Wisdom for the Family Pt4

Understanding Each Other’s Most Important Needs in Marriage

Sunday, February 25, 2018

  1. Wisdom for the Family
  1. God’s Intent and Purpose for Marriage (review)

1.(Pro. 24:3-4 AMP) Marriage is good because it’s God’s idea!

a.(Heb. 13:4 AMP) Commitment to the institution

b.Marriage (Greek-gameo)gem“fuse together”.

  • This process also describes the process of marriage. Getting married happens in minutes but building a marriage takes a lifetime.

c.Marriage is a companionship covenant, where a husband and wife join and become “one flesh” and together rule the earthly dominion of the kingdom.

d.“One flesh” is not the gluing of two people together but the fusion of two distinct elements into one.

  • Two chemicals fused together become another element altogether and cannot be separated.

2.(Eph. 5:21-33 NIV) Christ and the church the model.

  1. Who Meets Your Deepest Emotional Needs?

1.(John 4:4-18) Samaritan woman at the well.

2.The four basic emotional needs of all human beings:

a.Acceptance: knowing you are loved/needed.

b.Identity: knowing you are significant/special.

c.Security: knowing you are protected/provided for.

d.Purpose: knowing you have a reason for living.

3.Jesus is the only one who can provide these needs.

a.Acceptance (Eph. 1:4-5 AMP)

b.Identity (Eph. 2:10 AMP)

c.Security (Heb. 13:5b-6 AMP)

d.Purpose (Jer. 29:11 NIV)

  1. Understanding and Meeting Women’s Most Important Needs


a.A husband must communicate that he cares for his wife above anyone or anything except God.

b.A husband must communicate his admiration and love for his wife.

c.A husband must communicate his faithfulness.

d.A husband must communicate his dedication to provide financially.

  • Praying for God’s blessing and direction.
  • Aggressively seeking the best employment possible.
  • Being a hard and faithful worker.
  • Being a wise money manager.

2.Non-Sexual Affection

3.Open Honest Communication


  1. Understanding and Meeting Men’s Most Important Needs

1.Honor (Respect)

  1. Allow him to fail
  2. Honor him where you want him to be, not where he is.
  3. Cover his faults and reflect his strengths.


a.Understand the strength and importance of the male appetite for sex.

b.Understand the visual and physical nature of a man’s sexual appetite.

c.Be creative and sensitive.

3.Kindred Fellowship

a.Make an effort to be involved with your husband in the things he enjoys.

b.Do not mother your husband.

4.Domestic Support

a.When both spouses work household duties should be shared.