6th Grade Science Class Syllabus & Rules
To contact Mr. Haddad:
School phone number: 827-4600
Science CurriculumSummary:
Stout’s 6th grade science program is a challenging science coursethat combinesmiddle school grade level ideasfrom the Physical, Earth, and Life Sciences. It is supported through hands-on investigative activities, studies that emphasize scientificprocedure, and science process skills.
Some of the major topics that are covered include:
Physical--matter, energy, and measurement;
Earth--plate tectonics, rocks, and fossils;
Life--ecosystems and the environment.
Classroom Rulesand Consequences- The function of rules is to encourage proper behavior to maximize student learning. Every student chooses his/her behavior and is responsible for their actions.
1. I will treat you with respect so you will know how to treat me.
2. Feel free to do anything that doesn’t cause a problem for anyone else.
3. If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.
4. If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, I will do something.
5. What I do, will depend on the special person, and the special situation.
6. Students must follow Dearborn Public Schools Core Values and Stout’s Code of
Conduct at all times.
- The only thing you may bring to eat or drink in class is water. You will be expected to clean up after yourself if an accident occurs.
Procedures -The purpose of procedures is to take full advantage of the time we have together.
1) Enter the class quietly and begin working on the bell work immediately.
2) The bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher will do that.
3) Late homework can be turned in for credit (full or partial depending on the situation).
It must be turned in to the late homework basket.
4) It is the responsibility of the student to make up work when he/she is absent. The blog
will be an excellent source to look at. (
5) Students must have their planners to leave class. They will be given two (2)
passes per card marking. Any passes not used can be turned in for 5 points
extra credit each. The teacher has the right to refuse the use of a hall pass.
Grading policy- The academic grade is based on the percentage of possible points earned according to the following scale:
Tests, Quizzes, Labs, Projects - 80%HomeworkParticipation - 20%
I am here for you, for you to succeed, and to enjoy this class. I am here to help you. So I will not allow you to do anything that will interfere with your success in this class. We will be working together this year. We need to have a class where you can come without the fear of being ridiculed or threatened. I will not allow you to do anything that will interfere with someone else who is trying to learn. I am looking forward to being your teacher this year. I have an exciting year of learning planned for you. I will not allow you to do anything that will interfere with all of us having an enjoyable year.
Thank you for taking the time to read and discuss this letter with your child.
Mr. Haddad
Return this portion
I have read and discussed the above I have read and understood
with my child.what is expected of me.
Parent signatureStudent signature