Comments on v4.4 F1101 and the forms

Dr. Lutz P. Michel / Julia Flasdick

19th of April 2005

  1. F2101 / section 2.1.2

Some of the questions in the form could be stated more clearly (in order to collect all relevant information stated in F1101):

Question 1): “Changes along time?” / “Finality and output profile of the course”?

Question 2): “Changes” are more like “purposes and effects”

Question 3): “Target User” – could be more detailed

Proposal: In most cases, we could use the terms and phrases of F1101. Basically, the applicant should be able to fill in the form without having to look at F1101 for any detail or instruction. Therefore, it could be helpful to give F2101 more structure by stating many very detailed questions instead of three more complex ones.

  1. F2102 / section 2.1.3

No. 4: Answers to the questions about time-plan of objectives:

  • Are those questions stated in the form by default?
  • What is meant by “time relations”? Only the sequence, or does the duration have to be mentioned, too?
  • We propose to say “preconditions” instead of “precedences” – the latter does not exist in pl., and as “precedence”, its meaning is not suitable for our context
  1. F2103 / section 2.1.4
  • We propose to say “interactive” instead of “interactional” (also in F1101, section 2.1.4)
  • General description of the course  the corresponding items are listed in F1101 under “criteria” – we suggest to put them in section “input”?!
  • “input” in 2.1.4 is a list of the questions mentioned in F2103. But in the other chapters, the “input” section defines the documents which have to be delivered.
  • In the description of the rationale there are some standards (in the sense of MMB) “hidden”, e.g.:
  • “A variety of interactive modes is offered.”
  • “The education environment provides a well-defined framework to assist students through the cours(es).”
  • “Students are given the opportunity to use various communication channels and tools.”
  • Didactic objectives, question 3.1: We propose to say “student entry level” instead of “student income level”
  • Didactic objectives, question 3.12: We should perhaps add another one or two question(s): How are the results of the quality assessment instruments mentioned evaluated? Which consequences are derived?
  1. F2104 / section 2.1.5
  • The hyperlink in the F1101 document refers to F2104, but in fact this is just another version of F2103 because only the headline / title of the document has been changed.
  • Most of the information needed is clearly stated, but the following aspects should be put more clearly in the form:
  • Impact of the learning process
  • Figures responsible: roles, tools, constraints
  • We should add a question concerning the described positive and negative experiences (question No 6 in the form): What has been done to solve the problems?
  1. A2201 / section 2.2
  2. Should there perhaps be an instruction how to fill in this form? Do we need it at all, anyway?!

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