Liturgical Prayer for the Nation
Leader: God of the Universe, we pray to you mindful you are God, who is far,
So far no yearning eye can see,
So far no praying voice can reach,
So far no longing arm can touch,
Yet, God and Father of us all, we pray to you also mindful you are, God who is near,
So near there is neither leaf of color nor person you do not behold in delight,
So near there is neither laughing creature nor mortal you do not heed in joy,
So near there is neither stirring wind nor human spirit you do not feel in gladness.
People: Listen carefully, we pray,
Almighty God, listen in all of your distance,
Emmanuel, listen in all of your presence,
Spirit of the Living God, listen as you course through our assembly.
Leader: We gather and pray for a vision for this nation that you have summoned into
Not a fantasy…
Not an illusion…
Not an invention, but a vision:
People: That we might become the place your plan intended.
Leader: A promised place
People: where children are not abandoned or discarded;
Leader: A promised place
People: where force is used only as a last resort;
Leader: A promised place
People: where harmony is the norm and discord is rejected;
Leader: A promised place
People: where airplanes do not fall from the sky;
Leader: A promised place
People: where disease does not destroy;
Leader: A promised place
People: where children are not prey;
Leader: A promised place
People: where daughters and mothers walk in safety;
Leader: A promised place
People: where sons and fathers curb their anger;
Leader: A promised place
People: where women and men stand side by side;
Leader: A promised place
People: where the poor are seated at the banquet;
Leader: A promised place
People: where the rejected are welcomed;
Leader: A promised place
People: where the rich learn dignity from the poor;
Leader: A promised place
People: where the destitute learn generosity from the rich;
Leader: A promised place
People: where truth is spoken;
Leader: A promised place
People: where there is no mourning, nor crying, nor pain,
Nor despair, anymore for the former things have passed away.
Leader: Then, like a mother comforting her child, Precious Lord,
Wipe every tear from their eye and ours;
And with this vision of your Kingdom cast anew in our breast,
Fulfill your promise in our people
And give us the grace to live in faithfulness and hope,
As we face the tasks you have set before us in our bounty
For the glory due your name, as we make this prayer in Jesus’ name.
People: Amen.
The Star Spangled Banner (verse 4)
O thus be it ever when free-men shall stand
Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation;
Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n-rescued land
Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preser’d us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!”
The star spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!