Voluntarios Internacionales Mexico A.C (VIMEX) is a Mexican organization founded on December 4th, 1985. It began to work officially in 1982.

Located in Mexico City, VIMEX is an independent non-religious, non-governmental and non-profitable organization. It co-organizes International Workcamps, Medium and Long Term Volunteering programs, EVS and Weltwärts projects in Mexico, it hosts international volunteers in various projects and sends Mexican volunteers in projects abroad. VIMEX’s national program aims at integrating national and international volunteers in various projects in order for them to contribute with their time, energy and know-how and the same time sensibilizing them to certain aspects of the Mexican reality. Being part of a project in Mexico allow the volunteers to get to know a bit more about Mexican culture, customs, heritage but mostly about its people. Volunteers can also practice their Spanish skills as well as getting acquainted with other languages while doing something useful. But more important, VIMEX hopes that the attitude of the people changes for the benefit of human kind and of the society we all live in. Therefore, VIMEX encourages everyone to experience being a volunteer in Mexico and abroad.

VIMEX’s international program has as an objective to support and provide Mexican people the possibility to get to know different points of view about different types of life and cultures in comparison to ours. Apart from that, VIMEX promotes living together and working in an international team.


  • To promote global solidarity, tolerance and mutual understanding between the different cultures and races through the International Volunteer Projects.
  • Identify the necessities of our country in social, educative and environmental areas.


  • Give support to communities that require volunteer work.
  • To make young people conscious of their important participation in society.


  • To reinforce our organization with social, educative, ecological and environmental awareness with national and international presence with voluntary work contributing to the development of people, especially those with fewer opportunities.
  • Type of organization: VIMEX is a Civil Association, recognized by the Mexican Government and by the Mexican Laws is a Non Governmental Organisation.

Our values:

  • Solidarity
  • Respect
  • Ethic
  • Tolerance
  • Activities: VIMEX organizes Short term workcamps, Medium and Long Term volunteering, EVS, Weltwärts Projectsand Spanish courses.




How to get to the office:

You can find us using the blue Line 2 of the subway that runs from Tasqueña to Cuatro Caminos stations . Get off at Revolucion station. From there walk 3 little blocks on Jose Maria Iglesias street and you can find our office. Ask for the Monumento a la Revolución (is a big monument).

General Conditions of Participation:

a) Age from 18 years old. For the volunteers of 30 years old must have opened mind and they have to accept the conditions of the camp.

b)Common Language: English and Basic Spanish are the most used languages during the volunteering projects. We encourage all volunteers participating in international workcamps in Mexico to get some Spanish in order to make it easier and more enjoyable experience.

For MTV, LTV, EVS and Weltwärts projects volunteers need to speak and write basic Spanish language to facilitate the communication with local people and with the project’s responsible.

c)Participation Fee: It is Required in All Our Projects. It must be covered by bank transfer or in our office upon arrival.

d)VIMEX is a non–profit organization and does not have external funding, all costs of the camp are sustained through participation fees from volunteers. Therefore all volunteers are expected to cover the Fees before the project begins.

e)The fees up to date are

  • Membership fee – 60 pesos (compulsory for Mexicans, optional for international volunteers),
  • Inscription fee – 2000 pesos (only for Mexican volunteers going abroad) and
  • Participation fee – 150 euros or 2700 Mexican pesos (for all volunteers participating in projects in Mexico). This participation fee basically covers accommodation, food and other expenses in each camp. Not all the participation fee from the volunteers are assigned for the camp.

NOTE:For more than 5 years VIMEX has maintained the same participation fees allowing volunteers to be able to cover for them. This year VIMEX A.C. moves a step forward and reduces the fees both in the inscription fee for Mexican going abroad and in the participation fee of Mexican and international volunteers participating in VIMEX’s projects in Mexico. It is our will to continue working in the reduction of these fees for volunteers and striving to achieve a balance in our finances with the contribution from public and private funding from communities, state and private institutions and with the goal of making our projects accessible to a bigger number of volunteers.

f)Please, each volunteer must bring his/her own insurance.


