Board of Health



☐Jill Domek☐Joe Leal☐Jerry Jimison ☐Ross Farber

☐Adam Gartner☐Meghann Gambee☐Tracey Miller☐Cindy Heidt

Staff present:

☒Timber Dempewolf☒Kevin Pena

Guests:Laureen Murphree, Jen Fladager

Agenda item / Discussion / Follow-up
Introduction of Guests / No introductions.
Review and approval of minutes / Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes from 1/25/16, seconded by Ross.
Old Business:
New Business:
Health Department Report
PHEP / Review of Communicable Disease Annex- This is a hazard-specific annex to the Dawson County All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan. Our plan has remained the same as the State has used our plan as a model. The lab sample transport plan also remained unchanged except for updating contact information.
Regroup- 411 people are signed up to date. In Dawson County we have approximately 3300 households so we still have some work to do. Ideally we would like to get everyone to give their full name and address so that we will be able to use the GPS function.
Communicable Disease / Flu- there hasn’t been any deaths or hospitalizations due to influenza. We have had one outbreak in the nursing home with 11 residents and 4 staff ill. GMC did a fantastic job of responding to this outbreak. Everyone who was exposed was prophylaxed.
Of the flu positives reported 79% were unvaccinated, 14% B+, 26% A+ and 60% of the screenings didn’t differentiate between A and B.
There was also a GI outbreak at Head Start. This incident was also handled very well by the Head Start staff.
EMVH had 6 cases of pneumonia in 2 days ended up with 8 cases total.
Tobacco /
  • New e-cig rules took effect January 1, 2016
  • Need a License to sell alternative nicotine or vapor products
  • $5 fee
  • Illegal to sell e-cigs to anyone under the age of 18
  • Illegal for a minor to be in possession of an e-cig
  • Quit Line numbers
  • Dawson: 20
  • Through With Chew Week, February 21-27, 2016
  • Put up a booth at the basketball game on February 4 and the students met people at the door and explained how tobacco companies target kids at the Point of Sale and discussed the harms of tobacco. They used the theme, “Don’t let Big Tobacco hunt you down and make you their target.” They passed out camo pens and koozies.
  • Kick Butts Day, March 16, 2016
  • Middle School reACT kids held the Honk and Wave. 50 students participated and Mayor Jimison was there as well.
  • 8th National Summit on Smokeless and Spit Tobacco (NSST) in Albuquerque, NM on April 18-20, 2016
  • FDA launched new rural spit tobacco campaign
  • Went to workshop that gave a lot of activities to use with students in the schools
  • Learned about various social media outlets
  • Listened to a great speaker that had mouth cancer.
  • Trading Card Kids
  • Applications were due last Friday
  • Interviews on May 11.

Community Health Assessment / The Health Department and GMC have partnered to complete a community needs assessment. Surveys have been sent out to 800 random homes, when returned participants will have a chance to win one of 5 $100 Chamber bucks or one of 10 $50 gift certificates.
Three focus groups were held last Wednesday, April 27th. The office of Rural Health will be compiling the results. A community health improvement plan will then be developed and completed by the end of June.
Week of the Young Child / Week of the Young Child May 2-6
Activities scheduled
  • Tuesday Kid’s Carnival in the basement of the Library 10:30-11:30
  • Thursday Children’s Health Fair 3:00-6:00 at the EPEC
  • The Health Department in conjunction with the BCBS Care Van will be at Washington School Thursday morning May 5th to provide adolescent vaccines for 6th grade students and then will move to the EPEC for the Children’s Health Fair to provide Kindergarten immunizations.
  • Friday at 10:00 there will be a parade followed by “a day in the park” this is a day full of activities for preschool aged children.

Kindergarten Registration / Kindergarten registration will be held at DCHS auditorium May 3-4 8:00-4:00
Sanitarian Report
Kevin has hired Janice Opp for the summer as an environmental health specialist. She will be assisting Kevin in completing inspections. The goal for is to complete 90% of facilities to receive all of the funding.
There will be a public nuisance hearing 5/3/16 about a property on S. Pearson Ave.
There are also a couple active public nuisance cases in the county that have made some progress since the County Attorney has been involved.
Kevin continues to work on revision of septic system regulations as he has time.
Health Officer Report / None
Other Discussion Items / The ambulance director is requesting to hire an assistant director. This will be a new position for the City of Glendive. There is also a request for a new ambulance, this would increase the number of ambulances to 4.
The Fire Department has purchased a new areal fire truck and expects it to arrive May 24th or 25th.
Community Cleanup week was April 24-30, the County, City and WBI all donated $1000 to cover dump fees.
Cleanup of the downtown began with the painting of the old Chamber building by the Greater Glendive Community Foundation.
Schools- An emergency generator is scheduled to be installed in June at DCHS.
Makoshika Estates- All residents will be moved by the end of the week.
Splash Park is scheduled to open 6/1/16. Repairs to the pool should be completed in the next 2 weeks so the pool will be open to the wet devils 6/1/16 and to the public 6/8/16.
Adjournment / Ross made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Adam
Meeting Adjourned at 2:02

Next meeting –July 18 1:15

Notes by: Timber Dempewolf