CC4C Workgroup Best Practice Recommendations for Managing

Current Hospital Visits-CC4C Report (ADT)

ED Visits Report-CC4C

Inpatient Visit Report-CC4C

January 2015

The Current Hospital Visits-CC4C Report, commonly known as the ADT Report, displays data from the hospitals that supply data to the Informatics Center; data is presented based on filtering options the user selects; sometimes includes primary & secondary diagnosis; includes ED visits, but cannot differentiate between emergent & non-emergent; report updated twice daily; visits remain on report 90 days post d/c. The report can be access from the Informatics Center Home page using the following path: Home > Local Health Department Standard Reports > County Name > CC4C Reports > Current Hospital Visits-CC4C.

Note: You can access the list of hospitals that participate in the ADT live feed in CMIS by going to Resources -> How to Guide –> Live Data Feed Hospitals.

Networks were surveyed in 2014 regarding local expectations of CC4C CMs for managing the ADT report. Results indicated:

  • Responses ranged from no expectations (at least two networks) to the CC4C CMs are expected to review the ADT Report daily.
  • In some areas, the CC4C CMs review the list directly from the IC. In others, the network staff manipulates the report and send to the CC4C CMs. Reasons for distribution of the list by network staff include:
  • Local hospital is not on ADT feed (Angel I have included this handout for your info, but I question want to include it as part of the BP document, as it could change.)
  • Limited staffing at LHD
  • Some CC4C CMs are expected to assess all clients, while others prioritize, i.e. those with greater than 3 ED visits, those seen during office hours; approach may be impacted by whether the network staff filtered the list prior to distribution.

Because of the variability in the ADT report from community to community, statewide expectations are not currently possible. Therefore, local CC4C CMs must meet with local network staff to jointly develop local expectations in writing for managing the ADT after considering the following questions:

  • Are the CC4C CMs expected to work the ADT Report?
  • What are the expectations for using the following ADT filters: Visit Type, Admission Date, Discharge Status, Hospital, Admission Diagnosis and Outpatient Follow Up Recommended Within.
  • How do the CC4C CMs coordinate with network staff, i.e., TC staff (hospitalized patients), Call Center (ED visits), who are touching this same population? Note: Coordination with Call Center staff is addressed on page 3 of the CC4C Best Practices for Reducing Non-Emergent ED Use document.
  • Even though the area hospital may not be on ADT feed, should the CC4C CMs work the list anyway? Those county residents who are treated at regional hospitals with ADT feed will be included on the report.
  • Of the clients identified on this report, how should they be prioritized?
  • How often are the CC4C CMs expected to work the ADT Report?

The ED Visit Report – CC4C: based on ED visit claims that have been processed/paid; displays data based on filtering options selected, including a filter to differentiate emergent ED vs. non-emergent ED use; also allows filtering of PCP, hospital and service month; report can be used to ID chronic over-utilizers of ED by assessing the # of times they have utilized the ED over time period being reviewed; contains several columns related to CC4C, including CC4C CM, case status, and last task completed date, which are updated daily.

There are currently no statewide expectations for managing this report. Therefore, local CC4C CMs must meet with local network staff to jointly develop local expectations in writing for managing the ED Visit Report after considering the following questions:

  • Are the CC4C CMs expected to work this report?
  • What are the expectations for using the following ED Visit filters: PCP, Service Month, Hospital and Emergent.
  • How do the CC4C CMs coordinate with network staff, i.e.,Call Center (ED visits) who are touching this same population?
  • Of the clients identified on this report, how should they be prioritized?
  • How often are the CC4C CMs expected to work the ED Visit Report?

The Inpatient Visit Report – CC4C is based on inpatient visit claims that have processed/paid; allows filtering of PCP, hospital service month, and patients with a 30 day readmit; contains several columns related to CC4C, including CC4C CM, case status, and last task completed date, which are updated daily.

  • Are the CC4C CMs expected to work this report?
  • What are the expectations for using the following ED Visit filters: PCP, Service Month, Hospital and Show only Patients with a 30 day Readmit.
  • How do the CC4C CMs coordinate with network staff, i.e., TC staff who are touching this same population?
  • Of the clients identified on this report, how should they be prioritized?
  • How often are the CC4C CMs expected to work the Inpatient Visits Report?

Note: The CC4C Best Practices for Reducing Non-Emergent ED Usedocument provides guidance on working at the family and systems level to reduce ED visits, but it does not address specific expectations for working IC reports related to ED visits. These expectations must be developed in collaboration with the local network.

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