Laboratory name
Head/Responsible person / Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Preparation of 2.9% sodium citrate / Code:
Version: no.
Date: of release
Page: 1of 3
1. Preparation of 2.9% Sodium Citrate
2. Objectives and scope
Sodium Citrate (2.9%) is added to NALC-NaOH digestion-decontamination mixture for samples in a TB laboratory as a stabilizing agent for NALC. It facilitates efficient digestion of purulent samples by NALC.
This SOP is applicable to all laboratory employees of the laboratory responsible for preparing reagents.
3. Abbreviations, definitions and terms
•N.A.Not applicable
•NaOHSodium Hydroxide
•NALCN acetyl L cysteine
•SOP Standard Operating Procedure
4. Tasks, responsibilities and accountabilities
Preparation of 2.9% Sodium Citrate / Techs in Reagent Preparation section / Lab Manager
Decontamination of samples / Techs in the decontamination section / Lab Manager
5. Safety and environment
Always wear a lab coat and gloves in the lab.
6. Procedure
6.1 Reagents and Materials
•500 mL thick glass bottles ( Schott ®type)
•Analytical balance sensitive to 0.1 g
•Autoclave tape
•Distilled water
•Graduated cylinders or volumetric flasks
•Reagent Preparation Log: Form 510
•Sodium citrate dihydrate (Na3C6H5O7-2H2O)
•Weighing paper
6.2Stepwise Procedure (1000 ml)
- Weight 29 grams of Sodium citrate into a dry container of at least 1 liter.
- To it add 1000 mL of Distilled Water.
- Mix well till complete dissolution.
- Distribute per 200 mL in 500 mL bottle.
- Autoclave at 121oC for 30 minutes, with screw cap loose by ¼ turn.
Sodium citrate can be stored at room temperature up to 3 months.
6.4 Quality Control
7. Related documents
SOP “Digestion-Decontamination of Specimen using NALC-NaOH”
SOP “Preparation of 6% NaOH solution”
8. Related forms
9. References
10. Attachments/Annexes
Appendix 1, Preparation of 2,9% Sodium Citrate
Source: GLI Stepwise Process towards TB Laboratory Accreditation
Preparation of 2.9% Sodium Citrate
Date Prepared: ______Prepared by: ______
Ingredients / Lot: Number / Expiration date / Amount UsedSodium Citrate
Distilled water
Amount of 2.9% Sodium Citrate Prepared: ______ml
2.9% Sodium Citrate BATCH NO: ______Expiration Date: ______
NB: Storage at Room temp for 3 months.
Date Prepared: ______Prepared by: ______
Ingredients / Lot: Number / Expiration date / Amount UsedSodium Citrate
Distilled water
Amount of 2.9% Sodium Citrate Prepared: ______ml
2.9% Sodium Citrate BATCH NO: ______Expiration Date: ______
NB: Storage at Room temp for 3 months.
Date Prepared: ______Prepared by: ______
Ingredients / Lot: Number / Expiration date / Amount UsedSodium Citrate
Distilled water
Amount of 2.9% Sodium Citrate Prepared: ______ml
2.9% Sodium Citrate BATCH NO: ______Expiration Date: ______
NB: Storage at Room temp for 3 months.
Source: GLI Stepwise Process towards TB Laboratory Accreditation