/ ExMC/638/DL
September 2010
Referenced Agenda ExMC/615C/DA
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ExMC – IECEx Management Committee

List of Confirmed Decisions

2010 ExMC Berlin Meeting


This document provides a list of the ExMC Decisions from the ExMC meeting held 2+3 September 2010 in Berlin.

Decisions 1 – 29 (Day 1 Decisions) were confirmed during the Day 2 ExMC meeting proceedings with the remaining decisions being confirmed by the IECEx Chairman and Officers, following the meeting.

This list of Confirmed Decisions is now submitted for information and action of the ExMC Members. The Decisions are recorded according to the respective Agenda items detailed in ExMC/615C/DA.

A full set of the minutes of the ExMC meeting and action list will be prepared for Members review via correspondence, shortly.

The IECEx Chairman and Officers wish to congratulate all Members and participants to the IECEx 2010 Berlin meetings for their active participation and overall spirit of cooperation to complete an extremely full week long programme.

A further special note of thanks goes to the German National Committee and sponsors for an efficient and most enjoyable set of meeting arrangements. These arrangements ensured a very successful 2010 IECEx meeting series.

Chris Agius

IECEx Executive Secretary

Level 7
286 Sussex Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Australia / Tel: +61 2 8206 6940
Fax: +61 2 8206 6272


Decision 2010/01

The Meeting approved the Draft Agenda ExMC/615C/DA

3.2Matters arising from these minutes

3.2.1Report on Actions arising from the 2009 ExMC Melbourne Meeting

Decision 2010/02

The Meeting accepted a report on the actions arising from the Melbourne 2009 Meeting, with the Secretariat agreeing to give priority to the DE request for updating the list of Assessors to show capability and utilization.


Decision 2010/03

The Meeting accepted the Secretariat’s report ExMC/621/R, containing an overview of the IECEx System activities acknowledging the continued and sustained year by year growth of +30% of the IECEx.

5.3.4Certification needs of Wind Turbine Industry

Decision 2010/04

In noting the report from the CAB Chairman, concerning TC 88 Wind Turbines, Members agreed to advise CAB that we need to be mindful that wind generators may be installed in Explosive atmospheres.

6.4.1 New ExCBs and ExTLs accepted, via correspondence, since ExMC meeting Melbourne2009.

Decision 2010/05

The Meeting accepted the report detailing the list of ExCBs and ExTLs accepted via correspondence detailed in ExMC/627/Inf.

6.5 Applications for Extension of Scope

Decision 2010/06

The Meeting accepted the report detailing the list of scope extensions allocated to ExCBs and ExTLs as detailed in report ExMC/617/Inf.


7.1 Status on surveillance of accepted ExCBs and ExTLs

Decision 2010/07

Meeting noted US will be submitting to the Officers suggestions concerning the management of assessment for initial consideration by the Officers.

7.2 IECEx 5 year Re-Assessment

Decision 2010/08

The Meeting accepted the report detailing the list of Re-assessment reports of ExCBs and ExTLsas detailed in report ExMC/631A/Inf.

7.3.1Report from WG2 Convener,Secretary toreport

Decision 2010/09

The Australian nomination ofMr Steve Bentham as Convenor of WG2 was accepted.

Decision 2010/10

In noting the resignation of Mr Carpenter as WG2 Convener, the ExMC recorded a special note of thanks to Mr Phil Carpenter for his sterling work as Convener of WG2 for TGDs.

7.4 Assessment procedures – Revision of OD 003

7.4.1New Operational Document OD 003 Part 2 – Assessment and Surveillance of ExCBs and ExTLs (Revision in part of OD 003)

Decision 2010/11

After consideration of ExMC/618/CD, it was agreed to amend Clause 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 and align the text in each Clause. In addition the complete document to be reviewed by the Secretary for consistency and then forwarded for publication.

7.4.2Report from ExMC WG4 Technical Reference Group for Assessment of ExCBs and ExTLsReport from ExMC WG4 Convenor, Mr Munro

Decision 2010/12

In thanking Mr Munro both for his report as WG4 Convener, green paper document ExMC(Berlin/WG04)08, and the excellent work of WG4, the meeting noted current ExMC consideration of the future for WG12 and possible transformation into a Committee and agreed that ExMC may need future consideration concerning scope of work of WG4.


8.1Amendment to the IECEx Basic Rules, IECEx 01 Edition 4

Decision 2010/13

Members agreed for document ExMC/619/CD to go to CAB, as presented, for consideration. However if during consideration of this matter at the CAB meeting in Seattle a different view is expressed the Chairman and Secretary have authority from ExMC to make changes at the CAB meeting with a view to resolving this issue.

8.3Publication of IECEx 02

Decision 2010/14

Agreed for the Secretary to review document IECEx 02 with regards to the inclusion of dusts following a comment from Japan.

