PSYCHOLOGICAL CULTUREof class-teacher AS A BASE of modern PUPIL’s psychological safety

TatyanaI. Kulikova,
Tula state Leo Tolstoy pedagogical university, Tula,Russia

Abstract: The article deals with the role of psychological culture of classroom teacher as an essential foundation for the establishment and maintenance of psychological security of the modern pupil. At the present socio-cultural situation particular importance is the problem of protection from psychological abuse in the interaction of participants of the educational environment of the school. In the article is represented analysis of many pedagogical and psychological studies which consider the problem of psychological education teacher. Determined by the contradiction between the need to create a psychologically safe learning environment and a lack of willingness of future teachers - class teachers to implement this activity due to the low level of their psychological culture. The author suggests the structural model of psychological culture of class teacher, representing the relationship of the three main components: the culture of pedagogical reflection, emotional culture and culture of pedagogical influence.

Key words:psychological culture,psychological safety, classteacher,modern pupil

Contemporarysocio-cultural situationgives usmany examples ofthe negative impact ofexternal conditionson the formation ofthe human person,in connection with which there is increaseddemand forsocial, psychologicalandphysical securityin a volatile situation in the society.According to thepsychological andsociological studiesa large percentage ofparentsconcerned aboutchildsafety issuesin the educational environment.Parents areworried abouthowthe child feelsat schoolto be understood, to be acceptedand positivelyvalued, tj be respectedand lovedregardless of theiracademic success.Even more sotheir parentscare aboutthe dangerof destructiveeffects on thepsyche of the childfrom peers andolder children,psychological problemsand physical abuse inchildren's groups, the possibility ofmanipulativeinfluences onthe child by theteachers,psychologicalchild abuse.

Analysis of studies by several authors (G. V. Grachev, T. S. Kabachenko, I. A. Baeva) showed that the effectiveness of the educational process will be dependent on the psychological security of the educational environment. When creating conditions of safety of educational environment psychological personality features are actualized, the level of tolerance for life's complexities and conflicts are also increase.

In Russian psychological science the great interest in study the psychological security of the educational environment is represented in the works of K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A. G. Asmolov, A. L. Zhuravlev, M. M. Kashapov, B. D. Parygin, V. V. Rubtsov, N. P. Fetiskin; theoretical studies of psychological safety of the subject are given in the works of I. A. Baeva, M. A. Kotik, V. M. Lvov, N. L. Shlykova; the characteristics of the psychology of educational environment are described in the works of I. A. Baeva, A. A. Rean, V. V. Rubtsov, E. A. Peskovky, S. G. Pleschits, D. I. Feldstein, G. P. Schedrovsky, V. A. Levin), etc. According to O. E. Lebedeva, an integral indicator psychological safety of educational environment should be an experience of emotional well-being of all subjects of the educational process, which is a necessary condition for effective personal development of both teacher and student.

Hence it becomes extremely topical issue of Psychological safety or culture of psychological safety of participants in co-educational environment. Essential foundation for creating and maintaining a safe environment is psychological culture that is revealed in the culture of teaching and in the culture of interaction. It is a psychological culture is a factor which sets of professionally important qualities of a teacher, provides the necessary level of professionalism, productivity of educational activities.

According to a number of research in Russia concerning the problem of psychological teacher education, it is revealed that the current system of psychological training is not focused on the formation of teacher’s psychological culture. The current tradition of teacher training is based on the dominant role of educational disciplines, so most of the time is taken to study various disciplines on a subject profile. Considerably less time is devoted to subjects of psychological and pedagogical profile, which does not ensure the formation of personality, professionally important qualities of a teacher.

It seems highly important to determine the characteristics of psychological culture impact of teacher on the level of the modern pupil’s psychological safety. Even more important, in our opinion, is the definition of alternative pedagogical techniques of psychological culture formation of future teachers in the process of their training in university with a focus on the function of the class teacher. Currently, no one of pedagogical institutions provides special training for class teachers for comprehensive school. All this is exacerbated by conflict, which consists of the disparity between the level of professional and pedagogical training of the modern teacher and his personal and professional characteristics necessary for him as the class teacher.