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  • Vidal Flores Girón:
  • Outgoing:
  • Blanca Jiménez
  • Incoming:
  • Nicolás Aguilar
  • Volunteering coordinator

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Environment / ENVI / Construction / CONS
Renovation/Reconstruction / RENO / Archeology / ARCH
Working with young people / KIDS / Social work / SOCI
Working with disabled people / DISA / Learning languages / LANG
Working with elderly people / ELDE / Farm or agriculture / AGRI
Practicing/teaching languages / TEACH / Manual work / MANU
Art / ARTS / Cultural work / CULT
Festival / FEST / Computation / COMPU
Ecology / ECO / Sports / SPORT
Workshops / WS / Administration / ADM
Heritage / HERIT / Graphic Designer / GRAPHD
Animation / ANIM / Medical, dentist / MED
Media / MEDIA / Teenage projects / TEEN



VIMEXSC1 / 27.03-31.03 / VIMEX01-12 / Cellular Reserves / Oaxaca / 01.04-15.04 / ENVI / 18 / 15
VIMEXSC2 / 22-05-26.05 / VIMEX 02-12 / Parque Metropolitano / Guadalajara / 28.05-11.06 / ENVI/CULT/EDU / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC3 / 26.06-30.06 / VIMEX03-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 02.07–16.07 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC4 / 09.07-13.07 / VIMEX04-12 / Summer Camp T / Oaxaca / 14.07-28.07 / KIDS/ART/SPORT / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC4 / 09.07-13.07 / VIMEX05-12 / Tlayacapan/Patrimonito / Morelos / 15.07-29.07 / HERIT/ANIM / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC5 / 11.07-16.07 / VIMEX06-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 17.07-31.07 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC5 / 11.07-16.07 / VIMEX07-12 / Movie Reflection / Mexico State / / ENVI/EDU / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC4 / 09.07-13.07 / VIMEX08-12 / Xochicalco / Morelos / 15.07-28.07 / KIDS/WS/ENVI / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC6 / 26.07-31.07 / VIMEX09-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 01.08 –15.08 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC7 / 07.08-11.08 / VIMEX10-12 / Atlatlahucan/Patrimonito / Morelos / 13.08 – 27.08 / HERIT/ SOCI / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC8 / 11.08-16.08 / VIMEX11-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 17.08 - 31.08 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC9 / 21.08-25.08 / VIMEX12-12 / Ocuituco/Patrimonito / Morelos / 27.08 – 11.09 / HERIT / ANIM / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC9 / 21.08-25.08 / VIMEX13-12 / Tepoztlán/Patrimonito / Morelos / 27.08- 10.09 / HERIT / ANIM / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC7 / 07.08-11.08 / VIMEX14-12 / Festival Vive Diseño / Guanajuato / 13.08-26.08 / FEST/MEDIA/WS/ART / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC7 / 07.08-11.08 / VIMEX15 -12
VIMEXSC10 / 27.08-31.08 / VIMEX16-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 01.09–15.09 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC11 / 10.09-14.09 / VIMEX17-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 17.09–01.10 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC12 / 18.09-22.09 / VIMEX18 -12 / Zacualpan/Patrimonito / Morelos / 24.09 – 08.10 / HERIT/ANIM / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC / VIMEX19- 12 / Hacienda de Cuautepec / Morelos / Dates to confirm / SOC/ANIM / 18 / 12


VIMEXSC13 / 25.09-29.09 / VIMEX20-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 01.10–15.10 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC14 / 09.10-13.10 / VIMEX21-12 / Xochicalco/Patrimonito / Morelos / 14.10–27.10 / HERIT/ANIM / 18 / 12
VIMEXSC14 / 09.10-13.10 / VIMEX22-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 16.10–30.10 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC15 / 16.10-20.10 / VIMEX23-12 / Tetela de Volcán & Hueyapan/Patrimonito / Morelos / 22.10–05.11 / HERIT / ANIM / 18 / 12


VIMEXSC16 / 26.10-31.10 / VIMEX24-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 01.11–15.11 / ENVI / 18 / 10
VIMEXSC17 / 10.10-15.11 / VIMEX25-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 16.11–30.11 / ENVI / 18 / 10


VIMEXSC18 / 26.11--30.11 / VIMEX26-12 / Turtles Zihuatanejo / Guerrero / 01.12–15.12 / ENVI / 18 / 10


VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV01-12 / Yoga / Oaxaca / Since April 6 months Permanent / SPORT / 18 / 1
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV02-12 / Aerobics / Oaxaca / Since April 6 months Permanent / SPORT / 18 / 1
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV03-12 / Teaching English / Oaxaca / Since April 6 months Permanent / TEACH / 18 / 2
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV04-12 / Workshops / Oaxaca / Since April 6 months Permanent / KIDS/ART/SPORT/WS / 18 / 2
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV05-12 / Growth and Development / México City / Since April 6 months Permanent / ART/SPORT/EDU/KIDS / 18 / 1
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV06-12 / Sport & Art / México City / Since April 6 months Permanent / ART/SPORT/KIDS / 18 / 2
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV07-12 / Support & Solidarity / México City / Since April 6 months Permanent / ART/SPORT/CULT/LANG / 18 / 1
VIMEXLMTVSC02 / 25.04-30.04 / VIMEXMTV08-12 / EIC Valle / MéxicoState / 03.05 -03.11
(6 months) / COMPU/EDU / 18 / 2
VIMEXLMTVSC02 / 25.04-30.04 / VIMEXMTV09-12 / Sports Scholl / MéxicoState / 03.05-03.11
(6 months) / SPORT / 18 / 6
VIMEXLMTVSC02 / 25.04-30.04 / VIMEXMTV10-12 / Hydroponics / MéxicoState / 03.05-03.11
(6 months) / ENVI/EDU / 18 / 4
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV11-12 / Francia-México
Cultural interchange / Morelos / Since March 3, 6, months Permanent / CULT/MEDIA / 20 / 2
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV12-12 / La Vagabunda-Travelling Library / Morelos / Since March 3, 6, months Permanent / CULT/EDU / 20 / 2
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV13-12 / Patrimonito 2012/UNESCO / Morelos / Since April or May 3, 6 months / HERI/CULT/MEDIA / 20 / 2
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV14-12 / Environmental
Education / Oaxaca / Since March, 1 month permanent / ENVI/EDU / 18 / 20
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV15-12 / Sexual and reproductive rights
Women / Oaxaca / Since March, 1 month permanent / SOCI/EDU / 18 / 10
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV16-12 / Training in computing / Oaxaca / Since March, 1 month permanent / COMPU/EDU / 18 / 5
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV17-12 / Agroecology / Oaxaca / Since March, 1 month permanent / ENVI/COMPU/ADM / 18 / 10
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV18-12 / Systematization of experience / Oaxaca / Since March, 3 month permanent / ENVI/COMPU/ADM / 18 / 5
VIMEXLMTVSC01 / Please Ask / VIMEXMTV19-12 / Image / Oaxaca / Since March, 3 month permanent / GRAPHD/ADM / 18 / 2


ask / VIMEXLTV01-12 / Children’s Home / Mexico City / Since March
6 to 12 months Open dates / CHILD/EDU/SPORT / 20 / 2
ask / VIMEXLTV02-12 / Children’s Home DA / Mexico City / Since March
6 to 12 months Open dates / ADM/GRAPHD / 20 / 1
ask / VIMEXLTV03-12 / France-México
Cultural interchange / Morelos / Since April, 12months Permanent / SOCI/MEDIA / 20 / 2
ask / VIMEXLTV04-12 / La Vagabunda-Travelling Library / Morelos / Since March 9, 12, months Permanent / CULT/EDU / 20 / 2
ask / VIMEXLTV05-12 / Voluntary Patrimonito 2012 / Morelos / Since April or May 9 months Permanent / HERI/CULT / 20 / 2


VIMEX SC 1 / 27.03 – 31.03 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 2 / 22.05 - 26.05 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 3 / 26.06 - 30.06 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 4 / 09.07 – 13.07 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 5 / 11.07 – 16.07 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 6 / 26.07 –31.07 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 7 / 07.08 – 11.08 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 8 / 11.08 – 16.08 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 9 / 21.08 – 25.08 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 10 / 27.08 –31.08 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 11 / 10.09 – 14.09 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 12 / 18.09 - 22.09 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIM EX SC 13 / 25.09 – 29.09 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 14 / 09.10 – 13.10 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 15 / 16.10 – 20.10 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 16 / 26.10 – 31.10 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 17 / 10.11 – 15.11 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX SC 18 / 25.11 – 30.11 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX MLTV SC 1 / Please ask / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language
VIMEX MLTV SC 2 / 25.04 – 30.04 / Spanish Course / Mexico City / Language

The cost for the Spanish Course is: 160 Euros

1These Spanish Courses were designed for those volunteers that have no knowledge of the Spanish language and for those volunteers that have some knowledge but would like to improve it.

2This course is theoretical and practical. Taking advantage you will be in Mexico City classes are not only in class, but also in attractive spots of this beautiful and cultural city.

3Learning a language gives the opportunity to learn more about culture, this is not the exception, you’ll get to know more about Mexican life style, traditions and historical background.

4 When somebody visits a country and knows a little bit the local language they feel more motivated, more secure during the trip and of course they will feel more comfortable in this country. The main idea is that the volunteers “feel at home”.

We believe that this course will be very helpful for the volunteers that will come to our workcamps and projects because they will have the chance to be in touch with the locals. They will enjoy more their time in Mexico with the knowledge of the language and Mexican culture.

Spanish Course offers to you:

13 hours daily of Intensive theoretical- practical Spanish course with professional teacher 5 days a week.

