MasterNICA No______NICANorthside Inter-Community Agency, Inc.
Date ___/____/_____Volunteer Survey Form for MinorsVol No______
All information on the application will be kept confidential and is for NICA's volunteer services and programs only.
Title Mr. Ms.Sex: Male Female
First Name:______Middle Name: ______Last Name: ______
Address: ______City ______TX Zip______-_____
Phone #: (_____)______-______Cell # (_____)______-______
Date of Birth: _____/______/______Ethnicity: (Circle) African-American , Anglo, Hispanic, Asian, Other______
Are you a student? yes no Name of School
Foreign Language: ______Speak Read Write
What church, organization or group are you a member of?
How did you hear about NICA? advertisement church school friend/volunteer other
Describe any physical handicaps or limitations that would affect your ability to perform certain tasks:
Hearing Speaking Seeing Mobility Other:
In case of emergency, contact:______Relationship:
Address: ______City ______TX Zip______-_____
Phone #: (_____)______-______Cell #: (_____)______-______Work#: (_____)______-______
I understand that NICA cannot be liable for any injuries or illness that my minor dependent may suffer. I waive any such claim for compensation or liability on the part of NICA beyond what may be freely offered by the representative of NICA in the event of injury or illness.
I fully understand that my minor dependent will have access to information about clients as well as other volunteers and staff members. I understand all information pertaining to clients will be kept confidential. Client files will only be given to those who are authorized and that all files will remain on NICA’s premises except through special permission granted by the Executive Director of NICA. My minor dependent will do his/her best to protect the client’s right to privacy.
I also understand that violating confidentiality and/or disregard of NICA’s policies and procedures will result in termination of my minor dependent’s volunteer services.
Signature of Parent or Guardian ______Date
Printed Name of Parent or Guardian
Printed Name of Child
Management Data\Volunteer Data\Forms\Minor Volunteer Survey Rev 12/29/2011 Printed 09/22/2018