Newsletter No: 4 - December 2017

Poppy Appeal 2017

We are delighted to announce that the school raised £149.97 for the Poppy Appeal 2017.

Thank you all for your continued generosity.

Children in Need Day – Friday 17th November 2017

Thank you to everyone for supporting The Big Spotacular event for Children in Need. We raised a fantastic £246.10 including the cake sale. A huge thank you to those who provided so many wonderful cakes on the day: your generosity knows no bounds!


We have seen a steady increase in the number of children arriving late and using the main entrance to access school, which can be a problem. Punctuality is a crucial part of behaviour and attitude, and lateness can cause a child to feel very uncomfortable when the class is already settled. Punctuality is also a life-skill, and if this isn’t instilled in children at a young age it can affect their chances of employment in the future. We would like to remind you that all children should be in the playground in time to line up when the bell goes at 8.55am. This helps children to begin the day in a calm manner. Constant lateness is not something which we can tolerate or encourage. Consequently, I will be writing to the parents of children who continue or begins to develop a pattern of lateness. This will go on the child’s record and may be followed up with an Education Welfare Officer if the child’s punctuality doesn’t improve.

On-line Safety

As parents and carers, you play an essential role in the education of your children and, in particular, with regard to the monitoring and regulation of their on-line experiences. We also take their e-safety very seriously and have both an e-safety policy and an e-safety curriculum in school. However, some parents may want further information on keeping your children safe while they are on-line. You might find the links below useful:

Visit the Parent/Carer section

Visit the Parents and Carers section

Christmas Productions

KS1: It’s a Baby!

KS2: Countdown to Christmas

A reminder that the Christmas Productions begin tomorrow with the Dress Rehearsal at 9.30am. Below is a reminder of the other performance dates:

Matinee: 1pm on Monday 11th December

Evening: 6pm on Tuesday 12th December (adults only)

Christmas Tree

I’m sure many of you have admired the Christmas tree situated in pride of place outside our main entrance. This was generously donated by Hinton Parish Council, delivered by Lesley Yeomans and erected by Angie Reece. It looks wonderful – thank you!

Hilary’s Kitchen Christmas Dinner

This year Hilary will be serving Christmas Dinner on Thursday 14th December. Menus were sent out yesterday, Wednesday 6th December, for return by 9am tomorrow, Friday 8th December.

Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 15th December 2017

A reminder that we are taking part in the Save the Children Christmas Jumper day on the last day of term, Friday 15th December. By joining in and donating £1 per pupil, we will be helping to solve some very serious problems, and helping every last child to have a brighter future. Children can have great fun decorating their own jumper to wear in on the day – there will be a prize for the best creation in each class. We’re going to have a woolly wonderful day!

Christmas Party Day – Friday 15th December 2017

On the final day of term, Friday 15th December, we will be holding the children’s Christmas party. All children can wear party clothes to school that day (including their Christmas jumpers) and bring in food for the buffet lunch.

Below is a list of the food your child needs to bring into school for this year’s party lunch.

Hilary’s Kitchen will supply a hot food selection (pizza, sausage rolls, chicken goujons etc) for the infant classes as part of the Universal Infant Free School meal scheme, which all children in the school will be able to share.

Class Mars Hilary’s Kitchen

Class Venus Hilary’s Kitchen

Class Mercury Cheese & pineapple/veggie sticks

Class Jupiter Cakes or biscuits or crisps

Class Pluto Sandwiches


As you are aware, we are continually aiming to improve our attendance figures by using strategies to encourage regular and high attendance. One of these is to inform parents of the percentage of pupils who have achieved 100% attendance at the end of each of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Those children will receive certificates to celebrate this achievement.

Currently the percentage of children with 100% attendance in each class is (to 30th November):

Mars: 47.6%

Venus: 32.1%

Mercury: 42.9%

Jupiter: 31.8%

Pluto: 19.2%

This term Mars class has the highest percentage of pupils achieving 100% attendance. Well done Mars!

Please also see November’s attendance percentages below:

Mars class 98.1%

Venus class 94.6%

Mercury 96.2%

Jupiter class 90.4%

Pluto class 93.7%

Well done to all classes but in particular Mars class pupils who were told that they had won the shield today and were absolutely delighted!

SSA Shopping Evening and Christmas Fayre

Thank you to all those who helped and supported these wonderful events. The SSA will let you know how much was raised in due course.

Members of the SSA will be selling raffle tickets for the Christmas hampers at the Christmas performances next week.

Jupiter Cake Sale

Thank you to everyone who baked or purchased (or both) cakes at the Jupiter class cake sale on Tuesday. We raised £37.15 towards the school pool.

Autumn Tubs

We are also very grateful to Jo Savage for keeping the place looking bright and cheerful as the Autumn went on by planting up some lovely pots to brighten up the front of school. Many thanks, Jo.

A reminder that children break up at 2.30pm on Friday 15th December.


return to school on Wednesday 3rd January 2018.

As this is the final newsletter of the year, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Newsletter No: 4 - December 2017