Activity of class teacher is an additional function of an academic teacher who voluntarily takes this function on himself. A class teacher is the direct and primary organizer of educational work in school, officially appointed by the school director to organize educational work in the classroom. The class teacher is a teacher, as a professional, which is for the pupils as:

• a mediator between society and the growing personality in learning the foundations of culture, created by mankind for many centuries;

• an architect of relations with all subjects of the school;

• a creator of the best emerging microenvironment and a favorable moral and psychological climate in the classroom;

• a coordinator of joint actions of teachers, family and society;

• a creator of the daily life of children, an indispensable figure in individual development of each child.

For educationally competent, successful and effective performance of its functions the class teacher should be familiar with the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children specific age, to be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activity, possess modern educational technologies.

The central element of the class teacher professionalism is his professional psychological and pedagogical competence, a keen understanding of the complexity of personality, ability to analyze any situation, in collaboration with the world around the school pupil and any manifestation of the pupil's interpersonal relations with people. Thus, the psychological culture of class teacher can be considered as a component of psychological and pedagogical competence of the class teacher.

In its most general form of psychological culture touches the field of man’s mental life: his thoughts, feelings, states, interpersonal relations, in short, all that is called a psychological reality. Psychologically, the man of culture is not the one who has read many books on psychology and knows many obscure words, while the one for whom is not obvious. As a rule, the psychological reality is significant (and sometimes more) and clear, as includes the presence of material objects.

Actually psychological interpretation of culture implies the inclusion of the man as the subject of culture. For this reason, in the definition of culture should be added that the culture - a set of values, norms and ideals, which assigned and used by man in his active life and interaction with other people.

According to I.A. Zimnyaya (2005), a common culture is determined by the formation and stability of the key plans relating to the world, themselves and by the nature of their expression in behavior. It involves an internal culture (tact, dignity, respect for others, responsibility, self-regulation). We believe that this "internal culture" is nothing more than a "psychological culture", i.e. a certain quality of internal mental life of man as a subject, the personality and individuality. Thus, the psychological culture is the core of a common human culture. Psychological culture is a culture of behavior and culture of communication, culture of relations, culture and the subject of intellectual activity, the culture of self-regulation.

Basis for the scientific development concept of psychological culture, as the internal culture of a man, above all, can be found in the works of such classic of foreign and native psychologists as W. Wundt, S. Freud, C. Jung, A. Maslow, M. Cole, K. D. Ushinsky, N. Ya. Basov, L. S. Vygotsky, B. G. Ananiev, S. L. Rubinstein, as well as some works of modern psychologists.

L. S. Vygotsky and his school developed a cultural and historical trends in psychology. For us the most interesting are the three basic concepts that Vygotsky distinguishes in his work "History of the development of higher mental functions": 1) the notion of higher mental function, 2) the notion of cultural development of behavior, and 3) the notion of mastering their own behavioral processes. According to his theory, the most important factor determining the development of mental functions, it is culture, and everything that is cultural - is also social. So, culture is a product of social life and social activities of man.

Psychological culture as part of the systemic culture of the society is multilayer. It includes: 1) everyday psychological knowledge, and psychological practices that are presented in the religious life, social, political, economic, educational activities, 2) psychological professional experience and practical knowledge, which has a scientific basis and at the same time the share of art (psychotechnics, different school consulting and psychotherapy, etc.), and 3) the psychological science and education (mostly higher education), forming a sphere of psychology.

Individual psychological culture can not be viewed outside the context of the culture in which people grew up and lived. It contains features of both universal and national culture, "scooping" of its wealth in space and time. Culture - is a global pantry of all the peoples of the past, and that is the past, which is included in the future and isn't forgotten. Culture links people and each nation individually with themselves.

