4.2 Diversity Curriculum Map – Initial and Advanced Programs

Initial Program Courses with Emphasis on Diversity

Course / Diversity Emphasis
Undergraduate Programs
CURIN 261 Explorations in Education (All) / Introduce candidates to various aspects of diversity in schools through a review and analysis of the contextual factors of their assigned schools. Includes a 30 hour clinical experience in an elementary, middle or secondary classroom depending upon the major and field of content.
SSLS 510 Overview of Education for Exceptional Children or SSLS 511 Overview of Children with Disabilities K-6th grade (All) / An introduction to the field of special education. Focuses on the types of children served and typical local and state programs that assist in the education of the atypical child. Included in this class is a ten-hour field experience and candidate reflection with a special needs child.
CURIN 307 Clinical Experience (Elementary and Elective for Secondary) / Supervised 30 hour clinical experience for education majors. This course includes lesson planning and presentation of at least two whole class lessons in a classroom setting. The grade level and school is different than the first clinical experience.
PSYCH 357 Educational Psychology (All) / A broad based course designed to relate psychological theory to educational practice. Includes course planning and objectives, learning and information processing, teaching strategies, motivation, behavior management, multicultural education, and measurement and evaluation. It is designed to meet the needs of a broad spectrum of students in diverse settings. Students complete a diversity assignment that meets some of the diversity dispositions in the Knowledge Base.
CURIN 252 Children’s Literature
(Elementary ) / Reading, selection and presentation of a variety of children's literature that reflects a variety of cultures. Includes values and criteria for choosing literature with children at various stages in their development, historical overview of changes in children's literature, an in-depth look at various genres, and focusing on teaching children using literature across the curriculum. Teacher candidates have to include a statement in their book summaries about diversity in the book.
CURIN 511 Diversity in the Classroom (Elementary and ESOL minor) / Candidates become knowledgeable about and are assessed on the diverse, historical tapestry of cultures that make up the United States and the roles language, socioeconomic level, geography, exceptionalities, and religion play in the development of the student and their families.
CURIN 320 Early Childhood Foundations and Curriculum (Elementary) / Covers the full spectrum of early childhood education from kindergarten through third grade. History curriculum, program application, and current trends and issues are examined. The course includes an overview of various early childhood curricular models with special emphasis upon examining and designing curriculum materials that foster competence in all children in the areas of the self: physical, emotional, social, aesthetic and cognitive. Candidates develop and activity center plan with three levels of difficulty to accommodate children with special needs, included gifted.
CURIN 361, 362, 363, 367, 566 (Elementary Methods Courses) / All courses include the creation and assessment of developmentally appropriate lesson plans and instructional strategies that meet the needs of all children. Field experiences and practica with students who are low-income, special needs, and English Language Learners are included.
Secondary Techniques Courses 479 / All courses contain objectives and assessments that incorporate diversity knowledge, skills, and dispositions into their courses so that secondary education candidates meet the needs of all students and their families.
Professional Semester
(All) / During the professional semester candidates are evaluated on all 60 indicators of the knowledge base. An emphasis is placed on working with all students and in developing learning materials that meet the needs of all students. Candidate dispositions are closely monitored.
All teacher candidates attend a diversity workshop and/or field trip to a school that is successfully working with a diverse student body which includes students with special needs, English Language Learners and/or students living in poverty.
Teacher candidates create a Teacher Work Sample which includes the cultural context of the school, pre and post test, a unit of study, and an analysis of the student learning objectives. The unit of study is taught during the professional semester. Adaptations and differentiated instructional strategies for students with special needs and/or English Language Learners are included.
Master of Arts in Teaching
CURIN 843 Trends and Issues / The course explores demands for increased student equity, international competiveness, curriculum revision, greater accountability and a host of other issues. Explores the effectiveness full inclusion of special needs students. Differentiate specific Instructional and Curriculum changes that provide different approaches to learning.
CURIN 850 Current Teaching Practices / A section of the course will focus on student diversity. Candidates will be able to recognize the types of diversity found in the American classroom and identify the significant indicators of an “at-risk child” as illustrated in research.
CURIN 851 Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom / Designed for the practitioner or teacher candidate to provide an in-depth awareness of and sensitivity to the concepts and goals of multicultural education and cultural diversity with a focus on the special needs learner. Includes the development of instructional settings that enables the practitioner to use the role language plays in cultural identity. Explores the diverse historical tapestry of cultures that make up the US.
CURIN 879 Instructional Planning and Delivery / The three-hour course will examine current research on effective planning and delivery. Students will have opportunities to implement findings in class and evaluate results through reflection. The class will explore and integrate into their planning varied techniques to meet or accommodate diverse learner needs. In addition, the student will complete a modified unit following the process outlined in the Teacher Work Sample.
PSYCH 810 Advanced Educational Psychology / A broad based course designed to relate psychological theory to educational practice. Includes course planning and objectives, learning and information processing, teaching strategies, motivation, behavior management, multicultural education, and measurement and evaluation. It is designed to meet the needs of a broad spectrum of students in diverse settings. Students complete a diversity assignment that meets some of the diversity dispositions in the Knowledge Base.
SSLS 815 Individuals with Exceptionalities / The student will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to understand that the field of special education is diverse and serves several types of students. The student will also gain a working knowledge of local and state programs that are required for the education of exceptional learners.

