2013 Annual Meeting
Rule Changes
Changes to By Laws:
Lifetime Membership:
Must be a member for at least 10 years in WSH/PSHA and currently maintains their Judges/Timers Card and who is 65 or older and no longer riding competitively, and or any circumstances where a member can no longer be competitive due to some unforeseen accident.
General Rule Changes
1. TEAM POLEBENDING – TEAM OF FOUR – under EVENT the wording be changed from:
“Rider with baton rides the polebending course and when that rider completes the course, he passes the baton to the next rider, until all four riders have completed the course.”
To:“The first rider rides the polebending course, crosses the finish line and then the next rider rides the course until all four riders have completed the course.”
Under this same TEAM POLEBENDING – TEAM OF FOUR section under General Rule Section 16 the wording:
“Events that require the passing of the baton. If a rider is on course, the rider dropping the baton must retrieve it, crossing start/finish line if necessary. If the baton is dropped on the off course side of the start/finish line, either the passer (who need not remount) or the receiver may retrieve it. With the exception of the last rider, a rider missing the baton may run the course, return for the baton and then correctly run the course. Any member may move up and take the baton if the intended receiver misses, but no rider may run more than once.”
2. I move to changeSECTION 16: CLASSIC SHOW, E. Disqualificationsto include the sentence:“PSHA riders who are C or D rated in an event will be allowed to decline their invitation to State Finals and still ride at a Classic Show in their proper class and age group.The C or D rider MUST follow the State Finals invitation call-in rules as noted in SECTION 14, G of the rule book and on their invitation.”-
3. Section 16 Paragraph E Disqualifications Change: An invitation to a current year State Finals Championship event will disqualify horse/rider combinations from competing in that event at the Classic Show. Exception: A rider who meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act may ride a horse at the Classic that has received an invitation to State Finals with a different rider, provided the disabled rider has met the three (3) ride requirement on the horse. Horse/Riders combinations that are invited to ride at State Finals Championship Show are not eligible to ride at the Classic Show. If by Tuesday night at 9:30 p.m. a rider is invited as an alternate only (not invited to State Finals in any other event), rider may decline andride at the classic. An invitation issued at State Finals can be declined by the rider and the rider will still be allowed to compete at the Classic Show in that event. Exception: If a rider has qualified two horses to State Finals, the rider will be allowed to choose which horse will compete at State Finals and which horse may compete at the Classic in which event. The decision can be made at State Finals before the event begins.
4. Change Pg 72 section 14c
The same rider can appear multiple times on multiple horses in an event. There will be one run at state finals.”
We will invite 12 different PEOPLE in the class, regardless of the number of horses.
Pg 73 section F (change)
Each rider can ride multiple times in each event they are invited in