Dr. Jaymie Patricia Heilman

Department of History and Classics

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta


Curriculum Vitae

Employment History

July 2012- present: Associate Professor of History, University of Alberta

July 2010-June 2012: Assistant Professor of History, University of Alberta

July 2006-June 2010: Assistant Professor of History, Dalhousie University

Educational Background

May 2006: Ph.D. in Latin American History from University of Wisconsin-Madison

January 2000: MA received from University of Wisconsin-Madison

May 1998: Bachelor of Arts Honors received from University of Alberta

Publications – Books

2016: Now Peru is Mine: The Life and Times of a Campesino Activist. Co-authored with Manuel Llamojha Mitma. Durham: Duke University Press.

2010: Before the Shining Path: Politics in Rural Ayacucho, 1895-1980. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Publications – Articles and Book Chapters

2015: “Yellows Against Reds: Campesino Anti-Communism in 1960s Ayacucho, Peru.”Latin American Research Review 50:2 (2015), 154-175.

2013: "Buscando lo político: Lecciones de la historia ayacuchana del siglo XX." Entre la región y la nación: Nuevas aproximaciones a la historia ayacuchana y peruana. Editor Roberto Ayala Huaytalla. Lima: IEP-CEHRA, 2013. 177-194.

2012: “To Fight Soviet Agents in the Fatherland: Anti-Communism in Ayacucho’s APRA, 1945-1948,” A Contracorriente 9:3 (Spring 2012), 94-120.

2010:“Under Civilian Colonels: Indigenous Political Mobilization in 1920s Ayacucho, Peru.” The Americas 66:4 (April 2010), 501-526.

2010: “Family Ties: The Political Genealogy of Shining Path’s Comrade Norah.” Bulletin of Latin American Research 29:2 (April 2010), 155-169.

2006: “We Will No Longer Be Servile: Aprismo in 1930s Ayacucho.” Journal of Latin American Studies 38:3 (August 2006), 491-518.

2002: “A Movement Misconstrued? A Response to Gabriela Ramos’s Interpretation of Taki Onqoy.” Colonial Latin American Review 11: 1 (June 2002), 123-138.

2002: “The Demon Inside: Madre Conchita, Gender, and the Assassination of Obregón.” Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 18:1 (Winter 2002), 23-60.

Book Reviews and Review Articles

2014: Review of Fiona Wilson,Citizenship and Political Violence in Peru: An Andean Town, 1870s-1970s. Journal of Latin American Studies46 (2014): 200-201.

2013: Review of Kimberly Theidon, Intimate Enemies: Violence and Reconciliation in Peru. The Americas 70:1 (July 2013): 124-126.

2012: Review of Miguel La Serna, The Corner of the Living: Ayacucho on the Eve of the Shining Path Insurgency. Canadian Journal of History 47:3 (Winter 2012): 690-691.

2012: Review of Paulo Drinot, The Allure of Labor: Workers, Race, and the Making of the Peruvian State. American Historical Review February 2012 117:1: 260-261.

December 2011: "From the Inca to the Bourbons: New writings on pre-colonial and colonial Peru." Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 12, no. 3 (2011) (Review article, 5672 words)

August 2010: Review of Kathleen Weaver, Peruvian Rebel: The World of Magda Portal, with a Selection of Her Poems. In Journal of Latin American Studies August 2010 42(3): 678-680.

April 2010: Review of Carlos Cárdenas and Héctor Gálvez, dirs., Lucanamarca (Documentary Film). In The Americas April 2010 66:4: 595.

Panel Presentations

May 2016: “Peruvian Cocaine Tangles: Wrongful Arrests, Torture, and Corruption in Ayacucho’s Drug Trade, 1976-1981.” Paper presented at May 2016 meeting of Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in New York City.

May 2016: Chaired and provided comments for panel entitled "Violence, History, and Memory in Peru: New Perspectives on the Shining Path" at May 2016 meeting of Latin American Studies Association in New York City.

May 2013: "Judging Ayrabamba: Claims of Guilt and Innocence in Shining Path's First Armed Attack." Paper presented in the panel "New Paths: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Ayacucho's Past and Present" at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Washington, DC.

May 2013: Commentary given for panel "New Paths: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Ayacucho's Past and Present" at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Washington, DC.

October 2010: “Authentic Son of the Heroic Province: Inter-regionalism in the Life of Manuel Llamojha Mitma" delivered at Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association. (Panel entitled: “The Cultures of Regionalism in 20th-Century Peru.”)

July 2009: “Hatred Between Friends: Apristas and Communists in

Ayacucho, 1931-1948” delivered at 53 annual meeting of the International Congress of Americanists (ICA). (Panel entitled: “Formación y desarrollo del Apra: entre lo nacional y lo indoamericano, 1920-1948.”)

January 2008: “To Unify Those of Our Race: The Tawantinsuyo Movement in Ayacucho, Peru, 1920-1927” delivered at Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. (Panel entitled: “Raising the Wiphala: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Andean Nationalism.”)

September 2007: “New Roads to Build, New Populist Paths to Follow: Rural Ayacucho in the Belaúnde Years” delivered at Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association. (Panel entitled: “Rethinking Populism in Twentieth-Century Latin America and the Caribbean.”)

March 2006: “South of the Other Border: Comparative Reflections on Mexico and Peru in the 1940s” delivered at Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association. (Panel entitled: “Mexico and the 1940s: A Decade of Transformation?”)

January 2006: “States of Abandon: The Politics of Alliance and Abuse in Rural Ayacucho, 1879 to 1919” delivered at Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. (Panel entitled: “Exceptions to Rule: Rethinking Subaltern/State Relations in Late-Nineteenth-Century Latin America.”)

Fellowships, Scholarships, and Awards

March 2011: SSHRC Standard Research Grant ($48,460.00 over three years)

February 2011: Killam Small Research Operating Grant (Declined)

November 2010: University of Alberta Support for Advancement of Scholarship Grant

February 2007: Dalhousie University, Research and Development Fund Research Grant

June 2005: American Historical Association Beveridge Grant

May 2005: Martha L. Edwards Memorial Scholarship

April 2005: University of Wisconsin-Madison Dissertator Fellowship

April 2004: Sir James Lougheed Award of Distinction

April 2003: Sir James Lougheed Award of Distinction

April 2002:University of Wisconsin History Department Travel Fellowship

September 2001: MacArthur Consortium Global Studies Fellowship

April 2000:University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department Graduate Seminar Essay Prize

March 2000: SSRC International Pre-Dissertation Fellowship

May 1999: Theodore J. Oseau History Department Fellowship

May 1998: University of Wisconsin WARF Fellowship

May 1998: University of Wisconsin Vilas Welcome Award