Minutes of meeting for ECCNA 22 (22nd meeting)

Held March 14th April 2005,

Salvation Army Hostel

York House,

Longford Lane,

Dublin 2,


Present: Paschal P. Committee Chairperson, Andy R. Merchandising Chairperson, Niall S. Registration Treasurer, Paul O S. Committee Vice-Chairperson.

Apologies: Conor H. Communications Chairperson, Irene C. Translations Chairperson, Willie C. Committee Secretary, Ned K. Graphics Chairperson, Austin T. Hospitality Chairperson, Rose R. Registration Chairperson, Miriam K. Committee Vice-Treasurer, Eamonn M. Entertainment Chairperson, Dermot M. Committee Treasurer,

Minutes taken by Niall S.

Paschal opened meeting with Serenity Prayer.






Hotel Room Up-date

Speaker Tapes


There was no up-date on contact with Nar-Anon.

Following discussion it was agreed that Nar-Anon members attending the ECCNA 22 would register with us for the same fee as non-members (€10).

Action: Willie C. to contact Nar-Anon.


Andy has sourced a supplier for button badges and provided an example of type of badge at meeting. Badges will cost 0.90c each and should include the Convention Logo (Circle of Chairs/ WE) symbol and colours. An agreement was reached to confirm this as the memento to include in the registration pack.

Andy informed the committee of the likelihood of personal commitments impacting on his workload from this period onwards.

Communications/ Mail shot:

Conor and Andy have been liaising and a mail shot has been carried out. Full details to be provided. Andy, the total amount €268, being €18 over budget, provided a receipt for €228. Andy also mentioned the merits of the committee developing to be associated with Public Relations.

A discussion was held on:

  • Inviting Community Groups associated with recovery to an open meeting at the convention.
  • Linking with Hospital and Institutions Committees to inform treatment facilities of the convention.
  • Making contact numbers available i.e. Registration/ Hospitality Committees

Action: Conor and Andy to return with more concrete proposals.


Report Provided-

Irene has organized equipment and an invoice will be issued after the Convention, therefore there is no money required up-front. Irene has been assured that Des S. will act as guarantor.

Room Hotel Up-Date:

Personnel from hotel dealing with Committee Chairperson are not available until next Monday. Paschal will follow this up. Booking confirmations since last Monday described two thirds of reservations to date originated outside of Irish Region.

Speaker Tapes:

Closing date for receipt of speaker tapes would be Friday 15th April. All tapes are to be collected and will be examined by committee.

Week-end Schedule Plan:

Entertainments Committee has made a provisional Ents Program available.

Action-To be further examined by ECCNA22 committee.


Programme Schedule: Paschal outlined the need to develop the Week-End Programme schedule.

Action- To be included in next meetings agenda.

W/ end Event/ Programme Co-Ordinator:

Paul outlined the scope of the work involved and is considering delegating work to ad-hoc committees e.g. taking care of setting up meetings/ liaising with EDM delegates.

Niall provided pre-registration funds of €80.

Expenses- Travel (Niall-train from Cork) €55.50

-Receipt Books/ Stamps €12.75


Total €68.25

Agenda for next meeting


Communications/ P.R.


Hotel Rooms

Date to be set for Final Programme Schedule

Next Meeting to be held on Thursday, 21st of April, 2005 in the Salvation Army Hostel at 8.00pm.