8.5IECEx Certificate of Personnel Competency Scheme

8.5.3 IECEx WG12 IECEx CoPC Scheme

In addition to ExMC/620/R, Green paper ExMC(Berlin/WG12)07 was presented for consideration, with the following decisions recorded:

Decision 2010/15

ExMC agreed with the WG12 recommendation and endorsed Mr John Allen as Deputy Convenor of WG12.

Decision 2010/16

ExMC agreed that the WG12 “in-principle” proposal that WG12 be reconstituted as a Committee reporting directly to ExMC be referred to a 30 day vote by ExMC via correspondence. If the vote is positive the matter will be referred to the Officers for implementation.

Decision 2010/17

ExMC agreed that the German comment on the clarification of the title “handbook” should be referred to WG12 for consideration in light of harmonisation of titles within the IECEx System documents and therefore agreed to have WG12 consider the term “Guide” which is currently in use within the IECEx System.


9.2IECEx Unit Verification Certification

Decision 2010/18

After consideration of Document ExMC/524A/CD Members agreed that the document go forward for publication with the changes recommended by WG1.

[Secretariat Note: WG1 recommendations referred to above are contained in ExMC(Berlin/WG1)02]


10.2Report from WG10 Convener

Decision 2010/19

The Meeting accepted the report ExMC/636/R from Mr. Theo Pipjker as Convener and looks forward to progress of their work.


11.2 IECEx WG1 Review of Scheme Rules

Decision 2010/20

Green paper document ExMC(Berlin/WG1)02 was considered and the recommendations contained in the document were accepted as detailed below.

Unit verification accepted.

Agree that there was no need to change the present situation with regards to the life of Equipment CoCs.

Agree Ad hoc WG within WG 1 continue consideration on the life of Components CoCs.

Agree that WG 11 be reactivated to create Operational Document for Licensed Equipment. This would require a call by the Secretariat to the national Committees for membership of WG11.

Decision 2010/21

ExMC Agree to request that WG1 should meet well in advance of the next ExMC to allow time for the Membership to adequately review any proposals, especially regarding the life of Component Certificates.

11.3 IECEx WG5 Management of Quality System Assessments of Manufacturers

Decision 2010/22

Green paper document ExMC(Berlin/WG5)03 was considered and the three recommendations were accepted. Again, ExMC requested WG5 to meet well in advance of the next ExMC meeting to allow sufficient time for Members to consider proposals, especially regarding the future of OD 005.

11.4IECEx WG 14 Good Working Practise

Decision 2010/23

ExMC Agreed with the recommendations of the Officers reflected in ExMC/630/CD and that WG14 conduct a comparison review between the Draft GWP and that of TC 31 and report back to ExMC.


12.3 Operational Aspects of IECEx Conformity Mark Committee

12.3.1Recommendations from ExMarkCo

Decision 2010/24

The recommendations contained in Document ExMarkCo/25/R were accepted except for the ExMarkCo Decision 2010/06 which is to be referred back to ExMarkCo for further consideration.

In addition the following decisions were taken during consideration of the report.

Decision 2010/25

The Australian proposal in Green paper ExMC(Berlin/AU) 05that “No fees should be charged for use of IECEx Mark by the IECEx System” should be maintained and reflected in OD 019,was accepted.

Decision 2010/26

Agreed that the Australian proposal concerning possible partial funding for IECEx experts to attend promotional events be referred to the IECEx Officers for further consideration.

Decision 2010/27

Agreed that Mr John Allen be appointed to ExMarkCo as a representative of Repair Facilities.

12.4Appointment of ExMarkCo Chairman

Decision 2010/28

In expressing their thanks for the excellent work and leadership of Mr Duffy as the first Chairman of the IECEx Marks Committee, the ExMC unanimously agreed to appoint Mr Duffy for a second 3 year term as Chairman of ExMarkCo.


13.1 Report from ExTAGBerlinMeeting

The Green paper report ExMC(Berlin/ExTAG)09 contained two Items for reference tothe ExMC in Item 8 of the report and these were accepted.

Decision 2010/29

ExMC reviewed the issue of an ExTR being issued to cover part of testing and assessment to Standards and agreed with the ExTAG view that this is required and further agreed that to ensure this is provided within the IECEx 02 rules the Secretary prepare an amendment to IECEx 02 to allow ExTRs to have partial testing and be circulated for ExMC voting.


Review of day 1 decisions.