Based on the definitions of culture of contemporary scientists and psychologists, we consider the concept of "basic psychological culture" as a multi-component system formation. It can be solved in terms of the following main aspects: gnoseological, procedural-pragmatical, subjective-personal. Let’s consider the contents of each aspect in more detail.

In the gnoseological aspect, we follow for given in philosophy, and cultural components of culture: the norms, knowledge, values, and symbols. Cultural norms are associated with normative social behavior, its roles, social expectations, etc. At the same time with the adoption of norms related to a psychological legacy of culture, as prejudice, stereotyping people's psychology, which manifest themselves in consciousness, subconscious and behavior. Psychological knowledge as a result of the process of man's cognition by himself, of others people and as a result of the development of science, expressed in ideas, notions, theories, can be both practical and theoretical. Values - the cultural means of connection with the world through signs. Values are expressed in images, symbols, gestures and words, clothing, etc. The symbols in the field of psychology may be object to review in terms of the various manifestations of mental activity (fairy tales, dreams, metaphors, etc.), their treatment, giving them personal meaning and impact on human activities.

Procedural-pragmatical aspect of psychological culture's analysis is determined by the range and content of the tasks that man has to learn to solve. Procedural aspect of the activity involves the analysis of the question on the content of the activity that underlies the development of culture. Inclusion in the world of psychology is as well as any other culture by one of two ways: through the reproduction of the well-known to mankind the experience and creativity, "discovery" of truth, understanding psychic phenomena, laws, and through the "insights", in specially organized and close to real life situations.

In the subjective-personal aspect of the analysis of the components that are presented objectively in a culture, characterized as the achievement of the person -the subject of relationships. Psychological culture of personality is, first of all, real-life phenomenon, covering all aspects of the psyche and activities. The first attempt to study the system of psychological culture as a distinct psychological phenomenon was made by L. S. Kolmogorova (2001): "Psychological culture is an integral part of the basic culture of the individual characteristics of a person as a system that enables it to effective self-definition and self-actualization in life, contributing to a successful social adaptation, self-development and satisfaction of life."

Today, there is a lot of researches, which examine various aspects and the levels of components of psychological culture, as well as attempts to somehow identify these phenomena. So, E. A. Klimov introduced the concept of psychological literacy, as some level of psychological culture and thinking; interest to an outside person, possession of the elements of psychological knowledge (Klimov, 2004).

V. M. Allakhverdov (1985), investigating the "psychological insight" as a certain component of psychological culture observes that the lack of psychological insight is the lack of an effective tool in building of someone's behavior.

L. B. Kulikov (1995), considering the psychological culture as part of ethnic psychology, believes that the psychological culture is the subject of an interdisciplinary science, the most closely related to culturology, psychology, ethnology, anthropology, sociology.

N. N. Obozov (1986) in the concept of "psychological culture" includes three components: 1) understanding and knowledge of self and others, 2) an adequate self-appraisal and appraisal of other people, 3) self- regulation of personal characteristics, self-regulation of activities, regulation of relations with other people.

According to O. I. Motkov (1999), psychological culture is a complex of advanced special needs, abilities and skills of the person. Psychological culture manifests itself in self-organization and self-control of any human life, its different types of base desires and tendencies, the relationship of personality to himself, to close and distant people, to animate and inanimate nature, the world as a whole. With the help of it a man more harmoniously takes into account the internal requirements of the psyche, body, and external demands of life.

The emergence of the phenomenon of psychological culture in an educational context is connected with the fact that the pedagogical reality needs to introduce an emotional component to learning and updating of personal resources, the participants of the pedagogical process. Psychological culture is a socio-psychological mechanism of effective and efficient human adaptation in the society, the condition for a full and successful interaction with people, the personality and culture, the determinant of psychological health, qualitative factor of any human activity, including education.