I. Introduction
The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) Capability Building Program is part of a concerted effort to modernize agriculture and fisheries. The program offers scholarships for degree and non-degree training in agriculture and fisheries. It consists of the Expanded Human Resource Development Program and Youth for Agriculture and Fisheries Program.
The Capability Building Committee under ATI Special Order No. 63 dated 07 April 2009 was created and accorded authority over the ATI Capability Building Program.
II. Expanded Human Resource Development Program (EHRDP)
The Expanded Human Resource Development Program (EHRDP) for agriculture and fisheries modernization was approved along the Department of Agriculture’s mandate of providing quality education and training on science and technology to accelerate social progress and promote total human development.
EHRDP has the following objectives:
· Offer a program of continuing education for the Department staff;
· Expand existing program of scholarships for degree and non degree training in national and international institutions for deserving technical, scientific and extension workers and practitioners in agriculture and fisheries.
Guiding Principles
1. It shall be open to all qualified applicants, preferably the best and the brightest.
2. The Department shall have the responsibility of providing its personnel equal opportunities for training, education and career development.
3. On a continuing basis consistent with the overall framework of the AFMA.
4. Scholarships shall be provided through State Universities and Colleges, private colleges and universities/training institutions approved by the ATI Capability Building Committee.
Program Mechanics for EHRDP
The EHRDP scholarship program shall cover the following:
a. Advanced Degree Courses on:
(1) Agriculture and Fisheries;
(2) Food Science;
(3) Veterinary Medicine;
(4) Environmental Science and Management;
(5) Forestry and Natural Resources; and
(6) Other Agriculture-Related Field
b. Specialized Courses
(1) Short-Term Course Work for Special Skills (e.g., Post-Baccalaureate Diploma Course) as approved by the ATI Capability Building Committee
(2) Dissertation or research as a requirement for Doctorate Degree
c. Educational Tour/Field Visits
Activity design should be submitted to the ATI Capability Building Committee.
d. Non-Degree Courses
(1) Local
(2) International
Local and international non-degree courses shall be offered to the Department of Agriculture (DA), Local Government Units (LGUs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and to other practitioners in agriculture and fisheries.
Eligibility Requirements for EHRDP Scholarships
1. Advanced Degree Courses
a. The candidate should have rendered service for at least two (2) years in the Department and/or bureau/attached agency/office as a permanent employee thereof;
b. The candidate should be nominated by the Scholarship and Training Committee and endorsed by the Agency Head;
c. The candidate must not have been awarded any degree or non-degree grants during the last year for local scholarships;
d. He/she must have at least a satisfactory rating for two (2) consecutive rating periods immediately preceding the date of nomination;
e. The candidate must be in good health, as certified by a Physician;
f. The candidate should not exceed the age limit of 45 years old for Master’s degree and 50 years old for Ph.D.;
g. The candidate must not have pending criminal/administrative case;
h. The candidate must meet the requirements for admission to the state colleges and universities and other accredited private institutions where he intends to study.
2. Specialized Courses
For Specialized Courses, the eligibility requirements are the same with that of the Advanced Degree Courses. In addition, those applying for dissertation/research grant shall submit the abstract of his/her proposed dissertation/research.
Documentary Requirements
The following documents are to be submitted to the Extension Programs and Partnership Division (EPPD) of the ATI-Central Office for scholarship applications:
(1) Prescribed Application Form (if provided by the School/University);
(2) Personal Data Sheet with one (1) colored 2” x 2” picture;
(3) Authenticated copy of Birth Certificate;
(4) Copy of Diploma and Transcript of Records;
(5) Certified copy of Appointment;
(6) Latest Service Record duly certified by the Administrative Officer of his/her Office/ Agency;
(7) Actual duties and responsibilities duly certified by his/her Immediate Supervisor;
(8) Certified copies of Performance Rating for the last two (2) rating periods;
(9) Certificate of no pending administrative case;
(10) Certification from the Agency/Office head indicating that the nominee is permitted to go on study leave;
(11) Certificate of Admission from the accredited university/college;
(12) Abstract of his/her Master’s Thesis, if applying for the Ph.D. level; and
(13) Medical certification with x-ray results taken within the last two (2) months.
