Visual Arts Proficient, Week 5 Greek Art: Architectural View

Essential Standards

P.CX.1.4 Understand how personal aesthetic responses to art are influenced by culture.

P.V.2.1 Implement planning to arrive at original solutions to artistic problems.

Common Core

Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning

and relevant and sufficient evidence.


1. Learn the Rule of Thirds and how to use it to place your focal point off center.

2. Learn about how to proceed with your Architectural View painting.

When painting, always have out a palette, paintbrushes, paper towel, palette knife, and water cup.

Set up your palette:

Squirt a dime-sized amount of the paint you will need around the perimeter of the palette. Get only the colors you need for the area you are working with! Do not get more than you can work with in 15 minutes! You can always get more later. Mix colors in the middle of the palette, as shown in the photo below. Keep perimeter colors clean. Remember your color theory from Art One: we are working with no more than a third of the color wheel (analogous colors) plus black and white. How do you make tertiary colors?

Painting order:

First, paint an analogous chart of the colors you will use:

a. On any paper or board, draw concentric circles that are the following in diameter:

5", 4.25", 3.5", 2.75", 2", 1.25".

b. Slice the pie with twelve equal slices.

If you need help figuring out how to do this, please see

"How to Equally Divide a Circle" on the Art 3 webpage.

c. Choose your analogous third of the color wheel to paint into the middle row of your chart.

Mix your colors accurately! Paint fully so the substrate does not show through in specks.

d. On the next smallest row, mix each hue with a tiny bit of black paint.

e. On the smallest row, mix each hue with a little more black.

f. For the outer rows, mix each hue with white in the same way as you did with black.

Your chart should look similar to the picture:

Second, paint large background areas first.

Third, paint the large areas on the architecture and other objects.

Lastly, paint any small details, shading, and highlights with a detail brush. Do not paint outlines!

Clean up:

Wash brushes immediately with soap and water. Squeeze the water out and leave the tip pointy. Store in your drawer. Squirt one drop of Drying Retarder on all paints you want to save for tomorrow. If you have a pure paint you don't need anymore, scrape it back into the bottle with a palette knife. Close your palette tightly to save the paints for tomorrow.

Put your painting on the large drying rack.

Wash your table with a damp sponge. Rinse and squeeze the sponge when finished, and put back in the dish drain.

Clean out the sink you used: leave no evidence of water, paint, or trash. Clean out the little metal filter and replace.

Dry your table with ONE paper towel. Please help someone else!


1. Duesday: Project Critique: Compare your Architectural View artworks with the rubric to be sure you are maximizing your grade.


1. Paint Architectural View in acrylics

2. Write a reflection and DAIJ critique after the painting is complete.

a. In the reflection, discuss what you learned in this project, what went well and what did not. Include any reasons for difficulties.

b. In the critique, describe how you used the Rule of Thirds in your composition.

c. Email the reflection and critique in one email to by Monday, midnight.

Name / Architectural View / Grade
Assessor / A
93-100 / B
85-92 / C
78-84 / D
70-77 / F
met / Accurate contours of original architectural image, close up / 19-20 / 17-18 / 16 / 14-15 / 0-13
Use of Rule of Thirds for placement of Focal Point / 19-20 / 17-18 / 16 / 14-15 / 0-13
Only up to four analogous hues, black, and white used / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 0-6
Craftsmanship / Skillful use of acrylic paint and substrate / 38-40 / 34-37 / 31-33 / 28-30 / 0-29
Artistic Vision / Complex imagery,
Excellent craftsmanship,
Excellent use of space,
Excellent use of Elements of Art
Excellent use of Principles of Art
(each worth 2 points) / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 0-6