Book of Joshua Chapters 23& 24January 13, 2018Shabbat 10:00 Service

Chapter 23 / Chapter24
Key verse6:
“…be very firm about keeping and doing everything written in the book of the Torah of Moshe and not turning aside from it either to the right or to the left.” / Key verse15:
“If it seems bad to you to serve Adonai, then choose today whom you are going to serve!”
Being committed to the righteousness of YHVH rather than following the crowd is one mark of a godly person, firmly rooted in G-d! / Application:
When we choose the Lord in complete commitment, we shape our family’s future as well as our own.
1 / 23:1-13 / Y’hoshua, the commander and covenant leader gathered the people of Isra’el and reminded them of all the benefits YHVH had bestowed upon them, bringing them from a low estate (slavery) to a greater degree of glory and plenty. Crossing the Jordan and consecrating themselves had removed the reproach of Egypt which they had carried with them from the rebellions of their parent and from the sins of Ba’al-P’or (Num25; Josh. 5:9) Therefore,Y’hoshua calls for complete separation from the Canaanites. Adonai was, is and will be faithful to His promise and drive out the remaining Canaanites, only If Israel obeys. But He will also be faithful to His words of warning; if Israel was to turn to other gods, He will bring on His people all the evil He hadthreatened. (vv 12-16)
  • Do you need to be reminded of the benefits of YHVH?
  • Are you listening to the warning; not to be entangled again? (Gal 5:1, 2 Pe. 2:20)

2 / 23:12-13 / Y’hoshua calls for Isra’el to be separated; knowing that Isra’el was more likely to be tempted to follow pagan gods than to convert pagans. He does not leave them without understanding of how this would happen; he describes the slow process of their assimilation-they wouldintermarry and then associate (v7), invoke the names of their gods or swear by them. Today we are not to cut ourselves off from unbelievers (1 Cor. 5:9-11), but we’re to be watchful that friendships do not lead to alliance, intermarriage, and associating (Ps 1:1, 2 Co 6:14, Eph 5:11, 2 Th. 3:14) “they will become a snare and a trap for you, whipping your sides and pricking your eyes, until you perish from this good land which Adonai had given you”.
  • Are you watchful of the slow fade that may be happening in your life; that may be causing difficultness or unnerving relationships?

3 / 24:3-13 / Y’hoshua makes it clear to Isra’el that the basis for their relationship with Adonai is found in what He has done for them, not in what they supposedly have done for Him. In these verses it is very clear what Adonai has done. He said: “I took Avraham…I gave to Yitz’chak …To Esav I gave…I sent Moshe and Aharon… I inflicted the plagues on Egypt…I brought your fathers out…you arrived at the sea…I brought you into the land of the Emori…” This review of Israel’s history demonstrates that it was Adonai alone Who provided and granted their success. It is the same for us today; our relationship with Adonai is founded on what He has done for us, In Yeshua.
  • If Adonai spoke this message to you, what “I” statements might He make?

4 / 24: 14 / “Therefore, fear Adonai, and serve Him truly and sincerely. Put away the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve Adonai!” The choice is never between serving YHVH and personal freedom, the choice has always been between serving YHVH or the Adversary as your fathers. (John 8:44, 1 John 3:8-10)
  • Have you made a conscious resolution to put away the stronghold and false gods of your ancestors?

5 / 24:22, 27 / Y’hoshua tells Isra’el that they are witnesses against themselves, also Y’hoshua erected a stone at Sh’khem, written upon it were the laws and rulings, which he claimed would also serve as a witness against Isra’el, in case they deny their G-d; because it heard all the words of Adonai which He said to them. A witness is one who has personal knowledge of an event or a fact. Two witnesses were required for conviction (Nu. 35:30, De. 17:6; 19:15, 1Ki. 21:10, 13) no single witness alone is competent to attest or testify, there must be two. The wicked and guilty are unjust witnesses also, (Ex 33:1) this tells us that Isra’el was therefore able to be a witness because of their cleansing and the stone at Sh’khem represented as a signed legal document, a witness to their deliverance, their commitment (Josh 4:1-9) the change that had taken place within them (2Co 5:17) and Adonai promised Word of rescue. This action formed a conclusion to the covenant relationship which Adonai had established with the generation of the conquest.
  • What two witnesses could be used against you in YHVH’s court to attest to His compassion for you?
  • What is your response to YHV’s covenant promise?

Friends of the Bridegroom Ministries “Proclaiming the TRUTH by Divine Appointment”