant mat. In 2012 is homologated mat recommended , in 2013 mandatory.
Racing Trial motorcycle should be equipped with "dead man switch" - 2012 recommended , in 2013 mandatory.
EEBMA trial commission representatives of biketrial should determine 30 days before racing event the track constructors who will be responsible of construction and building of the sections for bike trial and inform the racing event organizer about responsible person(s) by FAX or email.
Estonian trial commission will make all decided changes to regulation and will submit to approval . Deadline 14 January 2012.
4.Closing ceremony for the 2010 season was organized by LaMSF
Closing ceremony for the 2011 season was organized by organized by EMF
Closing ceremony of the season 2012 should be organizedby LMSF
5.The Head judge of the Baltic Championship should have FIM licence and must be determined as follows:
Vasalemma - Jaana Ojala
Ugale - Egils Agarskis
Trakai - Egils Agarskis
Head Judge commits to perform summary of the race and send report to EEBMA trial commission next day after the race. Report form will sent to Head judges by Egils Agarskis
The requirement for organizers:
Organizer should include to starting protocols birth date of the racer , license number and type - one time license or annual.
Head Judge and other official persons of the event should be introduced to racers and stage judges during the meeting before race.
Stage judges must be wear distinctive jacket with stage number and separately the name plate with License number.
NAME: / SIGNATURE:Toomas Gutmann
Egils Agarskis
Kaspars Kulikovs
Paulius Albertavičius
Artiom Kalygin
Baltic and Baltic national Championship Calendar
of Moto- and Biketrial 2012
DATE OF EVENT / BALTIC Championship / ESTONIAN Championship / LATVIANChampionship
07 – 08 April / Training Camp Vasalemma
28 - 29 April / Tartu , EC1
26 May / Tapa , LC1 moto
Kuldiga, LC 1 velo
27 May / Tapa , EC2
16 June / Ugale , BC1
17 June / Ugale , LC2
14 July / Zagare , BCT
11 August / Vasalemma , BC2
12 August / Vasalemma , EC3
18August / Riga , LC3
25 August / Priezkalni , EC4
26 August / Priezkalni , LC4
15 September / Trakai , BC3
16 September / Trakai , LC5
06 October / Tartu , EC5
BC – Baltic Championship
EC – Estonian Championship
LC – Latvian Championship
BCT – Baltic Club Teams