You will need:

  • Laptop and projector
  • Two videos (see below)
  • Five A3 cards made into signs (see below)
  • Details of the fundraisers you have planned
  • 15 readers

Reader 1: Welcome to our assembly for Lent Fast Day.

How many different uses can you think of for a fish?

[Show video of the Monty Python fish slapping dance. There are many versions of this online.]

There arebetter ways to use fish! Fish and chips, fish pie, tuna sandwiches… But in today’s assembly we will be hearing of an even better way that fish can be used – to transform a village!

Reader 2: We invite you to close your eyes for just one minute. [Pause]

Imagine that you are living in Africa in a remote village in the north of Zambia. You are standing, looking out across the plain at the sunrise. The sun is shining but you are not in a sunny mood. You are feeling exhausted. Yesterday you laboured to dig the dry patch of land where you are trying to grow corn. But the rains have not fallen when they should have done and nothing is growing. You have little food left and there are no jobs in your remote village. You wonder what will become of your family when the food runs out. [Pause] Please open your eyes.

Reader 3: This is the situation for many rural communities in Zambia, where more than 6 million people live in extreme poverty. Here are some of the challenges they face:

Reader 4: [Hold up a card saying ‘Remote communities’] Very few people live in a huge area. This means that farming is the only occupation available.

Reader 5: [Hold up a card saying ‘Climate change’] Climate change is making rain patterns unpredictable. This makes it hard to grow crops.

Reader 6: [Hold up a card saying ‘Farming challenges’] Many farmers cannot afford seeds, tools or fertiliser. There is little training available in farming methods to cope with the conditions.

Reader 7: [Hold up a card saying ‘Poor roads’] Towns are far away and the roads are poor. Even if people manage to grow extra crops to sell, getting them to market is difficult.

Reader 8: [Hold up a card saying ‘HIV and AIDS’] More than 1 in 10 people live with HIV and AIDS. Many are too ill to work. Many children have lost their parents.

Reader 9: The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, CAFOD, works in partnership with local organisations in different countries around the world. These partners know the local area and the best ways to support their communities.

Reader 10: In Northern Zambia, one CAFOD partner is the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Amongst other things, the Sisters provide training that helps people to make a living.

Reader 11: Here is the story of one person who received this training.

[Show the Lent 2017 animation at which tells Florence’s story]

Reader 12: Florence was interested in fish farming because she knew it would help her to make a living. Like many unemployed people in the UK, she wanted the dignity of being able to work and provide for her family. Around the world, CAFOD partners want to help more people like Florence to work their way out of extreme poverty and to transform their communities.

Reader 13: This Lent, with fish-themed fundraisers, we can make a real difference to communities like Florence’s and help to turn little fish into Big fish.

[Insert here details of any fishy fundraisers you have planned]

Reader 14: A reading from St John’s Gospel:

Simon Peter said to the disciples, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will go with you.” They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach… He said to them, “Cast the net to the right side of the boat….” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so many fish. (John 21:3-6)

[Pause for reflection]

Reader 15: Let us pray.

Lord, with your help, the disciples’ work that morning was blessed and abundant.

We pray for everyone who struggles to earn a living.

On the shore of the lake, you cooked fish for your disciples’ breakfast.

We pray for everyonewho struggles to feed their family.

This Lent, bless our efforts to turn little fish into Big fish.

May all of our brothers and sisters enjoy the dignity of work and the fruits of their labour.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Reader 15: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen

[More liturgical and fundraising resources for Lent are available at:]