Tuesday,15 June

12h00 / During the morning two meetings for INFORM core group members will be held in parallel:
1) Aco-ordination meeting between core INFORM members andparticipating Commission representations (COMM REP) plus DG REGIO staff to explore possibilities for increasing the visibility of Regional Policy in each Member State (room AB 1A)
2) A core group member meeting with DG REGIO, for those INFORM members, whose COMM REP cannot participate. The group will debate how the role of the INFORM core group could evolve. (room AB 1B)
The meetings take place in the Borschette Conference centre.
All COMM REPs were invited to participate, but especially those that could not attend the last INFORM conference in December 2009.Final confirmation of the participating COMM REPS will be available by 1 June.

Official beginning for all INFORM members

13h00-14h00 / Lunch and Registration of participants, Centre Borschette
14h00 –
14h15 / Plenary: General and core group meeting together
Opening remarks and chair of the meeting:
Raphaël Goulet, European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional Policy, Head of Unit; Communication, information and relations with third countries
  • Presentation of the agenda
Latest information from DG REGIO
14h15 – 14h30 / Presentation of conclusions from the morning session – trilateral meetings of participating Commission Representations, INFORM members and DG REGIO and outcome of INFORM core group discussion on their role in the future
15h30 /
  • Working with the media
    Ton van Lierop, Spokesman for the Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn

15h30-16h00 / Giving visibility to EU regional policy:
  • Impact and results of the 2000-2006 programme period
  • EU Regional Policy on Euractiv;

16h15 / Coffee break
16h15 –
18h00 / 3 parallel Workshops: Which actions help most to ensure visibility of EU Regional Policy in your programme area?
1)Experiences of Convergence and Cohesion Fund programmes
2)Experience of Competitiveness programmes
3)Experience of Territorial Co-operation programmes
All 3 workshops deal with the same question but from a different perspective. The aim of each workshop is to bring communicators together who face comparable conditions and challenges (e.g. size of TA budget, programme area or target audience)
Each workshop should agree on at least 2 positive examples but also one less successful communication action. The respective rapporteurs will present these in the plenary session.
1) Convergence/Cohesion Fund programmes (room ?):
Chair: tbd.
Portugal:Elisabete Quintas, "Good Stories of Innovation at Regional Level: the “Novo Norte” Awards Case"

Sachsen, Germany:: Andrea Decker; Matthias Vorhauer, Communication officers for the ERDF, SAXON STATE MINISTRY FOR ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, LABOUR AND TRANSPORT; "Making use of opinion polls to assess your publicity measures";

Rapporteur: tbd
2) Competitivenessprogrammes (room?) :
Chair: tbd
Brussels region: Giving visibility to EU projects in Brussels (tbc)
France, Bertrand Millet; Chargé de mission, DATAR:
Newportal for EU funds in France as of 17 June:

Rapporteur: tbd
3) European Territorial Co-operation Programmes (room?)
Chair: tbd
Presentation: Rasma Rozenberga, Communication Officer, Estonia - Latvia Programme;
"Lessons from the feedback and awareness survey of the
Estonia – Latvia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013";

Rapporteur: tbd
18h00– 18h30 / Plenary: presentation of the workshops' main findings and exchange of views
18h30 / Departure to networking dinner
Venue: Jazz station (ERDF co-financed), Chaussée du Louvain, 193a-195, 1210 Brussels

Wednesday, 16 June

09h00 / Morning coffee
09h30 –
10h30 / List of Beneficiaries – Looking at the road ahead
Expectations of the European Parliament: Presentation of Transparency report of the EP –
Presentation by Peter Fischer, Information and Communication Officer, European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional Policy, Communication, information and relations with third countries
Innovative Lists of Beneficiaries
South East Europe programme: Lelia Rotaru, Communication Officer, South-East Europe programme:

Lithuania:Akvile Zirguleviciute, Coordinator of EU Structural Funds for Communication Activities, Ministry of Finance

10h30-12h15 / 3 parallel workshops:
1. Innovative ways to attract media attention (and the difficulties involved)
Chair: TBD
Czech Republic, Ostrava, "The Cabaret of Europe initiative"Gabriela Kalocova, Project Manager, Regional Council of Moravia-Silesia Cohesion Region
Ostrava framed the promotion of EU regional policy in a wider European information event to attract more media attention.
Italy; Suzanne Ely, MIUR-DGAI- Ufficio IV, Autorità di gestione, Programmi Operativi Nazionali, FESR "Ambienti per l'Apprendimento; FSE "Competenze per lo Sviluppo",
"Une bonne pratique? un parcours semé d’obstacles"
Hungary, Judit Szücs, Communication officer, Hungarian National Development Agency:
"Go local! Multimedia campaign to promote EU regional policy funding opportunities"
Rapporteur: tbd
2. European Territorial Co-operation – exploring effective communication approaches
Chair: tbc
Presentation: INTERREG IVC programme; Nuala Morgan, Communication officer, "Effective communication of Territorial Co-operation programmes – the example of the INTERREG IV C programme"

Rapporteur: tbd
3. Taking stock of social media: Facebook, Twitter et al: When to use it and how
Is it worthwhile? For what sort of communications? Additional staff requirements?
Chair: tbd
INTERACT programme; Elise Blais, Interact point Vienna, Project officer:
"Using social media to promote a macro-regional strategy: the example of the Danube Region”;

Urbact; Laura Caldironi, Communication officer, Urbact programme secretariat :
"The use of social media in the Urbact programme"

Rapporteur: tbd
12h15-13h00 / Closing session in the plenary
  • Presentation of the workshops' conclusion and exchange of views
  • Announcements, events, next meetings:
  • 1st European Conference on Public Communication, Committee of the Regions and Région Wallonie
  • OPEN DAYS 2010 (4-7 October) ETC communication workshop
  • Next INFORM meeting in November in Madeira?

13h00 / Lunch, offered by the Commission, in the Conference Centre Borschette


G:\Evénements\Conférences-séminaires\2010\08 - INFORM V_ 15-16 June 2010\Agenda\INFORM V_15-16 June_Agenda_v02.doc