Regional Campus Clerkship FacultyBenefits and Responsibilities

Benefits (Tangibles):

  • Receive a Clinical Faculty Appointment with the FSUCollege of Medicine.
  • Paid $500 per week (4 days) for each student.
  • Free access to FSU COM e-library resources (e.g. MDConsult, PubMed, etc.)
  • Free CME for participation in faculty development programs.
  • Faculty development programs provided to enhance teaching skills.
  • Signage designating ambulatory office as an FSUCOM teaching site.
  • Student can become helpful in patient care process.
  • Patients can receive more attention.
  • Students can be a resource for information via conducting literature searches, helping faculty learn about electronic resources, etc.

Benefits (Intangibles)

  • Continuous opportunity to learn (“To teach is to learn twice.”)
  • Opportunity to mentor and influence the next generation of physicians.
  • Opportunity to fulfill desire to teach.
  • Opportunity for renewal and refreshment of knowledge base.
  • Identification with the medical school is a positive impression on patients.
  • Positive reactions from patients about being seen by a medical student.
  • Opportunity to interact with physician colleagues around the issues of teaching and learning.


  • Teach 2-3 students per year.
  • Teach the student four days per week.
  • Participate fully in faculty development instruction to increase effectiveness and efficiency of the learning experience for both faculty and student. Six
  • Communicate regularly via e-mail with local clerkship administrator, clinical coordinator, Regional Campus Dean, etc.
  • Conduct an orientation (15-20 minutes) with student at beginning of clerkship in which expectations, learning needs, etc. are discussed.
  • Conduct a mid-clerkship evaluation with the student.
  • Conduct an end-of-clerkship evaluation with the student.
  • Provide feedback regularly to the student.
  • Actively teach during the clerkship by providing hands-on learning opportunities and increased responsibilities during the progress of the clerkship.
  • Follow core curriculum objectives provided by FSU-COM.
  • Educate office staff and allied health professionals in office relative to educational functions and procedures relative to being an office teaching site.
