Anatomy & Physiology H Syllabus

Mrs. Jamie Edmonds, NBCT / Phone: 843-398-2681 Room: 303
Website: / Planning Period: 1st Period
Email: and (use both when sending assignments)


·  Textbook: Biology of Humans 3e (2009), by Goodenough, McGuire, and Wallace, Pearson Education, Inc.

·  Binder: (should be 2 inch or larger) specifically for Anatomy & Physiology work with chapter tabs

·  Plastic Portfolio Folder with Fasteners

·  Paper, Pencils, Pens

·  Colored pencils

***Students planning on continuing on in the medical field may find an Anatomy & Physiology coloring book to be very beneficial. There are several available in bookstores and on-line for reasonable prices. The book will serve as a tool to assist learning and will remain a reference for many years to come.

Grading Policy:

Grades will be determined using a Total Points System* based on the following items:

·  Exams/Quizzes

·  Homework/Portfolio

·  Labs & Lab Reports

·  Notebooks

*Late homework will NEVER be accepted, for ANY reason.

*Late Labs/Major Assignments will lose 5 points a day for EVERY day late, including Saturday & Sunday.

Grading Scale:

The South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale: Passing grade is 70.

93-100% A 85- 92 % B 77- 84 % C 70- 76 % D

Extra Credit: There are extra credit opportunities available at various times in the semester (for example, every test has extra credit). DO NOT ask for additional extra credit opportunities…if you do your work right the first time, you will not need to do EXTRA work!!!

Make Up Work:

·  It is the student’s responsibility to get and complete make-up work within 5 days of their return. After this time, the grade will become a zero.

·  If a student is absent the day before a test, but the test was announced a day when the student was present, the students will be expected to take the test with the class.

·  Make-up tests may not be taken during class. Students must make arrangements to take the test at another time (tutorial, after school) within 2 days of return.

·  Missed labs will be made up after school by appointment with the teacher (you have ONE week to schedule. After this time, the grade will become a zero.) If you are not permitted to participate in lab for ANY reason…you must “piggy-back” the work of another student—this will affect your grade.

Daily Classroom Procedures:


o  sharpen pencils

o  turn in work, if necessary

o  complete Bell Work

o  be ready for class…DO NOT waste my time—I don’t have it to waste

o  If you were absent—it is YOUR responsibility to pick up missed assignments.

Classroom Expectations:

1.  Respect yourselves, others and your environment. Treat others how you expect to be treated.

2.  Be in your seats when the bell rings. Stay seated and on task until I dismiss you (not the bell).

3.  Talk with permission only. DO NOT talk while I am talking.

4.  Remain awake (no heads on desk).

5.  Be on time and prepared for class with ALL required materials.

6.  Obey all school rules, including ID, tardy policy and dress code.

7.  No eating or drinking in class. No gum.

8.  Work hard, turn in your assignments on time, and STUDY!

Incentives for meeting class expectations:

·  Praise!

·  Additional “fun” activities, movies, labs, and projects.

·  Review games.

·  Extra credit opportunities/Homework passes

Consequences for not meeting expectations:

·  Warning (Verbal or Nonverbal)

·  Detention during a “free” tutorial

·  Parental Contact

·  Office referral


·  This course is a dual-credit course in which you will earn college credit through Francis Marion University. The course outline, topics and labs have been determined by university professors. The course will move at a very rapid pace!

·  If you are having a hard time with the material presented in class, COME SEE ME! Please let me know and we can work on it together. Do not wait until a few days before the exam to get help if you are having trouble. The sooner you get help the better! I am more than happy to review material with you until you understand.

·  Keep up with the reading for lecture material! Don't try and cram a whole chapter (or more) worth of material in the night before an exam. This never works.

·  Come to class and take notes! Some material I present in class will not be covered in the textbook but you are still responsible for that material on quizzes and tests.

Course Outline

*Sequencing of content is subject to change at teacher discretion

Fall Semester
Week / Topic / Chapter
1-3 / ·  Introduction to Human Biology
·  Terminology / 1
LAB: Scientific Method
4-5 / ·  Chemistry / 2
LAB: Osmosis & Diffusion
LAB: Enzyme Metabolism
EXAM 1: Chapters 1-2
6-7 / ·  Chromosomes and Cell Division / 19
LAB: DNA & Mitosis
8-10 / ·  Principles of Inheritance / 20
LAB: Human Genetics
LAB: Electrophoresis
11-12 / ·  Evolution / 22
LAB: Evolution
EXAM 2: Chapters 19-20, 22
13-14 / ·  The Integument / 4
15-17 / ·  The Skeletal System / 5
LAB: Human Skeleton
EXAM 3: (Chapters 4-5)
18 / MIDTERM EXAM (Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 19, 20, 22)
Spring Semester
Week / Topic / Chapter
1-4 / ·  The Muscular System / 6
LAB: Anatomy 1 (Cat dissection)
5-7 / ·  The Nervous System / 7 & 8
LAB: Sensory & Reflex Physiology
8 / ·  Endocrine System / 10
EXAM 4: (Chapters 6-8, 10)
9-10 / ·  The Circulatory System / 11 & 12
LAB: Cardiovascular Physiology
11-13 / ·  The Digestive & Urinary System / 15 & 16
LAB: Calorimetry
14-15 / ·  Reproductive System / 17
LAB: Anatomy 2 (Cat dissection)
EXAM 5: (Chapters 12, 15-17)
FINAL EXAM (all material covered in the course)