Advanced Program Courses with Emphasis on Diversity

Program / Advanced Program Courses
ESOL emphasis / CURIN 851 Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
CURIN 852 Advanced Culture and Second Language Acquisition
CURIN 853 Advanced Assessment for ELLs
CURIN 854 Advanced Methods and Instructional Activities for ELLs
ENGL 714 Applied Linguistics for ESOL
CURIN 855 Advanced Practicum with ELLs
CURIN 843 Trends and Issues
CURIN 850 Current Teaching Practices
CURIN 891 Methods of Research
Reading Specialist / CURIN 854 Advanced Methods and Instructional Activities for ELLs
CURIN 834 Advanced Children’s and Adolescent Literature
Classroom Teacher – Elementary and Secondary / CURIN 851 Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
CURIN 843 Trends and Issues
CURIN 850 Current Teaching Practices
CURIN 891 Methods of Research
An elective course on Understanding the Individual (7 choices)
An elective course focusing on Special Needs Students
Special Education
Adaptive Special Education PreK-12 / SSLS 744 Special Education Technology
SSLS 745 Classroom Management Techniques
SSLS 750 Assessment in Special Education
SSLS 849 Partnerships w/Families of Exceptional Children and Youth
SSLS 738 Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
SSLS 779 Teaching Elementary Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
SSLS 780 Teaching Secondary Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
SSLS 761 Practicum/Adaptive Learning Needs
SSLS 852 Characteristics of Students with Functional Learning Needs
SSLS 853 Teaching Students with Functional Learning Needs
SSLS 860 Practicum/Functional Learning Needs
SSLS 876 Teaching Young Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
SSLS 762 Practicum II
SSLS 864 Practicum III
SSLS 861 Professional Special Educator
School Counselor / PSYCH 745 Introduction to Counseling
PSYCH 748 Career Development
PSYCH 759 Advanced Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 814 Program Planning and Management in School Counseling
PSYCH 818 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
PSYCH 819 Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy
PSYCH 821 Family Counseling
SSLS 861 The Professional Special Educator
PSYCH 822 Practicum in School Counseling
PSYCH 895 Internship in School Counseling
PSYCH 995 Advanced Counseling Internship
School Psychology / SSLS 861 The Professional Special Educator
PSYCH 740 Topics in Pre-Natal, Neo-Natal and Early Child Development
PSYCH 740 Topics in Middle Childhood and Adolescent Development
PSYCH 741Behavior Modification
PSYCH 759 Advanced Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 781 Psychology of Exceptional Children
PSYCH 783 Ethical and Legal Issues in School Psychology and Related Field
PSYCH 805 Psychoeducational Assessment
PSYCH 808 Child Personality Assessment
PSYCH 817 Theories and Techniques of Family Counseling and Therapy
PSYCH 818 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
PSYCH 819 Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy
PSYCH 830 Psychology of Learning
PSYCH 834 Introduction to Human Neuropsychology
PSYCH 837 Assessment and Intervention with Early Childhood Disabilities
PSYCH 845 Supervised Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy
PSYCH 870 Practicum in School Psychology
PSYCH 901 Contemporary Problems in School Psychology
PSYCH 905 Internship in School Psychology
PSYCH 970 Advanced Practicum in School Psychology
Building Leadership / SSLS 800/801 Educational Leadership I/II
SSLS 834 Curriculum Development
SSLS 809 Legal Foundational of Public Education
SSLS 894 Practicum in Educational Leadership
District Leadership / SSLS 901 Educational Systems Leadership I
SSLS 902 Educational Systems Leadership II
SSLS 903 Educational Systems Leadership III
SSLS 997 Practicum Educational Systems Leadership I
SSLS 998 Practicum Educational Systems Leadership II
Library Media / SSLS 733 Professional Development
SSLS 735 Information Retrieval
SSLS 825 Administration of Instructional Materials
SSLS 834 Curriculum Development
SSLS 838 Educational Technology Resources
SSLS 737 Cataloging and Classification
SSLS 805 Design and Production of Instructional Materials
SSLS 868 Educational Technology Applications
SSLS 891 Methods of Research