NSPS UAS Committee

Conference Call 9AM Hawaii Time

Dial in (808)202-5200 Code #147806

Meeting Notes 5/8/2017

NSPS UAVSI / Member / Email / State
☒ / Amey / Craig / / MI
☐ / Baker / Cliff / / AK
☐ / Beers / Todd / / CO
☒ / Birth / Brent / / PA
☐ / Burch / Tim / / IL
☐ / CdeBaca / Carl / / NV
☐ / Craddock / Jim / / NC
☐ / Glantz / Chris / / OR
☒ / Guinther / Brad / / AL
☐ / Guyton / John / / CO
☒ / Hoffman / Jolene / / NV
☐ / Juhasz-anderson / Debi / / MT
☐ / Leavitt / Kim / / ID
☐ / McDougal / Jeff / / CN
☒ / Neathamer / Bob / / OR
☒ / Paiva / Joe / / KS
☐ / Southard / George / / CO
☒ / Williamson / Joanne / / HI

·  Introductions and attendance:

·  Review of notes from 4/10/2017, no corrections

·  New Business

·  Virtual Collaboration

·  Joe Paiva will set this up in the next few days and will send us instructions, as well as load up the template for the White Paper and the SOP (see following)

·  White Paper

·  Joe is providing a template as basis for us to work from using the Oakridge National Laboratories “An Early Survey of Best Practices for the Use of UAS for Electric Utilities Paper as a framework for topics.

·  Standard Operating Procedures.

·  Joanne created a table of contents for discussion and to build on. . The survey portion will need to be added.

·  Discussion on logs, SOP, and other manuals and paperwork:

i.  Brad put together their logs, manuals and checklists over the past few years. Sometimes it seems like overkill to his crew, but he finds it definitely helps maintain safety, standards and procedures.

ii. Brent-Is currently attending a conference for UAS put together by the PA State Survey Society, his impression coming into it is that there are so many rules, regulations and factors to take into account with an overwhelming amount of variables: what are the needs for each use case, hardware, software and protocols, And so, a lot of questions from procedural, technical and regulatory.

iii.  Joanne found it essential to turn the compilation of the SOP, manuals, logbooks, training standards and checklists for her company over to a consultant. It was a process, but the consultant compiled the topics based on other similar projects she has done.

iv.  Joanne will put together a proposal for the group to review for hiring technical writers so they can see if that is how we want to proceed.

·  NSPS Webpage –last meeting the group discussed using a dedicated page on the NSPS website as a robust resource page for UAS for surveyors. Per Trish and Curt this is possible. Any request involving funding needs to go to the executive board. Joanne will follow up on the webpage.

·  UAVSI Curt confirmed that is was permissible for the NSPS UAS committee reach out to UAVSI to assess membership options. Joanne filled out the request form on UAVSI.com on behalf of the committee and is waiting for a response. Chris Glantz is in discussion with his local Oregon chapter, and Brad Guinther presented on FAA regulations to his local chapter recently.



·  Brent: At the conference a speaker from NY; NY is proposing (or possibly put through) legislation requiring a licensed surveyor for ground control for UAS surveys.

·  Brad: is working with LA Tech, and there is a discussion on where the line is between ‘mapping’ and ‘survey”. The general consensus is if there is ground control it is ‘survey’

·  Craig: The focus should be on the work product not the technology used to generate the product.

·  Monitoring State legislation: (multiple input)

·  Most proposed legislation deals with privacy and safety concerns.

·  Often legislation proposed does not really make sense.

·  In Michigan a law was passed that, other than specifying launch and landing sites, only the state can create legislation.

How does NSPS assist each state in monitoring UAS legislation so as to filter out ill-advised law making?

·  UAS committee can create guidelines on appropriate UAS legislation and distribute to the state societies

·  State Society can put UAS legislation on the list that their lobbyist or board member monitors.

·  NSPS UAS Committee can create an active dialog with concerned states.

·  NSPS UAS should assess what AUVSI is already doing regarding legislation


All agreed it is worth the effort to proceed with this.

OTHER: Joanne will circulate a sign-up sheet for leads/co-leads for each of the topics above to make the workload more manageable. Per Joe Paiva’s suggestion she is also requesting a volunteer to co-chair the UAS committee.