Honors Geometry 1st Semester Exam Review

The exam format will be a mixture of multiple choice/matching and constructed response – where you show all of your work to arrive at your own answer. The constructed response will include several proofs. Partial credit will be awarded on the constructed response questions as long as the work is clearly shown and some knowledge of the skill being tested is demonstrated.

You will need a couple of pencils, an eraser, and a calculator. I will not have any of these items to lend to you, so you should bring your own (I don’t know yet which classroom you will be assigned – its room 46 at the moment).

You will be given your test file to study from for the exam. You should bring it back on the day of the exam. This counts as a five point bonus on the exam. If you don’t bring the test folder, then you get no bonus. Go through each chapter trying some of the homework problems we had and reworking your old tests and quizzes. Although the exam questions will not be taken from old tests, some will be similar.

This is an outline of what you need to know. There could be something on the exam that is not listed here. Likewise, everything here will not be on the exam.

Chapter 1: Points, Lines, Planes, and Angles

You should be familiar with the terms listed on page 53 under Vocabulary. You will not be asked to define them, but you should be able to recognize the definition and/or an example.

1. Graph an ordered pair and/or name the ordered pair given the graph;know the quadrants

2. Determine whether or not three or more points are collinear

3. Know that the three undefined terms are point, line, and plane

4. Know the Segment Addition Postulate and be able to use it

5. Know the Distance, Midpoint on a Number Line, Midpoint in the Coordinate Plane formulas and be able to use them.

6. Measure an angle in degrees

7. Know the Angle Addition Postulate and be able to use it.

8. Classify an angle as acute, obtuse, right, straight.

9. Classify pairs of angles as linear pair, vertical angles, supplementary angles, complementary angles and be able to work problems dealing with their measures

10. Do algebraic problems dealing with segments, angles, etc.

Chapter 2:Reasoning and Introduction to Proof

1. Construct truth tables to determine truth values of compound statements.

2. Show that a conjecture is false by finding a counterexample

3. Write a conjecture based on given information. Determine whether it is true or false.

4. Identify the hypothesis and conclusion of an if-then statement

5. Write if-then statements (called conditionals)

6. Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of a conditional and determine whether each is true or false.

7. Know that postulates 2-1 through 2-7 are true. I will not ask you to state them, but they could be in a true-false section

8. Recognize examples of the Law of Detachment. Use the Law of Detachment to state a valid conclusion given appropriate statements

9. Recognize examples of the Law of Syllogism. Use the Law of Syllogism to state a valid conclusion given appropriate statements

10. Given two statements, determine whether or not a conclusion can be made using the Law of Detachment and/or the Law of Syllogism

11. Know how to write an algebraic proof.

Chapter 3: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

1. Know the definition of "skew lines" and what the difference between skew and parallel is

2. Given two lines (not necessarily parallel) and a third line that intersects he first two, name pairs of angles that are alternate interior, alternate exterior, corresponding, consecutive interior.

3. Know and be able to use the Corresponding Angle Postulate, Alternate Interior Angle Theorem, Consecutive Interior Angle Theorem,Alternate Exterior Angle Theorem, and Perpendicular Transversal Theorem. You may state them in words if you do not remember the names of them

4. Use the above theorems to solve algebraic problems

5. Use theorems and postulates to prove two lines are parallel.

6. Write a two-column proof involving parallel lines

7. Find slopes of lines

8. Write equations of lines in slope-intercept, point slope or standard form

9. Know the shortest distance from a line to a point not on the line is the perpendicular segment from the point to the line

Chapter 4: Congruent Triangles

1. Classify a triangle according to angles and according to sides

2. Identify sides that are the base, legs, hypotenuse, etc. Identify angles that are base angles, vertex

3. Know and be able to use the Angle Sum Theorem, Third Angle Theorem, and Exterior Angle Theorem

4. Determine whether or not two triangles are congruent and name the correspondence

5. **Use the SSS postulate, ASA post., SAS post., and AAS post. to prove triangles congruent. These will be used along with other postulates and theorems from earlier chapters

6. Know and be able to use the HA Theorem, LL theorem, LA theorem, and HL theorem.

7. Know facts about isosceles triangles, and use the Isosceles Triangle Theorem and its converse in proofs and in algebraic problems

Chapter 5: Relationships in Triangles

1. Know, be able to recognize, and be able to draw the altitudes, medians, angle bisectors, and perpendicular bisectors of a triangle and their respective points of concurrency (will not use system of equations to locate the points of concurrency).

2. Know that there are three of each of the items in #1 for each triangle

3. Know and be able to use the Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem

4. Know and be able to use the Triangle Inequality Theorem. Given three numbers, can they be the lengths of the sides of a triangle.

6. Given the lengths of two sides of a triangle, determine the possible lengths of the third side of the triangle.

7. Understand and be able to use the SAS Inequality Theorem (Hinge Thm.) and the SSS Inequality Theorem. (There will be no proofs involving these.)

Chapter 6: Proportions and Similarity

(As much of this as we cover before the exam)

1. Recognize and use ratios and proportions. Set up and solve a proportion for a geometric problem or a real life problem.

2. Identify similar figures and solve problems involving similar figures. Know the conditions necessary for two polygons to be similar.

3. Use the Similarity Postulate and Theorems to show two triangles similar: AA Similarity Post., SSS Similarity Theorem., SAS Similarity Theorem. You do not need to remember whether it is a postulate or a theorem.

4. Use proportional parts of triangles to solve problems.

5. Use the following theorems to solve problems: If two triangles are similar, then the measures of the perimeters, corresponding altitudes, angle bisectors, and medians are proportional to the measures of the corresponding sides. An angle bisector in a triangle separates the opposite sides into segments that have the same ratio as the other two sides.

Study hard! I know you can do a great job on the exam.

Don’t forget to bring your test folder, calculator and pencil to the exam.