Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Registered Debenture Holders held at the Station Hotel, Chesterfield, on Thursday July 9th 1925 at 7-0 pm.
PresentMessrs JH Gregory, TR Smithson & R Thompson, Trustees; H Cropper, AE Mitchell, F Stokes, RL Weston, WH Atrill, SW Swale, RA Swale, AW Webb and H Shentall, Directors, and Messrs JW Lack, J Turner, GH Geeson, A Ward, H Bates, TH Buddington, CW McMillan, J Humphries, H Miles, A Adams, C Warner, JE Coten (?), T Brayshaw, P Stanton & others.
WH Cropper was elected Chairman.
NoticeThe notice convening the meeting was read by the Secretary.
InterestIt was proposed by Mr TR Smithson seconded by Mr SW Swale and agreed that all debenture interest accrued up to and including June 30th 1925 be foregone.
DirectorsMessrs F Stokes and RL Weston retired from the Board and being eligible were re-elected.
Repayment of debentures
A suggested scheme to sell the Recreation Ground and out of the proceeds of such sale to repay the £8,500 debentures at the rate of £60 per cent was explained to the meeting by the Chairman and after discussion it was proposed by Mr TH Buddington, seconded Mr A Ward, and carried unanimously that such scheme be sanctioned and approved.
AE Mitchell
Minutes of the sixth Annual General Meeting of the Company held at the Station Hotel, Chesterfield, on Thursday July 9th 1925 at 8-0 pm.
PresentMrH Cropper, Chairman; Messrs AE Mitchell, F Stokes, RL Weston, WH Atrill, SW Swale, RA Swale, AW Webb and H Shentall, Directors, Mr J Black, Secretary, and Messrs G Geeson, JH Stephens, SA Syddall, H Bates, JH Storer, H Poole, EA Harvey, JJ Russell, JH Stephens, WJ Tyler, W Silcock, JE Coten, H Mitchell, TH Buddington, A Adams and others.
NoticeThe notice convening the meeting was read by the Secretary.
Auditors’ reportThe Auditors’ report for the year ended 2nd May 1925 was read by the Secretary.
Adoption of reportProposed by WH Cropper, seconded by Mr AE Mitchell, that the accounts for the year ending 2nd May 1925 and the report on the Directors thereon be adopted and after discussion and the explanation of various items in the accounts this was carried unanimously.
DirectorsNo further nominations for the two vacancies on the Board were received and the two retiring Directors, Messrs SW Swale and AW Webb, were unanimously re-elected.
AuditorMr RL Marsden, Chartered Accountant, Chesterfield, was re-elected Auditor to the Company at a fee to be arranged by the Directors.
Vote of ThanksA vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding at the meeting was passed unanimously.
AE Mitchell
Minutes of a Meeting of Directors held at The Recreation Ground on Tuesday, July 14th 1925, at 7.30 pm.
PresentMr AE Mitchell (Chairman)
Mr F Stokes
Mr RA Swale
Mr H Shentall
Mr AW Webb
Mr WH Atrill
Mr RL Weston
In attendanceMr J Black, Secretary; Mr H Parkes, Manager.
It was agreed the election of Chairman of the Board for the ensuing twelve months be left over until the next meeting and Mr AE Mitchell was elected Chairman of this meeting.
MinutesThe minutes of the meeting of Directors held on June 30th last and of the Annual Meetings of Debenture Holders and Shareholders held on the 9th inst were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
Bank A/cThe Statement of the Bank Account was reported and it was agreed the following cheques be drawn.
H ParkesWages61.11.3
H ParkesPetty Cash13.6.8
A WilliamsonTickets1.0.0
Postmaster GenlTelephone A/c5.18.4
And the following cheques drawn since the last meeting were confirmed:
H ParkesWages6.11.13
Midland CombinationAnn. Subsn.5.5.0
E RoseboomSigning fee10.0.0
Chesterfield CorpnRates45.13.6
An account for £4.18.2 for meals supplied by the Station Hotel to players on the occasion of the Midland Combination match on May 2nd last was brought forward by the Financial Secretary and it was agreed that this be deferred for consideration at the next meeting.
Manager’s reportThe Manager reported he had signed on Edward Roseboom, inside-forward, at £3.0.0 and £5.0.0 with 10/= extra in 1st team and £10 signing fee and this action was confirmed.
T SmeltThe question of signing on Thos Smelt, centre-forward, was discussed and the Manager was authorised to fix up this player on the best terms possible.
OutfitsThe Manager was authorised to purchase 2 dozen towels and one set each of white and blue knickers and one length of hose pipe for bath.
Loan of GroundIt was agreed the Boy Scouts should have the use of the Ground for exercises during the month of July.
CompensationThe Manager reported the payment of 30/= compensation to S Hopkinson and he was instructed to claim this from the Football Association.
H Cropper
Minutes of a Meeting of Directors held at The Recreation Ground on Tuesday, July 28th 1925, at 7.30 pm.
PresentMr AE Mitchell (Chairman)
Mr RL Weston
Mr AW Webb
Mr F Stokes
Mr H Shentall
Mr WH Atrill
Mr H Cropper
Mr RA Swale
Mr SW Swale
In attendanceMr J Black, Secretary; Mr H Parkes, Manager.
Election of Chairman & Vice-chairman
Mr H Cropper was elected Chairman of the Company and Mr AE Mitchell Vice-chairman.
MinutesThe minutes of the previous meeting were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
Bank A/cThe Statement of the Bank Account was reported and it was agreed the following cheques be drawn.
H ParkesWages81.11.3
H ParkesPetty Cash8.7.11
And the following cheques signed since the last meeting were confirmed.
T SmeltSigning fee & wages8.10.0
H ParkesWages16.11.3
Manager’s reportThe Manager reported he had signed on Thomas Smelt, centre-forward, at £3.10.0 summer and 34.10.0 winter plus travelling expenses and with £5 signing fee and this action was approved.
The Manager reported he had signed on Jas. Cookson at £4 per week plus £10 signing fee and that a transfer fee of £60 was payable to Manchester City for this player. This action was approved and the Manager was instructed to offer Manchester City a two or three months bill for the £60.
The Manager reported he had signed on JW Whitworth at £2 per week plus payment for lost time and G Irvine at £1.5.0 per week plus second team bonus and this action was approved.
TrainingIt was agreed that players report for training on August 4th next and that all players train at Chesterfield for the first month and that the Manager obtain the necessary railway passes.
Rowing machineThe question of a rowing machine for training purposes was discussed and the Manager was instructed to obtain one on approval.
Junior practise match
The Manager was instructed to advertise in the Derbyshire Times, Green ‘Un and Sheffield Mail for junior players for a practise match early in August.
Selling rightsThe Financial Secretary reported that Mr George Broomhead had tendered the sum of £35 for the selling rights on the Ground during the coming season and this tender was accepted.
Station Hotel A/cThe Station hotel A/c for £4.18.2 for meals supplied on the occasion of the Midland combination match on May 2nd last was brought forward and it was agreed that this A/c be paid by us.
AdvertisingTenders for printing for the coming season were discussed and it was agreed that the tender of Messrs Broomhead Bros Ltd for 120 streamers for 1st team matches at £1.7.6 and 50 streamers for 2nd team matches at 15/6 be accepted.
It was agreed to exhibit 25 bills on Messrs Underwood’s buses per week at1/2d per bill per week and that amended tenders be obtained for better quality monthly cards.
H Cropper