The Centre for Narrative Research, University of East London

and the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section

Narrative and Social Justice

A one-day conference and workshop

Thursday March 26th 2009, 10am-5pm

British Psychological Society,30 Tabernacle Street EC2A 4UE


Professor Kum-Kum Bhavnani,University of California at Santa Barbara and director of The Shape of Water, talks about her use of film to tell the individual stories of five women activists across the world and their responses to injustice.

Professor Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, University of Cape Town, discusses South Africa narratives of forgiveness and their relationship to languages of connection, empathy and the body

Professor Elliot Mishler,University of Harvard, explores the relationship between social and personal narratives in ‘The Personal is Political: The Social Functions of Stories.’

Professor Michael Murray,University of Keele: ’From narratives of resistance to social representations of oppression and vice versa’


Professor Jill Bradbury, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Dr David Harper, University of East London

Places are limited; please apply early. Application deadline: February 20. £60 including lunch.

20 £25 bursaries are available on a first come-first served basis for postgraduate students and those on low incomes. If applying for one of these, please include a paragraph on how you will benefit from the event. Bursary applicants who apply after 20 bursaries have been allocated will be contacted if full-price places remain

To register, please complete the application form below and return with a cheque made payable to BPS Social Psychology Section

For further information, please contact Cigdem Esin, CNR Research Officer

or Corinne Squire, CNR Codirector

Narrative and Social Justice

A one-day conference and workshop

Thursday March 26th 2009, 10am-5pm

British Psychological Society London Offices, Tabernacle Street

Hosted by the Centre for Narrative Research, University of East London

Sponsored by the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section



I plan to attend the event, and enclose a cheque for £60/£25 (delete as appropriate) made payable to ‘BPS Social Psychology Section’

I am/am not applying for a postgraduate/low income bursary (delete as appropriate)

If applying for a postgraduate bursary, please include a paragraph describing how you will benefit from the event

Please return to:

Cigdem Esin

CNR Research Officer

School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies

University of East London

Docklands Campus

4-6 University Way

London E16 2RD