
Health Due Date ______

The Wellness Plan

Directions: Create a fitness plan according to the F.I.T.T principles you have learned. The final plan must have a cover page, complete sentences, typed in Microsoft Word, double spaced, and each section must be numbered and labeled.

1.  Objective of Goal: What are three health benefits you will achieve from improving your fitness level? Be specific. Give a clear explanation on the positive health advantages physical activity can have on a person’s body for each benefit and how it works. All sources must be cited in MLA format.

·  Write a paragraph for each health benefit. (Total of 3)

·  In each paragraph you must include one direct quote from a valid source to substantiate your claim.

·  Your paragraphs should include a detailed reasoning for each health benefit. Simply listing the benefit is NOT sufficient.

2.  Goal: Based off the knowledge you have attained from this unit, create a goal related to the Fitness Tests you performed in your physical education class. Choose ONE of the following tests to focus your area of improvement upon:

·  Mile

·  Push-up

·  Curl up

When creating your goal, be sure to include EVERY appropriate component of goal setting in this section and IDENTIFY what component of fitness you are trying to improve.

3.  Workout Plan: Follow the appropriate FITT Principle for training and set up a six-week workout plan. You must address every element of FITT. As your fitness level improves over time, you must incorporate that into your plan as well. For muscle strength and endurance, be sure to list the muscle groups in which you will be working to improve.

·  Create a chart/calendar of your 6 week workout plan

·  The FITT principal must be shown throughout the plan

4.  Barriers: Identify two barriers that may affect your goal. Explain how you will overcome each barrier.

5.  Identifying Progress: Develop a self-assessment that will allow you to identify your progress. How will you know what you are doing is working? Your self-assessment must identify two ways that show you are progressing.

6.  Final Test: How will you know you have achieved your goal? If you have not achieved your goal, what should you do in order to continue to work towards improving your fitness?

Name______Period_____ Odd/Even

Health Date Submitted______

The Wellness Plan

Self Evaluation

Use the checklist below to assess that you have included every component to your Wellness Plan before turning in your final product.

Cover Page: (5 points)

___Your name




___Date submitting Wellness Plan

Objective of Goal: (20 points)

___Identified 3 health benefits (Total of 3 paragraphs)

___Direct quote from a source for each benefit

___Explained what the advantages are for each benefit on your overall health

___Work Cited Page (MLA)

*Look over rubric provided to see if you meet all of the requirements

Goals: (10 points)

___Identified whether the goal focused on cardiovascular or muscular strength/endurance health

___Included ALL aspects of goal setting

Workout Plan: (24 points)

___Included appropriate components of the FITT principles

___Muscular strength/endurance included muscle groups

___ Six-week plan

Barriers: (10 points)

___Identified two barriers

___Identified ways to overcome each barrier

Progress: (10 points)

___Identified two ways to self assess your progress

___Acknowledged how you would know that it is working

Final Test: (5 points)

___Final assessment

___Alternate strategy

Miscellaneous: (3 points)

___Each Section is numbered and/or labeled

___Typed/Double Spaced
