RPL-Only Self-Assessment Checklist

Would you prefer to just have a chat?

How about you give us a call and we can talk it through. Actually, you’ll talk to me (I’m Bryan) – I’m the one who will be your Trainer if we decide it’s a good fit, so you can be confident you won’t just have to endure some sales pitch from someone who won’t be directly involved with your course.

You can get me on 1300 141 994, or click here to get direct access to my diary to schedule an appointment: https://bryanwest.youcanbook.me/

Table of Contents


RPL-Only Self-Assessment Checklist 1

About This Document 3

The Three Steps to Success 3

Step 1: Complete the following tables 4

Step 2: Check if you have enough 12

Step 3: Make a decision 13

About This Document

If you are a professional trainer/assessor and you are serious about your future career prospects, then it is a wise move to have recognised your current competency. With the publication of the TAE10 & TAE16 Training & Education Training Packages comes the opportunity to gain recognition in two discrete, yet equally important, areas of training.

This document will introduce you to both of these qualifications. It will then help you discover if you could gain one or both of the Diploma qualifications through RPL.

The Three Steps to Success

We know that RPL can be a tiresome process. That is why we have developed a process that makes it very clear what you need to do. Follow three steps to progress with both confidence and certainty.

/ Complete the tables on the following pages to see which units you are likely to have sufficient evidence for.
/ Check if you are likely to have sufficient evidence for enough units to complete the full Dip VET or Dual Dip VET/TDD via RPL.
/ If you are confident that you can provide the required evidence, then you are invited to enrol in the RPL Only Dip VET/TDD program. If you are not certain about your RPL eligibility, then the Standard Diploma program will be more suitable
Modified On: 21 April 2016 / Modified By: B West / / Authorised: Bryan West
Filename: The_RPL-Only-Dip VET-TDD Checklist / Review Date: April 2017 / Version: 1.2