2the classes will take place at VIMEX office and attractive spots in Mexico City

3Material: workbook

4Lodging in a close hostel for 5 nights

5One visit to a place as a museum, historical and traditional places in Mexico City.

At the end of the Intensive Spanish Course a talk will be given. This talk will address different topics of volunteer work, geographical situation, idiosyncrasy of Mexican people and Mexican culture. Volunteers will be sent to their work camps and projects. Besides learning some Spanish this will allow them to know each other and develop a support group.

To all partners

We in VIMEX A.C. are striving to achieve a quality program that fulfillsthe expectations of both the volunteers’ and the communities and associations we work with and at the same time that complies with our vision and objectives.

We are therefore improving the information to our partners and would like to highlight some points about the projects we are presenting this year.

Turtles Zihuatanejo: (VIMEX 3, 6, 9, 11, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25 and 26)

VIMEX has organized for many years projects dealing with the protection of sea turtles in the Pacific Coast of Mexico. The project has been focusing in the protection of the turtle eggs, patrolling the nests and liberating the baby turtles. We are moving a step forward in the awareness-raising of the local population about the importance of protecting the turtles and assuring its reproduction. Furthermore, we are implementing a more pedagogical approach in order to have a more significant impact both in the local community as well as in the volunteers by trying to set up workshops for and with the local population.

Environmental Projects : VIMEX 1, 2, 7 and 19

VIMEX is getting more and more involved in environmental issues and proposes 3 projects directly related to this thematic. The projects include a physical part and a more pedagogical aspect which will allow the volunteers to interact with local Mexican people and exchange environmental practices.

World Heritage PATRIMONITO Projects : VIMEX 5, 10, 12, 13, 18, 21 and 23

This year VIMEX joins for the first time the World Heritage program Patrimonito and it proposes 7 workcamps which will be carried out in 2 World Heritage sites in Mexico: The Earliest XVI century Monasteries on the Slopes of the Popocatepetl and in the Archaelogical zone of Xochicalco. The workcamps will have a great deal of elements that will make them very rich both culturally and socially as they will be planned for volunteers to work directly in the world heritage sites but also they will have a lot of contact with the local population. Furthermore, several of these projects will be happening during local festivities in the villages allowing the volunteers to learn more about the local intangible patrimony – traditions, customs, etc, and at the same time they will be able to present World Heritage sites from their own countries.

Social Projects : VIMEX 4, 8 and 19

These 3 projects will deal more with social aspects and will involve the animation with kids and young people in local communities. Spanish language will be a plus but some of the presentations that volunteers will do with the children and young people aim also at motivating them to get interested in study English or French or any other language. Different thematic issues will be addressed through the workshops implemented by the volunteers and this will allow the participants to put into value their skills and knowledge.

Vive Diseño Festival: VIMEX 14

This is a totally new type of workcamp proposed by VIMEX and we ask the partners to encourage graphic design students or professionals to participate. The workcamp will take place in one of the most beautiful cities in Mexico which is also a World Heritage site – Guanajuato! The local Foundation Vive Diseño is aiming at including international and national volunteers in their festival to give it an added value but also to give the opportunity to participant graphic designers to learn more about voluntary work and to meet their peers from other countries.



VIMEX 01-12

Cellular ReservesOaxaca01.04–15.04ENV1815 Vols.


PROJECT DETAILS: Ecosta Yutu Cuii is a constituted Society of Social Solidarity that develops activities in 21 rural communities in the coast of Oaxaca State with families, small farmers, groups of women, young people and children of different ages participate in this project. Ecosta impels a strategy of handling and conservation of natural resources with 3 thematic topics: natural agro-ecology resources, economic development and formation of human resources. Throughout 15 years, 43 projects actions have come out where up to 2.000 people have participated. Ecosta has developed innovating initiatives in the different thematic topics that include technological, economic and social issues. Ecosta mission is to promote the communities along with the conservation of the natural resources, the culture and formation of human resources towards the sustainable development of the Cuenca Baja of Río Verde. The proposed of the cellular forest reserves suggests that farmers are directly involved in the conservation of natural resources, each participant defines an area within its plot in which it promised not to throw the forest. Currently 650 farmers are involved and have an area of 7000 hectares of preserved rainforest. Objective: To strengthen a model farmer conservation of natural resources.

WORK: The activities will be:

1. Accountthe existing biodiversityin threecellular reserves, flora andfauna.

2. This information will serveto supporta study oncarboncapturelaterallowfarmers canreceive bonuses forpayment for environmental servicesas an incentivefor conservation. This project is ideal for nature lovers