Tailevu benefits from Australian Government Assistance

24 October 2012

Australian High Commission representative, Ms Fiona McEwan, has commissioned two projects in the Tailevu North area:- a reef conservation project at Nataleira village in the Dawasamu district and a sanitation project in Nailega village.

The Australian High Commission’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) gave a grant of close to $20,000 to the two communities.

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony of the Nataleira reef conservation project yesterday, Ms McEwan said the Australian Government was delighted to have assisted the Dawasamu Environment Movement’s (DEM) efforts to protect and conserve Malakati reef area, where the DAP funded anchor free mooring was installed.

According to the Nataleira villagers, Malakati reef has a high coral diversity which they wanted to conserve and was also particularly important for the nearby popular Takalana Bay Resort because of a regular presence of spinner dolphins.

The anchor free mooring at Malakati now enables boat owners to stop and secure their vessels in the area without the need to drop an anchor. According to Ms McEwan, trends around the world show that anchor free moorings have been instrumental in limiting damage to coral and they also help preserve a quality marine habitat.

“Australia’s rationale for supporting your environment conservation project is clear,” Ms McEwan said. “The preservation of natural systems is vital, particularly for rural communities like Nataleira, as your wellbeing and livelihoods are heavily dependent on productive soil, forests, oceans and fresh water.

“If we do not protect our natural systems, there is a risk that livelihood gains made through economic growth and development will not be sustainable over the long term.”

Nailega village in the Wainibuka district also received funding for the construction of 26 flush toilets. While inspecting the project, Ms McEwan said the Australian Government recognised that access to proper sanitation facilities was fundamental to good health and their sanitation project would ensure improved living standards at Nailega village.

The Australian High Commission’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program which aims to support small-scale projects with a strong development focus and complements Australia’s broader aid program.

In 2011-12, the Direct Aid Program contributed over $700,000 to more than 80 projects across Fiji, ranging from schools, community-based development projects and support for Non-Government Organisations.