Members noted the 29 decisions recorded in Draft Document ExMC(Berlin/Secretariat)10 (Draft Version displayed on screen)

Decision 2010/30

Members confirmed the list of recorded decisions (1 – 29) from the Day 1 meeting proceedings Document ExMC(Berlin/Secretariat)10 with the following editorial correction:

Decision 04 – Reference should be to Agenda Item 5.3.4

13.2Testing at other locations – work of ExTAG WG6

Decision 2010/31

The meeting in noting document ExTAG/186A/CD thanked the convenor Mr Maalouf and members of the WG for all the hard work and agreed that the document should be forwarded for publication now incorporating the changes to 6.10 proposed by ExTAG and a slightly modified item c) to read

c) Tests of the relevant industrial standards (nonEx Standards)

It was further agreed that comments made with regards to the need for further work in Clause 6.10 be referred back to the ExTAG WG 6 for review and preparation of a draft revision specifically to provide more structure as it relates to the issue of “control of manufacturers” under Clause 6.10. A new draft for consideration by National Committees should be made available within 6 months.

As a result of this decision, the meeting agreed to explore if there is a need to revise text within IECEx 02 to ensure alignment with the new OD 024.


15.1General matters

Decision 2010/32

The meeting agreed that the Secretariat’s report, presented during the ExTAG Training session be issued as a green paper and requested members to circulate this green paper to all interested parties, especially among ExCB and ExTL staff.

15.2On-Line review of CoCs, ExTRs, QARs

Decision 2010/33

The meeting agreed that the Secretariat report displayed on the screen be issued as a green paper document.


Decision 2010/34

The meeting noted document ExMC/626/CD and the date of 15 September 2010 by which comments are to be received by the Secretary, following which the draft 4th edition will proceed for publication.


17.2 UN ECE Project

Decision 2010/35

In noting a verbal report from the Secretary, Members agreeing that the recommendation from Russia, that the UNECE CRO document use the IECEx peer assessment model for evaluation of Test Labs and Certification bodies, in lieu of accreditation, be forwarded by Russia to UNECE.

17.4Report from WG 8 to receive a report from the WG8 Convener Dr U. Klausmeyer, concerning work on Regulatory recognition of IECEx.

Decision 2010/36

The meeting agreed that there should be a call for members to join WG 8 so some new work could begin.

The meeting agreed with the following nominations

-AU, Mr Ron Collis

-RU, Mr Vitaly Grudtsyn

-US, to nominate

17.5Update on matters relating to IMO and TC 18

Decision 2010/37

The meeting accepted report ExMC/632/Inf as presented by Mr Andersen.


Decision 2010/38

The meeting noted document ExMC/622/CD containing a draft IECEx Business plan and agreed that the Business Plan be published.

It was further noted that WG13 will continue to review the Business plan and propose amendments as required, such as the GB suggestion to identify actions to mitigate the risks listed in Item 10 of the Business Plan.


20.1 2009 Accounts

Decision 2010/39

The meeting in noting Document ExMC/616/CD, the 2009 audited accounts, endorsed the document, for submission to CAB for approval.

20.3IECEx General Reserve Policy

Decision 2010/40

The meeting reviewed document ExMC/623/CD which contained 4 proposals from WG13 with regards to generating the agreed IECEx General Reserve to cover 2 years operating costs, with Members agreed to adopt Option 4.

The German comment to the previous AU proposal for partial funding of delegates to certain promotional events be referred to Officers, as previously agreed.

France suggested a possible change to fee structure, with members agreeing for France to make an initial proposal to WG13.

Members were requested to provide further nominations for membership of WG13.

France expressed interest in becoming a member of WG13

20.4IECEx 2012 + 2013 Forecasted Draft Budget Guide

Decision 2010/41

The meeting reviewed document ExMC/628/CD containing a forecast Budget Guide. This document is to be used to prepare the formal budget for 2012 at the beginning of 2011 depending of the 2010 results and agreed for the Treasurer and Secretary to use ExMC/628/CD as the basis for the 2012 Draft Budget that will be prepared early 2011.

20.5 IECEx Scheme Participation Fees

Decision 2010/42

The meeting agreed that the only change required to OD 019 (System Fees) arising from this meeting is the matter related to no fee for IECEx Mark License fee.

The Treasurer also reminded Members of the Surcharge fee for late payment of invoices, as contained in OD 019.


Decision 2010/43

In reviewing the list of Working Groups, the meeting noted the change to WG 2 with the appointment of Mr Steve Bentham of AU and reactivation of WG 11.

Also a reminder from the Secretariat to inform them of changes to members contact details.


22.1 Norway proposal concerning assessment / certification of Training Bodies

Decision 2010/44

In considering an initial suggestion from NO for amechanism to assess/quality/recognize Training Bodies or their training subject matter that may be providedin support of the new IECEx CoPC Scheme, Members agreed to refer this to the IECEx Officers for initial consideration.

22.2 RU Proposal for Certificate of Membership

Decision 2010/45

The meeting agreed with the RU proposal to introduce a “Certificate of Membership” to be issued to IECEx Member Bodies.

22.3 AU proposal for a User Forum within IECEx

Decision 2010/46

The meeting agreed to refer the suggestion of a User Group within IECEx to the IECEx Officers for consideration.

Meeting Closed 12.15 pm on 3 September 2010