Scholarship Support/Privileges
1. Advanced Degree Courses
Scholars shall be entitled to the following privileges:
a. Full basic salary and other benefits from the mother agency for the duration of the scholarship;
b. Matriculation and other school fees (actual as assessed by the University/School);
c. Book/School Supplies Allowance of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) per semester for Masteral and Doctoral Degrees or Seven Thousand Pesos (P7,000.00) per trimester, or pro-rated as to number of months as necessary if course/program does not follow the semester/trimester schedule;
d. Monthly stipend of Eight Thousand Pesos (P8,000.00)
e. Thesis/Dissertation support of a maximum of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) for Masteral Degree and One Hundred Thousand (P100,000.00) for Doctoral Degree or dissertation research or based on budget as approved by the Adviser;
f. Graduation fees (as assessed by the School/University);
g. One-time relocation allowance of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) to be granted to those scholars who have to study outside their region; and
h. Reimbursable one (1) round-trip fare to and from place of residence/place of assignment, to be given at the start and end of the scholarship.
2. Specialized Courses
Recipients of short-term training programs (local) shall be entitled to the following privileges:
a. Full basic salary and other benefits to be paid by the mother agency for the duration of the course;
b. Fee including food and accommodations or per diems for the duration of the course work;
c. Thesis/Dissertation support of a maximum of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) for Masteral Degree and One hundred Thousand (P100,000.00) for Doctoral Degree or dissertation research or based on budget as approved by the adviser; and
d. Traveling expenses (including round-trip airfare) in going to and from the school/ university.
Obligations/Responsibilities of the Scholar
The scholar must:
(1) Sign a Scholarship Contract with ATI upon approval of the scholarship grant;
(2) Keep up with the standards set by the university/college for his/her degree program and abide by the conditions specified by the training grant;
(3) Conduct himself/herself in such a manner as not to bring disgrace or dishonor to his/her Agency/Office;
(4) Not engage in any work for pay or accept other forms of scholarship or fellowship during the scholarship period without the consent of the ATI Capability Building Committee;
(5) Pursue his/her degree program at the duly designated university/college and in the field of specialization indicated in the Scholarship Contract;
(6) Direct all efforts towards the completion of the requirements (academic courses and thesis/dissertation) of the degree for which the scholarship is awarded and within the required duration of the program as indicated in his/her Notice of Admission and Scholarship Contract;
(7) After a semester’s grant the scholar will be entitled to continue as a Scholar provide he/she obtains an average of at least 1.75 or its equivalent, has no grade lower than 2 or its equivalent and at the same time no grade of “incomplete” in any subject. Failure to meet grade requirement automatically disqualifies the scholar;
(8) Awardees must complete all the requirements for the Degree within the prescribed period of the program. Extension of one (1 semester may be granted upon presentation of valid justifications/reasons, such as but not limited to: disability, sickness, incidents considered as fortuitous events/force majeure and not solely upon the grantee’s behest and/or personal reasons, and upon approval of the ATI Capability Building Committee. In case of non-approval of extension, the awardee shall shoulder the additional expenses to complete the degree as stipulated in the Scholarship Contract; and
(9) Conduct his/her research (thesis/dissertation) work related to the priority programs, goals and thrusts geared toward the development of the agriculture sector.
Payback/Service Obligation
The grantee shall serve his/her Office and/or the Department of Agriculture after the scholarship/training for a period of four (4) years per Section 2 of Executive Order No. 367.
III. Youth in Agriculture and Fisheries Program (YAFP)
The Youth in Agriculture and Fisheries Program (YAFP) Scholarship was designed in furtherance of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) Section 77.3 which mandates the Department of Agriculture (DA), particularly the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) and the National Agriculture and Fisheries Council (NAFC), in collaboration with other concerned agencies, to expand its existing program for scholarships for degree and non-degree training in agriculture and fisheries for capable and deserving youth, particularly the children of smallholder farmers in order to encourage and support their studies, services and professional careers in agriculture and fisheries.
Specifically, the YAFP Scholarship has the following objectives:
(1) Encourage capable and deserving youth, particularly the children of smallholder farmers and fishers to pursue studies and professional career in agriculture and fisheries;
(2) Produce new kind of farmers who are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills and possess the right attitude in putting up agribusiness enterprise; and
(3) Provide subsidy for their education in their chosen courses and careers in agriculture and fisheries.
