This month, Pope Francis prays for the Christians of Africa, so that they can be witnesses of peace

Pope Francis and the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network present the 17th edition of The Pope Video. This month, the Holy Father makes a heartfelt appeal for Christians in Africa, so that they can give a testimony of justice and peace.

(Vatican City, May 4, 2017) - Africa is not often at the center of headlines from around the globe. However, with his May prayer intentions transmitted through The Pope Video, Pope Francis is drawing attention to the tragedies that thousands of Africans endure every day.

“We cannot fail to see the fratricidal wars decimating peoples and destroying these natural and cultural resources,” warns the Pope. “Let us join with our brothers and sisters of this great continent, and pray together that Christians in Africa, in imitation of the Merciful Jesus, may give prophetic witness to reconciliation, justice, and peace,” he exhorts.

The Holy Father doesn’t focus exclusively on the problems faced by the inhabitants of the continent; rather Francis highlights the enormous intellectual, cultural and religious patrimony of these nations: “When we look at Africa, we see much more than its great natural richness.”

The video also highlights the joie de vivre and the reasons for hope that characterize Africans. But, at the same time, it stresses the urgent need to end conflicts that are decimating populations, as well as threatening the vitality of the African heritage.

In November 2015, the Holy Father visited Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic. Already then, he expressed concern about the growing violence in those countries. “You must be courageous…. Courageous in forgiving, courageous in loving, courageous in building peace,” he told young people there.He also assured them, “you will win the hardest battle in life; you will win in love.”

Jesuit Father Frédéric Fornos, international director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and the youth branch, the Eucharistic Youth Movement, notes how “the Pope has also denounced the shameful silence in the face of the massacres in North Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo).”“I was in this region in January of this year,” Father Fornos said. “There are members of the laity, nuns, friars and priests who courageously seek ways of dialogue and peace, denouncing the interests of many and risking their lives. For all of them, the words and prayers of Pope Francis are a great support.

The intentions are entrusted each month to the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and The Pope Video is produced by La Machi Communication for Good Causes with the support of the Society of Jesus, IndigoMusic, GettyImagesLatam, FundaciónHarambeeand the collaboration of the Vatican Television Center. It also has Aleteia as a media partner.Since its launch in January of 2016, it has had more than 13 million views on its networks.

The Pope Video is made possible thanks to the support of many people. You can donate at this link.

Where can I see the video?

  • Official site of the Pope Video
  • YouTube channel for the Pope Video
  • Facebook of the Pope Video

About The Pope Video
The Pope Video is a global initiative developed by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) to disseminate the monthly intentions of the Holy Father concerning the challenges facing humanity. The videos seek to unite people in praying with Pope Francis for those challenges. The Project has the support of the Vatican Television Center (CTV), sole owner of the rights. For more information:
About the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer)
For over a century, the Apostleship of Prayer has been publishing to the world the prayer intentions entrusted to them by popes. Now, in its process of recreation, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network emphasizes its role of communicating the prayer intentions and leveraging new media and tools. Its mission is to unite people in prayer and service in response to the challenges facing humanity which the Holy Father expresses in his monthly intentions. Those who participate in this network are encouraged to become apostles in daily life through a spiritual path called "Way of the Heart," transforming those who take that path in the service of the mission of Jesus Christ. Founded in 1844 and present in over 98 countries, the Apostleship of Prayer unites more than 35 million people in its network, including its youth branch, the Eucharistic Youth Movement. For more information:

About La Machi
The Pope Video is an idea of La Machi, a creative boutique specializing in communication to advance good causes founded in 2012, with offices in Barcelona, Buenos Aires, and Rome. Its mission is to help companies, NGOs, and religious institutions communicate their philanthropic purposes. It specializes in strategic communication, creative advertising, digital development, and fundraising. La Machi has been recognized as a "Friend of Project Red" (RIIAL) and won the 2015 & the 2016Mercury Prize for Best International SME of Marketing, awarded by the ArgentinianAssociation of Marketing. For more information:


Justiniano Vila - La Machi – Communication for Good Causes

- Skype: justivila

Barcelona: +34 657 485 093 - Vilafranca 7, 1º


La Machi – Comunicación para Buenas Causas.


La Machi – Comunicación para Buenas Causas.