Homework due 1/24/2017

Reading assignment for next class: Sullivan 2.2

Introduction to Statistics Online Edition (free textbook on vf-tropi.com) p.40-41, 66-74

or your own book, the chapter on “Frequencies” or “Histograms”

In January 2016, North Korea reported it had detonated a hydrogen (fusion or

thermonuclear) bomb

People have been skeptical as to whether that is true or not

Use the data in this table to decide whether you think the detonation was a regular old

atomic bomb or a hydrogen weapon

Nuclear Weapon Yield (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapon_yield)

Yields in kilotons (kT)

Date / Fission / Fusion / Unknown / Country
7/16/1945 / 18 / USA
8/6/1945 / 12 / USA
8/9/1945 / 18 / USA
8/29/1949 / 22 / USSR
10/3/1952 / 25 / UK
11/1/1952 / 10,400 / USA
11/16/1952 / 500 / USA
8/12/1953 / 400 / USSR
3/1/1954 / 15,000 / USA
11/22/1955 / 1,600 / USSR
5/31/1957 / 720 / UK
11/8/1957 / 1,800 / UK
2/13/1960 / 70 / France
10/31/1961 / 50,000 / USSR
10/16/1964 / 22 / PR China
6/17/1967 / 3,300 / PR China
8/24/1968 / 2,600 / France
5/18/1974 / 12 / India
5/11/1998 / 60 / India
5/28/1998 / 40 / Pakistan
5/30/1998 / 20 / Pakistan
10/9/2006 / 2 / North Korea
5/25/2009 / 1 / North Korea
2/16/2013 / 9 / North Korea
1/6/2016 / 14 / North Korea

1) I think the detonation was a (hydrogen or regular old atomic) bomb:

2) Because (explain your decision):

3) What is wrong with this graph?

4) Why does

the data

look so


in the two


5) Why is this graph misleading?

from: Elementary Statistics—Picturing the World page 59

6) Why is this graph misleading?

1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter / 3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter
20% / 15% / 45% / 20%

from: Elementary Statistics—Picturing the World page 59

7) The histogram represents the number of cell phones per household for a sample of

U.S. households.

How many households are included in the


a) 5000

b) 6000

c) 7000

d) 8000

Fruit / Sales
Grapes / 20
Carrots / 58
Watermelon / 37
Apples / 65
Bananas / 11

8) A grocer is deciding what fruit he should order for his store.

From the sales report below, choose the Pareto chart that

corresponds to the sales report:

a) b)

Apples Carrots Watermelon Grapes Bananas Bananas Grapes Watermelon Carrots Apples

c) d)

Bananas Grapes Watermelon Carrots Apples Grapes Carrots Watermelon Apples Bananas

9) The following data give the distribution of the types of computers owned by 1200

university students. Choose the pie chart that displays the data correctly.

Windows: 612

Macintosh: 552

Linux: 36

a)  b) c) d)

How to Do Graphs in Excel

Log on to my website: http://vf-tropi.com/

Click on: “Materials for 1st-year statistics class”

Click on: “How to Do Graphs in Excel”

This document will tell you how to do bar and pie charts in Excel

Click on: “Spreadsheet for Homework due Week 02 Class 1”

This spreadsheet contains the data from our container exercise the first day of class

You will use it to create a bar (column) chart and a pie chart

10) When the graphs are perfect, print your graphs and attach them to this sheet