
Telephone 0121 424 3236

Information for Patients

Seminal Fluid Analysis – Patient Information Leaflet

Instructions for booking a Detailed Seminal Fluid Analysis

  • You must book an appointment for your sample.
  • Please telephone (0121) 424 3236 and ask for an appointment for a detailed seminal fluid analysis.
  • When booking an appointment please state whether it is more convenient for you to deliver the sample to the laboratory at Solihull or BirminghamHeartlandsHospital.
  • Please bring the sample at the time and date allocated to Laboratory Medicine reception (Pathology reception). Please ensure you are certain of the location of your appointment. Please hand specimen directly to one of the laboratory staff.
  • Please inform reception staff on arrival that you have a semen sample for testing. Reception will inform a member of the laboratory team who will come to get the sample from you.
  • Please complete the request form and remember to bring it to the laboratory with the sample.

Instructions for the collection of a Seminal Fluid

  • If you are unable to attend your appointment, for whatever reason, please inform the laboratory (0121) 424 3236.
  • The seminal sample should be collected after a minimum of 2 days and no more than 7 days abstinence prior to the appointment.
  • The specimen should be collected by masturbation directly into the pot. Wash and dry hands and genitals before ejaculation. NB soap and water may affect result.
  • Do not use a condom or withdrawal method (coitus interruptus).
  • Do not add anything to the pot before or after collection of the sample.
  • Please ensure the lid of the pot is screwed on tight to prevent leakage.
  • The sample must be kept at body temperature between the time the sample was placed in the pot and its arrival at the laboratory. Spermatozoa are sensitive to extremes of temperature.
  • The sample must be delivered to the laboratory within one hour of production.
  • Please write your full name, date of birth, time and date of production of the sample on the pot.
  • At the laboratory you will be asked to complete a booking form stating:

-Time sample was produced.

-Whether you have abstained from sexual intercourse/masturbation for 2-7 days.

-Whether the entire sample was collected in container; and if not which portion was missing, first middle or last.

Please use the space below to write down any questions you may want to ask (please note laboratory staff may not be able to answer all your questions and may have to refer you to your doctor if clinical advice is required):

Seminal Fluid Analysis – patient information leaflet Page 1 of 2

Version 3 JANUARY 2013

Pathology Document Code – AN.F053