Guiding Principles
(1) The DA shall endeavor to offer a scholarship program open to all deserving children of small farmers and fisherfolk;
(2) The DA shall enlist the expertise of State Universities and Colleges in providing quality education for the children of smallholder farmers and fisherfolk;
(3) The DA believes that providing scholarship will attract young talented persons to go into agriculture and fishery professions; and
(4) Scholarships shall be provided through State Universities and Colleges, private colleges and universities approved by the ATI Capability Building Program Committee.
Program Mechanics for YAFP Scholarship
a. The scholarship program shall cover Bachelors Degree related to agriculture, fisheries and other agriculture-related courses;
b. The scholarship program shall be granted through schools/universities/institutions as approved by the ATI Capability Building Committee; and
c. The scholar shall study on a full-time basis.
Eligibility Requirements for Scholarship
General Criteria of Eligibility
a. He/She must be a son/daughter of a bonafide small-scale farmer/fisherfolk;
b. With parents/guardians having a gross annual income of not more than P120,000.00;
c. Not more than 30 years old at the time of application to the program;
d. The applicant must not have been a delinquent scholar of a previous scholarship. A delinquent scholar is one who already enjoyed a scholarship but was unable to complete the program with no justifiable reason;
e. He/She must be willing to apply in the field of specialization that conforms with the DA-ATI priority agriculture-related commodity/discipline; and
f. He/She must have passed the entrance/qualifying examination prescribed by the university/college where he/she intends to enroll.
Documentary Requirements
(1) Certification from ATI Regional Training Center that the applicant is a bonafide son/daughter of a small-scale farmer/fisherfolk;
(2) Latest BIR-Income Tax Return of parents/guardians or tax exemption certification from the barangay captain;
(3) Authenticated copy of birth certificate;
(4) Certification of good moral character from high school Principal;
(5) Certification of good health from a government physician with x-ray result taken within the last two months;
(6) Proof of Admission from the University/College;
(7) Personal Data Sheet with one (1) 2” x 2” colored picture; and
(8) Copy of Diploma and Form 137.
Scholarship Support/Privileges
Scholars shall be entitled to the following support/privileges:
a. Matriculation and other school fees (actual and as assessed by the school/university not exceeding Twenty Five Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00) per semester;
b. Books/school supplies Allowance of P3,000.00 per year;
c. Monthly stipend of P3,000.00 per month;
d. Research allowance of P9,000.00 to be given in full during the conduct of the research;
e. Transportation allowance of P2,500.00 per month;
f. Graduation fees (as assessed by the school/university) not exceeding P3,000.00;
g. One-time relocation allowance of P10,000.00 to be granted to scholars who have to study outside their region; and
h. Reimbursable one time round trip (economy) fare to and from place of residence to be given at the start and end of the scholarship period.
Terms of Conditions/Obligations/Responsibilities of the Scholar
The scholar must:
a. Sign a scholarship contract with the DA-ATI upon approval of the scholarship grant;
b. Keep up with the standards set by the university/college for his/her degree program and abide by the conditions specified by the scholarship grant;
c. Not engage in any work for pay or accept other forms of scholarship or fellowship during the scholarship period without the consent of the ATI Capability Building Committee;
d. Direct all efforts towards the completion of the requirements (academic and thesis) of the degree for which the scholarship is awarded and within the required duration of the program as indicated in his/her Notice of Admission and Contract. After a semester’s grant the scholar will be entitled to continue as a scholar provided he/she obtains an average of at least 1.75 or its equivalent, has no grade lower than 2 or its equivalent and at the same time no grade of “incomplete “ in any subject. Failure to meet grade requirement automatically disqualifies the scholar;
e. Conduct his/her research (thesis) work related to the priority programs, goals, towards the development of the agriculture sector; and
f. Submit semestral academic records to the ATI Capability Building Committee not later than three (3) weeks after the end of semester and before the release of the payment for the succeeding semestral school fees.
Payback/Service Obligation of the Scholar
The scholar upon graduation shall serve the government or the private sector either as extension worker, a farmer entrepreneur or a volunteer leader for one (1 ) year for each year of scholarship.