Step 1: Complete the following tables

Group A: Core Units
DIP VET / Unit / Evidence to Provide / How and When have you done these things in the past couple of years? If you wish to gain this unit by Direct Credit then simply write that here. / Thinking about the next 3-6 months, do you expect to be doing any of these things as part of your work? / Can you provide evidence for this?
C / TAEASS501A / 1a.  What were the circumstances where you assessed at least 20 individual candidates from a total of at least 50 units of competency from training packages or accredited courses? (Note: this does not have to be 50 separate units. It can be, for example, 20 students each assessed across 3 units.)
1b.  Which 5 individual assessors have you led the assessment processes with and for? How did your leadership lead to improved processes and practices?
C / TAEASS502B / 2a.  Which three assessment tools have you developed to assess at least three units of competency packaged at different Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) levels?
2b.  How did you ensure that your tools reflect the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence?
C / TAEDEL502A / 3a.  What were the conditions under which you conducted a minimum of 100 hours of group facilitation?
C / TAEDES501A / 4a.  Describe two learning programs that you have developed and explain how they reflect the needs of your client and the training package.
4b.  How have you reviewed a learning strategy that you or someone else has implemented to make sure that it is improved?
C / TAELLN401A / 5a.  When did you address core LLN issues in training and assessment practice on at least two different occasions?
5b.  What did you do to cater for the LLN needs of a particular student?
5c.  How did you make sure that you used the ACSF to determine the level of a student?
Note: This unit is expected to be removed as Core from the next version of the Dip VET.
C / TAEPDD501A / 6a.  How have you gone about reviewing with your peers the feedback received from at least 10 hours of training that you have conducted?
6b.  How have you gone about reviewing with your peers the assessment of 10 candidates?
Group B: Elective Units
In addition to the Core Units above, you will need to include FOUR elective units. You may choose them all from the list below or IMPORT up to TWO from another Diploma level qualification that is relevant to your work situation.
Completion of LLN501 is encouraged since it will become a core unit in the next version of the Dip VET qualification, the TAE50216 Dip VET.
If you would like to import 1-2 Units from another Diploma qualification, write the details here: / Unit Code: / Unit Title: / Can you provide a certified copy of this?
If you would like to complete an additional TAE unit, then from the selection below, complete the Row for the unit that you wish to do.
VET / Unit / Evidence to Provide / How and When have you done these things in the past couple of years? If you wish to gain this unit by Direct Credit then simply write that here. / Thinking about the next 3-6 months, do you expect to be doing any of these things as part of your work? / Can you provide evidence for this?
E / TAEASS503A / 7a.  How do you provide support to other assessors, including modelling good assessment and validation practice?
7b.  How do you contribute positively to the work of assessors and others involved in carrying out assessments and validation
7c.  How do you take responsibility for initiating, organising and facilitating assessment validation on at least three occasions
7d.  How do you use outcomes of validation and appeals to improve assessment practice.
E / TAEASS504A / 8a.  When have you developed, implemented and reviewed two recognition strategies for different unit(s) of competency in an organisational context
8b.  How did you ensure that you assessed a student correctly through an RPL pathway?
8c.  How have you reviewed an organisation’s recognition-based assessment processes?
E / TAEDEL501A / 9a.  Describe a e-learning program that you have developed
9b.  Describe at least two e-learning activities that you have organized and facilitated, and explain how each catered for the needs of client and learner.
E / TAEDES502A / 10a.  Which print based resources have you developed, and how did you go about researching, designing and developing them to meet client needs?
10b.  Which print based resources have you developed for use in a training environment?
E / TAEDES503B / 11a.  Which e-learning resources have you developed, and how did you go about researching, designing and developing them to meet client needs?
11b.  Which e-learning resources have you developed for use in a training environment?
E / TAEDES505A / 13a.  evaluate a training program against workforce performance needs and capability requirements
13b.  produce an evaluation report that addresses all phases of the evaluation process including recommendations on areas for improvement
13c.  critically review the evaluation process and approaches taken and propose changes to improve the process.
E / TAEICR501A / 14a.  Describe a partnership that you have established and maintained between an RTO and at least one organisation.
E / TAELLN501B / 15a.  List at least 10 learners whose LLN levels you have determined using tools based on the ACSF,
15b.  How did you select and apply language, literacy and numeracy support strategies relevant to each 10 learners’ context
15c.  How did you ensure that the strategies you employed were effective?
Note: this unit has been made a Core unit of the next Dip VET, replacing LLN401. If you are wanting to “future-proof” your Dip VET qualification, it is recommended that you include this unit in your current Dip VET.
E / TAETAS501B / 16a.  Describe at least two training needs analysis that you have conducted, outlining the processes you followed, the outcomes and recommendations
Modified On: 21 April 2016 / Modified By: B West / / Authorised: Bryan West
Filename: The_RPL-Only-Dip VET-TDD Checklist / Review Date: April 2017 / Version: 1.2

Step 2: Check if you have enough

If you are seeking the Dip VET:

Refer to your information above to calculate if you have evidence for enough units.

Number of units needed / Number of Units for which you believe you have sufficient evidence? / Do you have enough? Yes/No
Core Units / 6
Elective Units / 4

If you are seeking the Dip TDD:

Refer to your information above to calculate if you have evidence for enough units.

Number of units needed / Number of Units for which you believe you have sufficient evidence? / Do you have enough? Yes/No
Core Units / 5
Note: this must include all the units highlighted green and yellow
Elective Units / 5

If you are seeking the Dual Dip VET/TDD:

Refer to your information above to calculate if you have evidence for enough units.

Number of units needed / Number of Units for which you believe you have sufficient evidence? / Do you have enough? Yes/No
Core Units / 9
Elective Units / 1
Note: this must include all the units that are highlighted yellow in the above tables

Step 3: Make a decision

Still not sure – how about we have a chat?

How about you give us a call and we can talk it through. Actually, you’ll talk to me (I’m Bryan) – I’m the one who will be your Trainer if we decide it’s a good fit, so you can be confident you won’t just have to endure some sales pitch from someone who won’t be directly involved with your course.

You can get me on 1300 141 994, or click here to get direct access to my diary to schedule an appointment: https://bryanwest.youcanbook.me/

Modified On: 21 April 2016 / Modified By: B West / / Authorised: Bryan West
Filename: The_RPL-Only-Dip VET-TDD Checklist / Review Date: April 2017 / Version: 1.2