St Pauls Church Plaine Verte

Anglican Diocese of Mauritius

Sunday 24 February, 2008

Theme 2008: Choose Life! Sermon: Rev Dave Doveton

Readings: Ecclesiastes 3:9-14, Matthew 5:13-16.

Introduction: Christians in the workplace

As Christians we are called to be the light and salt in our world. We are called to make a difference – and God gives us the wisdom and power to make a difference. The bible gives us real help to deal with the issues of life in our world. Gods people have a calling to be concerned for the communities they live in ( Jeremiah 29:7, Romans 9:2-4, 10:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-4 ), for he determines where and when we should live (Acts 17:26,27).

The first Worker - The Lord

Genesis 1-3. The bible begins with a story of a great work. Our Lord God is introduced to us as a worker and creator, his nature as creator is revealed to us through his works –what he has made. We too are the result of his work. Our God is the originator too of the working week – 6 days we labour.

We are made to work – it is part of what gives meaning to life, we were created to ‘tend the garden’ ie to look after God’s creation (Genesis 2:15). But we are also told to rest – the seventh day is the day of rest Gen 2:1-3. The Sabbath day in the Old Testament was meant as not just a ‘holiday’ but as a ‘holy day’ a day when we stop and rest our bodies and minds, and also meditate on the word of God and on the things of God.

The Biblical Order:

1. Creation is there for our benefit, we do not serve creation, we are stewards of it. Thus we should never be slaves to our work – or workaholics, so that we neglect other things such as our marriage or families.

2. We get our living from our work, BUT God is the ultimate provider. He should come first in our work situation so that things go well for us: Psalm 127:1,2 “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain….It is in vain you rise up early and go lat to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil…” Thus don’t focus on your job, but on the Lord who gives you the job.

3. God means us to ENJOY our work Ecclesiastes 5:18,19; and the fruits of our labour. But if work is not an end in itself, neither is money Ecclesiastes 5:10, so don’t work to just make money, you will not find happiness.

Ecclesiastes 2:24 With God all work can be enjoyable.

4. God often rewards the righteous with what sinners have toiled for: Ecclesiastes 2:26

5. For Christians, work and material possessions are a means to bless others who are in need (Acts 2:42 ff). However that does not give license for some people to be idle and lazy. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12

6. Our whole lives are a witness to our faith.

Teachings for workers/employees:

Have the right attitude, even if others do not: Colossians 4:2 Act wisely and speak graciously. Colossians 3:22-23 This was meant for slaves and servants but could apply to employees. It does not give license though for ill-treatment. We work for others as for the Lord. In the end He will reward us for jobs well done – yes for the secular work you have diligently done, and no-one else has seen – God sees!

Teachings for employers:

Be just and fair towards your employees; pay them fair wages, treat them as you would want to be treated ( Matthew

James 5:1-6 If we are unjust towards those in our employ, we will fall under Gods judgement. He expects high standards from us.

In business be ethical, set good standards. Non-Christians watch to see how Christians behave – we must always be above reproach.

Never worry about losing contracts etc if it means you must compromise on Christian principles – the Lord will always honour you if you honour him ! There is nothing lost in the Kingdom – you will receive it back again someday.

In the workplace we must often relate to non-Christians and those who may treat us badly. Always be innocent as doves and wise as serpents ( Matthew 10:16, Colossians 4:5)

Dedicate your business/department to the Lord. Pray for your employees – some employers organize prayer times for their staff.

The unemployed: God is able to provide for you. He will give you right job at the right time. The Lord sometimes takes things away from us if there is something he wants to deal with in our lives. (health, job etc) Ultimately it is for our good.

Difficult Employer or fellow workers Our lives are a witness to our faith, so we are meant to shine as lights. This does not mean we can be arrogant or unteachable. God lifts up the humble – in due time he will change your situation. Often the Lord places us among difficult people because he wants to work on our character. He wants us to learn patience and humility and perseverance, and to do this he sometimes puts us in the fire. If we are humble we will grow, if we submit to Gods purpose we will come out better people, and useful to the Lord.

Bottom Line: Do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31) and Jesus summarises (Matthew 5:16); let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven – work, whether done to earn money (secular) or spiritual (purely for the Lord) should be well done and should be the fruit of faith.
