RIP we remember with love and thanksgiving the lives of those whose Anniversaries fall at this time: Charles Austin, Emma Robinson, & Ethel Udall (15th).
For healing and other needs: Kayode Bello; Dorothy Connell; Mervyn Conroy; Monica Ellis; Jacqueline Hibbert; Pam Storey; Jean Puzey; and Violet Wells.
Long term sick: Sam Hanson; Mary Kirkup; Gerdie Merritt; Joan Oxenham; Chris Robins; and Edna Smith.
For our Church Families: Malcolm Macpherson; Pearl Marcano; Lenore Marcano-Green; Susan Mcleod; Gerdi Merritt; Chris & Kulan Mills; Gill & Roger Moore; Jean, Christina & John Murch.
Happy Birthday to: Chris Robins (18th).
The Parish: Alexander Avenue; Lynton Road; Ovesden Avenue; Stiven Cresent.
The Church as we welcome Dr Hiolder as our Christians in Science guest speaker on 16th we ask your presence among us to take heed of his time and knowledge.
The Persecuted Church Nigeria: pray for the Ninte Christian community in Kaduna State, central Nigeria. They are under heavy attack from Muslim Fulani herdsmen. An Open Doors contact reports, "Believers in Ninte are now running for their lives following an early morning attack, which led to the burning of all the churches and houses in the community. "Children, men and women have been seen running, heading towards nearby communities for safety. The church leaders in Kafanchan, in Jemaa local government, have set aside a temporary place to settle the displaced people arriving into the town."
Ourselves and the Nation Father, we give to you our coming referendum and also the Americans as they attempt to elect a new president. Give us all the wisdom to choice wisely.
The World make Peace a pass-word to us all especially in those countries where conflict seems to be the watch-word.
Prayer of the Week
Come all people, let us adore God in three persons: the Father in the Son, with the Holy Spirit. For the Father from everlasting begets the Word, and the Holy Spirit is in the Father, glorified with the Son, a single power, a single essence, a single Godhead. Come, let us adore. Amen.
89 Malvern Avenue Harrow HA2 9ER. 020 8422 3633
Registered Charity No. 1131727
12th JUNE 2016 TRINITY III8.00 am: Holy Communion
9.45 am: Parish Communion
with Prayers for Healing
Go MAD on Sunday
Please come to the Hall afterwards for Coffee, Tea and Fellowship
Monday - Friday
9.00 am Morning Prayer [cw]
Wednesday 9.30am Holy Communion
Saturday: 8.30am Barnabas Fellowship / 8.00 am Holy Communion
9.45 am Parish Communion
& Go MAD on Sunday
I Kings 21: 1-10 & 15-21a; Galatians 2: 15-21
St Luke 7: 36 – ch.8: 3
Today's Collect
LMIGHTY God, you have broken the tyranny of sin and have sent the Spirit of your Son into our hearts whereby we call you Father:
give us grace to dedicate our freedom to your service, that we and all creation may be brought to the glorious liberty of the children of God;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Readings: I Kings 21: 1-10 & 15-21a page 364
Galatians 2: 15-21 page 1169
Gospel: St Luke 7: 36 – ch.8: 3 page 1036
Post Communion Prayer
GOD, whose beauty is beyond our imagining and whose power we cannot comprehend:
show us your glory as far as we can grasp it, and shield us from knowing more than we can bear until we may look upon you without fear;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
CHRISTIANS IN SCIENCE the next meeting will be at 7.30pm this Thursday, 16th June when the astrophysicist Dr Rodney Holder will present: “Big Bang, Big God: A Universe Designed for Life?”
DIAMOND JUBILEE PREPARATIONS we hope to plant up the main memorial rose-bed, and if possible the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee rose-bed, with crocuses for next spring (and which we hope will continue to flower for some years to come.) It’s estimated that well over 1000 bulbs will need to be bought for planting in the autumn and while a generous offer has been made to underwrite the cost, donations – gift aided if you’re a taxpayer (please use one of the church’s gift-aid envelopes and mark it “Crocus appeal”) – will be gratefully received.
FUND RAISING CONCERT at St John the Evangelist, Great Stanmore, HA7 4AQ - in aid of the restoration of the ancient church bells on Sunday 26th June 2016 at 3:00pm. Admission: Adults £5, Children £3 - including cake and a cup of fresh filter coffee. Tickets or more information available from .
BADMINTON we are a very friendly badminton club who need some new members. Please give me a ring if you are interested in coming along on Monday nights from 8-10 pm in the large hall. Gill Moore
messy church the next Messy Church is on Saturday, July 2nd from 10.00am-12 noon. As it is close to Sea Sunday we thought we would have the Sea as our theme. So if you have a shells, fishing nets or anything appropriate please let me know. There will be a meeting on Tuesday, June 21st June at 37, Jubilee Drive, HA4 0PA at 8.00pm to sort out the activities. Please come along! Thanks.
Gill Moore
SPEAK UP AND SIGN UP! do look at the Petition on the Notice Board which will call on the Government and UN to recognise the systematic killing of Christians and other minority groups across the Middle East as genocide – and, if you are moved to do so, sign the petition.
VISITING ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL we have 4 tickets allowing free entry to church families and their friends, saving the entry fee. If you want to borrow them, ask Susan McLeod.
DIAMOND JUBILEE COOK-BOOK when sorting out books donated for the Christmas Market I came across a St Andrew's Cook Book. I thought it would be a great idea to compile a new one to celebrate our Diamond Jubilee. So - please would you sort out a special or favourite recipe and give it to me, with a picture if possible? I am very willing to come round and take a photo and even test taste your recipe if you like! Many thanks. Gill Moore
CHORAL EVENSONG – ALL CHANGE! as from September, Choral Evensong will be on the first Sunday of the Month (starting September 4th.) Until July it will continue to be on the 4th Sunday of the month, and will be on holiday in August.
Diary dates
Thursday 16th Christians in Science: Big Bang, Big God: A Universe Designed for Life? – Dr Rodney Holder
Saturday 2nd Messy Church
Saturday 16th Hog Roast
Saturday 10th Messy Church
Saturday 1st Social Evening
Saturday 8th Deanery Choirs’ Festival - at St John’s,
Saturday 15th Messy Church
Saturday 12th Christmas Bazaar
Saturday 3rd Messy Church
Please send any items for next week’s STARLINK to
Sue McLeod by midday this Wednesday, preferably by email
(); otherwise by hard copy to 8, Drake Road