
English 10

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapter Presentation Rubrics

Presentation Rubric (25 points) – Individual Grade

Exceptional / Strong / Capable / Developing
Mastery of Chapters / Displays mastery of knowledge. Gives details from the text, analysis and explanations. / Displays above average knowledge of the subject with some use of details, analysis and explanations. / Displays basic knowledge of subject. Needs more details, analysis and explanations. / Displayed little understanding of topic. Uses minimal details, analysis and explanations.
Poise / Relaxed, confident, no fidgeting or fillers.
Appropriate movement. / Generally relaxed and confident. Some minor fidgeting or use of fillers. / Does not seem relaxed or confident. Fidgeting or filler use became distracting / Notably nervous and unsure. Excessive fidgeting or filler use
Tone / Spoke loudly and clearly. Engaging tone that drew the audience in. / Spoke clearly with a professional tone. / Sometimes hard to hear or understand. Tone rarely engaged the audience / Hard to hear or understand. Tone did not engage the audience.
Synergy with partner(s) / Works seamlessly with partner during presentation. Actively listens to partner(s) / Works fairly well with partner(s) during presentation. Actively listening most of the time. / Rough transitions between partners or lack of support for each other. Not always paying attention. / Complete lack of fluidity between partners. Not paying attention while partner was speaking.
Audience engagement / Engages the majority of the class and gets the audience interested in topic / Engages most of the class and gets the audience open to the topic / Does not make enough of an effort to get audience engaged or interested / Does not make an effort to get audience engaged or interested

PowerPoint Rubric (25 points) – Group Grade

Exceptional / Strong / Capable / Developing
Content / Gives clear understanding of topic. Information is accurate and clearly cited.
Analysis is thoughtful and intriguing. Engages audience with ideas and/or questions. / Gives clear understanding of topic. Information is accurate and clearly cited. Analysis is well developed. / Does not fully cover topic. Information is accurate but not always cited.
Analysis lacks depth and needs more new ideas. / Does not fully cover topic. Some information is inaccurate and not cited. Analysis is missing or underdeveloped.
Writing Mechanics / The text is written with no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling. / The text is clearly written with little editing required. / Many errors in mechanics are distracting or impair readability / Flagrant errors in mechanics distract and impair readability.
Text/ Layout / Font sizes are easy-to-read and vary. Use of italics, bold, and bullets to enhance readability. Text length is appropriate. Layout of information is pleasing. / Some fonts are easy-to-read. Either lack of or over use of readability enhancers in some areas. Text length is appropriate. Layout of information is clear. / Overall readability is difficult. Odd font sizes, too much or too little text. Layout is too busy or too plain. / Text is extremely difficult to read due to size and amount. Either lack of or over use of readability enhancers that confuse audience.
Graphics, Sound and/or Animation / Graphics assist in presenting an overall theme and enhance the understanding ideas. Creative & clear attention to presentation. / Graphics used to create flow for the audience. Clear attention to presentation. / Graphics used but do not necessarily flow. More attention to presentation needed. / Not enough graphics used. Poorly thought out and presented. Needs more effort.
Fluidity / Both content and visuals flow seamlessly from one slide to the next. Progression of slides build from one to the next. / Both content and visuals have a sense of flow. Progression of slides makes sense. / Content OR visuals have a sense of flow. Slide order could be more fluid. / Lacks cohesion. Slide order does not make sense and is hard to follow.